Can Cats Eat Whipped Cream? Is it Safe or Toxic?

Can Cats Eat Whipped Cream? Is it Safe or Toxic?

Can cats eat whipped cream? As a vet, I get this question a lot! Whipped cream is a dairy product. It is cheap, sweet, and incredibly delicious. No wonder why cats may be tempted to eat it! However, is it suitable for our felines to eat? Let’s find out! Is...
Why Do Cats Lick Then Bite? 5 Most Common Reasons

Why Do Cats Lick Then Bite? 5 Most Common Reasons

Why do cats lick and then turn right around and bite you? Your cat will lick you, which is perceived as being affected, and then turn right around and give your skin a healthy chomp. We decided to share the most common reasons on why do cats lick then bite. Continue...
Home Remedies For Worms in Cats! Natural Dewormer For Cats

Home Remedies For Worms in Cats! Natural Dewormer For Cats

Deworming cats can be difficult, but there are some at-home solutions that you can make use of. From using turmeric to carrots, these solutions have the potential to work well. However, it should be noted that, since every cat is different, you should always consult...
7 Reasons Why Your Cat’s Eyes Are Always Dilated

7 Reasons Why Your Cat’s Eyes Are Always Dilated

Why are my cat’s eyes always dilated? A cat is able to constrict and dilate its pupils, just like any human. This controls the amount of light entering their eyes and is important for vision in bright and dim lighting. If a cat’s eyes are always dilated,...
Why Do Cats Flop Down In Front Of You? 6 Most Common Reasons

Why Do Cats Flop Down In Front Of You? 6 Most Common Reasons

Cats are strange creatures, and that’s something we can all agree with. They can be nice, and they can be a nightmare. Sometimes they do weird things – like flop down in front of you for seemingly no reason. What does that mean? Truth is, there are a...
Why Are Brown Cats Rare? Decoding the Genetics

Why Are Brown Cats Rare? Decoding the Genetics

If you live on Earth, you’ve probably noticed that cats come in all weird and wonderful colors. Sure, maybe there are no pink or green kitties (unless you dye them), but there are plenty of other variations! Some colors are incredibly common when it comes to...
Guard Cats: Breeds That Will Keep Your Home Safe

Guard Cats: Breeds That Will Keep Your Home Safe

Is there such a thing as a guard cat? For example, will your cat spring to action and attack an intruder to protect you? Is there a specific breed that’s more likely to guard you than others? Is it possible to train a cat to become a guard cat? If these...
11 Innovative Cat Litter Alternatives for Modern Pet Owners

11 Innovative Cat Litter Alternatives for Modern Pet Owners

When we first heard about the concept of cat litter alternatives, we were skeptical about their effectiveness compared to traditional options. However, it made us reflect on why we were using store-brand cat litter without considering other alternatives. Our lack of...
Decoding Weird Cat Behaviors: Inside the Mind of a Cat

Decoding Weird Cat Behaviors: Inside the Mind of a Cat

Ever wonder why your cat does such strange things? They are known for their quirky and often weird cat behaviors. So often, cats get a bad rap for being serious, particularly as compared to dogs. Just because cats tend to be more independent and stoic, that...
Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? 3 Most Common Reasons

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? 3 Most Common Reasons

Ah, the life of a housecat. They are happy, loved, and regularly fed, and, let’s be serious, they tend to rule the house. As if that weren’t enough, they also get to nap all day. A mature cat may sleep 16–20 hours a day, and kittens sleep even more...