Last Updated: 1 year ago
On the hunt for some amazing tuxedo cat names?
I’ve got you covered!
Below, I came up with a grand total of 450 different ideas, with plenty each for males and females.
We have SO much to look at, so let’s just jump right into the best names for tuxedo cats.
Tuxedo Cat Names For Males

Did you know that Sir Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, and Ludwig van Beethoven all owned tuxedo cates?
- Admiral
- Aesop
- Alabaster
- Albino
- Alcott
- Alder
- Aldous
- Alfonso
- Alfred
- Ansel
- Ash
- Asher
- Ashford
- Atwood
- Avalancha
- Babka
- Bandit
- Barcode
- Bear
- Benedict
- Berkeley
- Berlin
- Blanc
- Blot
- Bones
- Boo
- Boop
- Bowtie
- Brair
- Brandson
- Brently
- Broderick
- Burhbank
- Butler
- Calhoun
- Carlton
- Carmichael
- Carter
- Casper
- Catson
- Chairmin
- Channing
- Charlie
- Chaucer
- Cheetah
- Cheshire
- Chess
- Chinstrap
- Chuck
- Clark
- Cleveland
- Dalmation
- Daniel
- Desmond
- Dickens
- Doonesberry
- Dot
- Dyke
- Edison
- Edmund
- Eldridge
- Everest
- Faith
- Faulkner
- Fedora
- Ferris
- Finn
- Frank
- Franklin
- Garcon
- Gentleman
- Geoffrey
- George
- Geraldo
- Ghost
- Gideon
- Goatstrap
- Goldwin
- Gomez
- Gustav
- Handsome
- Harlowe
- Hartford
- Holstien
- Hulk
- Hyde
- Igor
- Jacques
- James
- January
- Jarvis
- Java
- Java
- Jazzy
- Jeckle
- Jeeves
- Jefferson
- John
- Karl
- Kayden
- Keane
- Keaton
- Keats
- Keats
- Kendrick
- Kenji
- King
- Kingston
- Lancelot
- Lemur
- Leopard
- Loki
- Lucifer
- Lunar
- Lux
- Lyndon
- Macbeth
- Madden
- Maestro
- Marble
- Mask
- Maul
- Mickey
- Mint
- Mischief
- Mistoffelees
- Mittens
- Mocha
- Mufasa
- Muttonchop
- Mystery
- Nala
- Norman
- Nutmeg
- Ocra
- Officer
- Olive
- Onyx
- Oreo
- Oxford
- Panther
- Patty
- Penguin
- Pepper
- Pew
- Picasso
- Pixel
- Polar
- Pongo
- Powder
- Preston
- Prince
- Puma
- Quinote
- Raven
- Redmond
- Retro
- Rockwell
- Rooney
- Royal
- Sabon
- Salavador
- Saltman
- Scar
- Scat
- Shiro
- Simba
- Sinclair
- Sky
- Slyvester
- Speck
- Splatter
- Spot
- Spuds
- Stedman
- Steinway
- Stripe
- Sushi
- Talcum
- Tan
- Thom
- Tiberius
- Tigger
- Tim
- Vader
- Venom
- Vintage
- Wallace
- Walrus
- Washington
- Weib
- Wes
- Wesley
- William
- Willie
- Winter
- Wit
- Wolverine
- Zima
- Zorro
Tuxedo Cat Names For Females

Your tuxedo kitty probably carries herself with the same grace as Rihanna, Hilary Clinton, Celine Dion, or Ruby Rose do.
No matter what breed of cat she might be, she certainly looks chic with her stylish fur tux and fancy pants.
Now wouldn’t you want to give her a stunning name that defines her?
Here’s a list of amazing for tuxedo cat names for your kitties.
- Abitail
- Addams
- Alaska
- Alley
- Amberose
- Amewlia
- Angel
- Ariel
- Ashley
- Astaire
- Aubrey
- Balbo
- Balley
- Barney
- Berliz
- Betty
- Bianca
- Blair
- Blaney
- Cadhla
- Calico
- Cantinflas
- Catalina
- Catalope
- Catamari
- Catams
- Cate
- Catherine
- Catie
- Catifornia
- Catleb
- Catmila
- Cato
- Catpurrrnicus
- Cattage
- Cattherine
- Catti
- Chalky
- Charcoal
- Cinder
- Cindy
- Clancy
- Clare
- Clare
- Claus
- Clawdia
- Clawsome
- Cleocatra
- Cloud
- Cookie
- Cotton
- Cream
- Cruella
- Cummerbund
- Daisy
- Dameron
- Dania
- Dara
- Diamond
- Dinah
- Dolly
- Dottie
- Dove
- Duchess
- Dudley
- Eabha
- Elsa
- Emarald
- Feeny
- Feline
- Fitso
- Flakey
- Fleas
- Fleas
- Florence
- Flower
- Fluffy
- Freckes
- Fred
- Frida
- Frosty
- Furances
- Furnando
- Furrdiand
- Garibaldi
- Godiva
- Goldie
- Goldie
- Grace
- Gucci
- Hairy
- Harlequin
- Harmony
- Heidi
- Hogal
- Hope
- Hulihee
- Imogen
- Inky
- Ivory
- Jasmine
- Jennifer
- Jessicat
- Kane
- Kelly
- Keys
- Kit
- Klondike
- Lady
- Ladybug
- Love
- Lucat
- Luna
- Madison
- Magic
- Maltese
- Manchu
- Marie
- Marilyn
- Marlene
- Marshmallow
- Meochael
- Mewoses
- Minnie
- Misty
- Moira
- Muffin
- Nabmaw
- Nelly
- Neo
- Neville
- Nicola
- Nimbus
- Noir
- Norse
- Oedipuss
- Oleander
- Opal
- Orla
- Pawdoma
- Pawl
- Pawla
- Pawmer
- Pawmfrey
- Pawtunia
- Pearl
- Perdita
- Petil
- Pinstripe
- Poe
- Polkadot
- Poppy
- Princess
- Puffin
- Purrie
- Purrincess
- Purrsley
- Purrune
- Queen
- Rachel
- Rebeus
- Riona
- Ritsy
- Rivera
- Roisin
- Rose
- Rosebud
- Rowan
- Rufus
- Ruggero
- Sabina
- Sassy
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shamu
- Shannon
- Show White
- Sirius
- Sith
- Smokey
- Smudge
- Snape
- Snowy
- Soul
- Speckles
- Stormy
- Stripey
- Sturgis
- Sugar
- Swirl
- Tabitha
- Toulouse
- Twilight
- Verdi
- Whitey
- Wyat
- Yeti
- Yosemite
- Zappa
- Zendaya
Popular Tuxedo Cat Names

Tuxedo cats come in different patterns of coats and colors. Some even have white patches splashed all over a dark coat, while others have a solid color on their paws, crown, tail, etc.
They are not always black and white either and can be grey, orange, etc. Here’s a list of stylish and cute names for your dapper feline friends.
- Albatross
- Blake
- Britton
- Carlton
- Chandler
- Checkers
- Chester
- Chilly
- Chop
- Coco
- Coffee
- Domino
- Donegal
- Duke
- Ebony
- Edgar
- Expresso
- Felix
- Figaro
- Gatsby
- Gibson
- Gunslinger
- Hamlet
- Hayes
- Ice
- Luigi
- Marble
- Mario
- Mignight
- Milo
- Nebula
- Neckbeard
- Panda
- Patches
- Pebbles
- Pepe
- Priest
- Puffin
- Roschach
- Shenandoah
- Skunk
- Snoopy
- Snowball
- Socks
- Spade
- Vanilla
- Wednesday
- Willy
- Woopie
- Zorro
Closing Thoughts
Now you have lists of various male and female tuxedo cat names for your stylish-looking feline friend.
Choosing the right name for your tuxedo cat doesn’t have to be a challenging process.
You can pick cartoon names, like Sylvester from Looney Tunes. You can name your pet after famous cats like Blackie the millionaire, or an actor who pulls off tux really well, like Beyonce.
I hope that our list of tuxedo cat names will help you pick the right name for your dapper pet – something that you’ll both love!
What are your favorite Tuxedo cat names? We’d love to hear your choices below!