by Barry Stingmore | Jun 2, 2023
People fall in love with cats for a variety of reasons: character, appearance, or even just a connection they feel when they first meet. Hereditary medical problems are probably not a consideration. The heart wants what it wants, and you can’t control which...
by Barry Stingmore | Jun 2, 2023
The popular Maine Coon comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns, with the tabby Maine Coon being one of the most well-known of all. One look at their stunning coats and it’s easy to see why they are in such demand! Below, we’ll get to really know...
by Barry Stingmore | May 22, 2023
We know that spinach is one of the most popular green leafy vegetables all over the world and is even considered a super-food for people But, do the benefits transfer to your feline friend as well or should you be cautious of feeding this human food to your cat? The...
by Barry Stingmore | May 16, 2023
The different Siberian cat colors and patterns astonished cat lovers and animal enthusiasts worldwide. These little kitties are present in almost every color and coat pattern imaginable. If you want to know about the history of these amazing felines, all the color...
by Barry Stingmore | May 16, 2023
A tabby cat’s personality is just as alluring as its coat. These felines have mastered the art of carving their home in a human’s heart. One of the most legendary cats in the history of cats is a Tabby. You may think that tabby cats are distinct cat breeds...
by Barry Stingmore | May 15, 2023
When it comes to the Maine Coon cat’s personality traits, there is a lot to be said. These wonderfully soft and huge felines have been popular pets for decades. If you are planning to add a Maine Coon to your family, here is all you need to know about these...
by Barry Stingmore | May 12, 2023
If you’re curious to learn about the Siamese cat’s personality, stick around. This popular cat is known to be an intelligent breed that can easily get along with its human family. Their personality traits make them excellent family pets. However, there are...
by Barry Stingmore | Apr 14, 2023
If you think distinguishing between the different types of Siamese cats is quite a tough job, you are probably right. Many cat owners, breeders, and animal lovers struggle to identify a Siamese cat properly. To simplify the identification process and make your life...
by Barry Stingmore | Apr 13, 2023
Why does my cat attack her tail? Is your cat chasing her tail aggressively? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Read on to find out why she does it and whether it’s something to worry about. Why Does My Cat Attack Her Tail? Several pet owners have...
by Barry Stingmore | Apr 3, 2023
If you are looking to adopt an uncommon cat, the Highland Lynx cat (also called the “Highlander Lynx”) just might be the one for you! But before you bring this furry feline home, you’ll want to learn a bit more. Below, I’ll dig deep into this...