Last Updated: 10 months ago

On the hunt for some amazing tuxedo cat names?

I’ve got you covered!

Below, I came up with a grand total of 450 different ideas, with plenty each for males and females.

We have SO much to look at, so let’s just jump right into the best names for tuxedo cats.

Tuxedo Cat Names For Males

a tuxedo cat with white marking on the chest and paws

Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, and Ludwig van Beethoven all owned tuxedo cates?

  1. Admiral
  2. Aesop
  3. Alabaster
  4. Albino
  5. Alcott
  6. Alder
  7. Aldous
  8. Alfonso
  9. Alfred
  10. Ansel
  11. Ash
  12. Asher
  13. Ashford
  14. Atwood
  15. Avalancha
  16. Babka
  17. Bandit
  18. Barcode
  19. Bear
  20. Benedict
  21. Berkeley
  22. Berlin
  23. Blanc
  24. Blot
  25. Bones
  26. Boo
  27. Boop
  28. Bowtie
  29. Brair
  30. Brandson
  31. Brently
  32. Broderick
  33. Burhbank
  34. Butler
  35. Calhoun
  36. Carlton
  37. Carmichael
  38. Carter
  39. Casper
  40. Catson
  41. Chairmin
  42. Channing
  43. Charlie
  44. Chaucer
  45. Cheetah
  46. Cheshire
  47. Chess
  48. Chinstrap
  49. Chuck
  50. Clark
  51. Cleveland
  52. Dalmation
  53. Daniel
  54. Desmond
  55. Dickens
  56. Doonesberry
  57. Dot
  58. Dyke
  59. Edison
  60. Edmund
  61. Eldridge
  62. Everest
  63. Faith
  64. Faulkner
  65. Fedora
  66. Ferris
  67. Finn
  68. Frank
  69. Franklin
  70. Garcon
  71. Gentleman
  72. Geoffrey
  73. George
  74. Geraldo
  75. Ghost
  76. Gideon
  77. Goatstrap
  78. Goldwin
  79. Gomez
  80. Gustav
  81. Handsome
  82. Harlowe
  83. Hartford
  84. Holstien
  85. Hulk
  86. Hyde
  87. Igor
  88. Jacques
  89. James
  90. January
  91. Jarvis
  92. Java
  93. Java
  94. Jazzy
  95. Jeckle
  96. Jeeves
  97. Jefferson
  98. John
  99. Karl
  100. Kayden
  101. Keane
  102. Keaton
  103. Keats
  104. Keats
  105. Kendrick
  106. Kenji
  107. King
  108. Kingston
  109. Lancelot
  110. Lemur
  111. Leopard
  112. Loki
  113. Lucifer
  114. Lunar
  115. Lux
  116. Lyndon
  117. Macbeth
  118. Madden
  119. Maestro
  120. Marble
  121. Mask
  122. Maul
  123. Mickey
  124. Mint
  125. Mischief
  126. Mistoffelees
  127. Mittens
  128. Mocha
  129. Mufasa
  130. Muttonchop
  131. Mystery
  132. Nala
  133. Norman
  134. Nutmeg
  135. Ocra
  136. Officer
  137. Olive
  138. Onyx
  139. Oreo
  140. Oxford
  141. Panther
  142. Patty
  143. Penguin
  144. Pepper
  145. Pew
  146. Picasso
  147. Pixel
  148. Polar
  149. Pongo
  150. Powder
  151. Preston
  152. Prince
  153. Puma
  154. Quinote
  155. Raven
  156. Redmond
  157. Retro
  158. Rockwell
  159. Rooney
  160. Royal
  161. Sabon
  162. Salavador
  163. Saltman
  164. Scar
  165. Scat
  166. Shiro
  167. Simba
  168. Sinclair
  169. Sky
  170. Slyvester
  171. Speck
  172. Splatter
  173. Spot
  174. Spuds
  175. Stedman
  176. Steinway
  177. Stripe
  178. Sushi
  179. Talcum
  180. Tan
  181. Thom
  182. Tiberius
  183. Tigger
  184. Tim
  185. Vader
  186. Venom
  187. Vintage
  188. Wallace
  189. Walrus
  190. Washington
  191. Weib
  192. Wes
  193. Wesley
  194. William
  195. Willie
  196. Winter
  197. Wit
  198. Wolverine
  199. Zima
  200. Zorro

Tuxedo Cat Names For Females

tuxedo cat growling behind the wall

Your tuxedo kitty probably carries herself with the same grace as Rihanna, Hilary Clinton, Celine Dion, or Ruby Rose do.

No matter what breed of cat she might be, she certainly looks chic with her stylish fur tux and fancy pants.

Now wouldn’t you want to give her a stunning name that defines her?

Here’s a list of amazing for tuxedo cat names for your kitties.

  1. Abitail
  2. Addams
  3. Alaska
  4. Alley
  5. Amberose
  6. Amewlia
  7. Angel
  8. Ariel
  9. Ashley
  10. Astaire
  11. Aubrey
  12. Balbo
  13. Balley
  14. Barney
  15. Berliz
  16. Betty
  17. Bianca
  18. Blair
  19. Blaney
  20. Cadhla
  21. Calico
  22. Cantinflas
  23. Catalina
  24. Catalope
  25. Catamari
  26. Catams
  27. Cate
  28. Catherine
  29. Catie
  30. Catifornia
  31. Catleb
  32. Catmila
  33. Cato
  34. Catpurrrnicus
  35. Cattage
  36. Cattherine
  37. Catti
  38. Chalky
  39. Charcoal
  40. Cinder
  41. Cindy
  42. Clancy
  43. Clare
  44. Clare
  45. Claus
  46. Clawdia
  47. Clawsome
  48. Cleocatra
  49. Cloud
  50. Cookie
  51. Cotton
  52. Cream
  53. Cruella
  54. Cummerbund
  55. Daisy
  56. Dameron
  57. Dania
  58. Dara
  59. Diamond
  60. Dinah
  61. Dolly
  62. Dottie
  63. Dove
  64. Duchess
  65. Dudley
  66. Eabha
  67. Elsa
  68. Emarald
  69. Feeny
  70. Feline
  71. Fitso
  72. Flakey
  73. Fleas
  74. Fleas
  75. Florence
  76. Flower
  77. Fluffy
  78. Freckes
  79. Fred
  80. Frida
  81. Frosty
  82. Furances
  83. Furnando
  84. Furrdiand
  85. Garibaldi
  86. Godiva
  87. Goldie
  88. Goldie
  89. Grace
  90. Gucci
  91. Hairy
  92. Harlequin
  93. Harmony
  94. Heidi
  95. Hogal
  96. Hope
  97. Hulihee
  98. Imogen
  99. Inky
  100. Ivory
  101. Jasmine
  102. Jennifer
  103. Jessicat
  104. Kane
  105. Kelly
  106. Keys
  107. Kit
  108. Klondike
  109. Lady
  110. Ladybug
  111. Love
  112. Lucat
  113. Luna
  114. Madison
  115. Magic
  116. Maltese
  117. Manchu
  118. Marie
  119. Marilyn
  120. Marlene
  121. Marshmallow
  122. Meochael
  123. Mewoses
  124. Minnie
  125. Misty
  126. Moira
  127. Muffin
  128. Nabmaw
  129. Nelly
  130. Neo
  131. Neville
  132. Nicola
  133. Nimbus
  134. Noir
  135. Norse
  136. Oedipuss
  137. Oleander
  138. Opal
  139. Orla
  140. Pawdoma
  141. Pawl
  142. Pawla
  143. Pawmer
  144. Pawmfrey
  145. Pawtunia
  146. Pearl
  147. Perdita
  148. Petil
  149. Pinstripe
  150. Poe
  151. Polkadot
  152. Poppy
  153. Princess
  154. Puffin
  155. Purrie
  156. Purrincess
  157. Purrsley
  158. Purrune
  159. Queen
  160. Rachel
  161. Rebeus
  162. Riona
  163. Ritsy
  164. Rivera
  165. Roisin
  166. Rose
  167. Rosebud
  168. Rowan
  169. Rufus
  170. Ruggero
  171. Sabina
  172. Sassy
  173. Shadow
  174. Shady
  175. Shamu
  176. Shannon
  177. Show White
  178. Sirius
  179. Sith
  180. Smokey
  181. Smudge
  182. Snape
  183. Snowy
  184. Soul
  185. Speckles
  186. Stormy
  187. Stripey
  188. Sturgis
  189. Sugar
  190. Swirl
  191. Tabitha
  192. Toulouse
  193. Twilight
  194. Verdi
  195. Whitey
  196. Wyat
  197. Yeti
  198. Yosemite
  199. Zappa
  200. Zendaya
tuxedo cat sleeping on the couch

Tuxedo cats come in different patterns of coats and colors. Some even have white patches splashed all over a dark coat, while others have a solid color on their paws, crown, tail, etc.

They are not always black and white either and can be grey, orange, etc. Here’s a list of stylish and cute names for your dapper feline friends.

  1. Albatross
  2. Blake
  3. Britton
  4. Carlton
  5. Chandler
  6. Checkers
  7. Chester
  8. Chilly
  9. Chop
  10. Coco
  11. Coffee
  12. Domino
  13. Donegal
  14. Duke
  15. Ebony
  16. Edgar
  17. Expresso
  18. Felix
  19. Figaro
  20. Gatsby
  21. Gibson
  22. Gunslinger
  23. Hamlet
  24. Hayes
  25. Ice
  26. Luigi
  27. Marble
  28. Mario
  29. Mignight
  30. Milo
  31. Nebula
  32. Neckbeard
  33. Panda
  34. Patches
  35. Pebbles
  36. Pepe
  37. Priest
  38. Puffin
  39. Roschach
  40. Shenandoah
  41. Skunk
  42. Snoopy
  43. Snowball
  44. Socks
  45. Spade
  46. Vanilla
  47. Wednesday
  48. Willy
  49. Woopie
  50. Zorro

Closing Thoughts

Now you have lists of various male and female tuxedo cat names for your stylish-looking feline friend.

Choosing the right name for your tuxedo cat doesn’t have to be a challenging process.

You can pick cartoon names, like Sylvester from Looney Tunes. You can name your pet after famous cats like Blackie the millionaire, or an actor who pulls off tux really well, like Beyonce.

I hope that our list of tuxedo cat names will help you pick the right name for your dapper pet – something that you’ll both love!

What are your favorite Tuxedo cat names? We’d love to hear your choices below!

gorgeous Tuxedo cat

Olfa T
Olfa T

Olfa knows how to get things done and has a keen business sense that others admire. She’s always on the go, coming up with new ideas! Her ability to anticipate the needs of her readers and deliver information that they want is what makes CatVills such a success. She loves cuddling her cat Picaciu. He is her inspiration.