Last Updated: 12 months ago
Who wouldn’t want to choose fun and cute cartoon cat names for their pets?
Cartoons were our happy place, our Saturday morning joy, and a major part of our childhoods.
If you are a cat parent, one of the best ways to honor the shows that made your Saturdays brighter is by naming your fur baby after your favorite cartoon character!
Keep reading to check out my favorites!
Cartoon Cat Names for Males

If you are confused about what might be a great name for your little man, here’s a list of my all-time favorite male cartoon cat names!
- Ace
- Achilles
- Admiral
- Ajax
- Aladdin
- Alex
- Alibi
- America
- Ami
- Apollo
- Ash
- Augustus
- Autocat
- Babbit
- Bagheera
- Bagpuss
- Bandit
- Banjo
- Barry
- Baxter
- Beans
- Beerus
- Benny the Ball
- Bill
- Billy Boss
- Binky
- Binx
- Black Bean
- Blizzard
- Bob
- Bobcat
- Bojack
- Bonkers D.
- Boo
- Brain
- Branya
- Bravo
- Bucky
- Butch
- Calvin
- Casper
- Cat
- Cat in the Hat
- Catbus
- CatDog
- Catstello
- Cedar
- Chance
- Chaos
- Cheshire Cat
- Chester
- Chi
- Chloe
- Chococat
- Choo Choo
- Chowder
- Claude Cat
- Cleo
- Cletis
- Colby
- Courage
- Courageous
- Cringer
- Crookshanks
- Custard
- D.C. (That Darn Cat)
- Dan
- Danny
- Darwin
- Dexter
- Dickory
- Doc
- Dodsworth
- Donald
- Doraemon
- Dydo
- Eek
- Evil
- Fantomcat
- Fat Cat
- Felicia
- Felix
- Figaro
- Finn
- Floyd
- Fluffy
- Fraidy Cat
- Francis
- Fred
- Fritz
- Frodo
- Frosty
- Furrball
- Futurama
- Garfield
- Garnett
- Gideon
- Gizmo
- Gnocchi
- Gumball
- Gus
- Happy
- Heathcliff
- Hector
- Henry
- Hercules
- Hickory
- Hobbes
- Jackson
- Jake
- Jax
- Jerry
- Jess
- Jiji
- Jim
- Julien
- Julius
- Kat
- Katnip
- Kitty
- Klondike Kat
- Kowalski
- Leodore
- Leopold
- Lionheart
- Louie
- Lucifer
- Marley
- Marty
- Mason
- Master Korin
- Maurice
- Melman
- Meow
- Meowth
- Mickey
- Milo
- Mirage
- Mittens
- Mochi
- Mort
- Morty
- Mr. Bigglesworth
- Mr. Jinks
- Mr. Kitty
- Mr. Mumbles
- Mr. Tinkles
- Murphy
- Musafa
- Nelson
- Nermal
- Nicole
- Nyamsus
- Oggy
- Olive Oyl
- Oliver
- Oreo
- Peg Leg Pete
- Peppo
- Pete
- Phil
- Pink Panther
- Pinocchio
- Popeye
- Prince John
- Private
- Proud Heart Cat
- Punkin Puss
- Pusheen
- Puss in Boots
- Pussyfoot
- Raja
- Rick
- Rico
- Riff-Raff
- Road Runner
- Rocky
- Ruff
- Rufus
- Sabor
- Salem
- Sam
- Sammy
- Sanrio
- Sassy
- Sawyer
- Scar
- Scaredy Kat
- Scooby-Doo
- Scratchy
- Sebastian
- Shadow
- Shere Khan
- Si
- Simon
- Skipper
- Smokey
- Snagglepuss
- Snooper
- Snoopy
- Snowball
- Spook
- Spot
- Stimpy
- Stinky
- Streaky the Supercat
- Sylvester
- T-Bone
- Teddy
- Thackery Binx
- The Kitten
- The Simpsons
- Theo
- Thubanian
- Thunder
- Tiger
- Tigger
- Timmy
- Tom
- Tony
- Top Cat
- Vitaly
- Vitani
- Watterson
- Winston
- Yogi
Cartoon Cat Names for Females

Your sweet, beautiful, girl kitty can also grow up with a lovely name based on a cartoon series.
There are many cute girl cat names out there to fit the look and personality of your gorgeous girl, inspired by cartoon characters that are stunning in every aspect, from the way they look to the bravery they show.
Here’s a list of some amazing female cartoon character names that you can give to your female furry friend.
- Abby
- Alice
- Ames
- Angel
- Annie
- Apollo
- April
- Arlene
- Arlo
- Armani
- Artemis
- Arya
- Asher
- Ashton
- Aslan
- Athena
- Atlas
- Atticus
- Baby
- Bailey
- Bam-Bam
- Baron
- Battle Cat
- Bean
- Bella
- Belle
- Bentley
- Berlioz
- Beverley
- Blue
- Bonnie
- Bonsai
- Boo
- Booker
- Bronco
- Bubba
- Butterscotch
- Cake
- Cali
- Cap
- Carl
- Carla
- Carolyn
- Cashew
- Cat
- Catbus
- Cecil
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Chi
- Chloe
- Chloe
- Cindy Lou
- Cleo
- Clyde
- Coco
- Cookie
- Cozette
- Cringer Cat
- Daisy
- Dallas
- Dax
- Daytona
- Delilah
- Denim
- Diana
- Dinah
- Dongwa
- Dr. Paula Hutchison
- Dr. Seuss
- Duchess
- Eeyore
- Elf
- Ella
- Ellie
- Elliot
- Elmer
- Elmo
- Elwood
- Emma
- English
- Enzo
- Errol
- Escher
- Espresso
- Fancy-Fancy
- Felicia
- Fiona
- Fluffy
- Frankie
- Freya
- Frisco
- Garnet
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Gloria
- Goose
- Gracie
- Harley
- Hazel
- Henrietta
- Hobbes
- Holly
- Honey
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jade
- Jasmine
- Jenny
- JIbanyan
- Jinx
- Josephine
- Katerina
- Katerina Kittycat
- Katswell
- Katz
- Kiki
- Kirara
- Kitty
- Kitty Katswell
- Kovu
- Krazy Kat
- Kuro
- Kuroneko
- Kwazii
- Kyo Soma
- Layla
- Leopold
- Lilly
- Lippy the Lion
- Lola
- Louis
- Lucy
- Lulu
- Luna
- Mac
- Maggie
- Mama
- Manchas
- Mango
- Maomolin
- Marie
- Melody
- Merrie
- Mia
- Midnight
- Mila
- Millie
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Mirage
- Miss Kitty
- Missy
- Misty
- Mittens
- Molly
- Mona Lisa
- Mooch
- Moose
- Mr. Mumbles
- Mungo
- Muriel
- Nala
- Nova
- Nuka
- Nyan
- Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface
- Olive
- Olivia
- Opalescence (Opal)
- Oreo
- Otis
- Pantherlily
- Patches
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Percy
- Phoebe
- Piper
- Pixie
- Poppy
- Poyo Satou
- Princess
- Princess Carolyn
- Puma
- Pumpkin
- Renato
- Rita
- Rosie
- Roxy
- Rubbish
- Ruby
- Sadie
- Sagwa
- Salem
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Scat Cat
- Sergent Tibbs
- Shadow
- Sheegwa
- Shii-Chan
- Smokey
- Snarf
- Sophie
- Stella
- Stormy
- Sugar Bell
- Super Snooper
- Tama
- Tiger
- Tigress
- Toulouse
- Violet
- Willow
- Winnie
- Wordsworth W. Wordsworth
- Yzma
- Zelda
- Zira
- Zoe
- Zoey
Famous Cartoon Cat Names

There are many famous cats and kitties in the animation world, which have made us laugh and have fun.
How can we forget the most famous cartoon cat of all – Tom Cat from the well-known Tom and Jerry series by Chuck Jones?
But the silly mouse-chasing little Jerry is not the only famous cartoon cat. There are many other animated kitties after which you can name your feline friend!
If you have a black and white kitty and are looking for a cartoon-inspired tuxedo cat name that will be perfect for your furry baby.
Pick names like Beans, Sylvester, Duchess, Felix, Nermal, Figaro, Carla, and many more. You can use these names for cats that have coats of any combination of black and white.
Famous Cartoon Cat Names for Males
Cartoon characters make great cat names, whether you want to choose names of animated cats or just your favorite characters.
If you are looking for famous male cat characters, you can go with names like Sylvester or Lucifer.
If you’re just looking for male characters, you can pick anything from Aladdin to Top Cat.
- Autocat
- Beerus
- Banjo
- Beans
- Bartleby
- Billy
- Bonkers
- Butch
- Mirage
- Tom
- Doraemon
- Claude Cat
- Cat
- Fluffy
- Felix
- Fritz
- Tom
- Gilbert
- Happy
- Jack
Famous Cartoon Cat names For Females
For your darling famous female cat, you can choose cartoon-inspired names that either belong to animated kitties like Duchess or Mirage, or you can select your favorite female characters, like Pocahontas or Cinderella.
There are plenty of female characters out there that you can choose for your kitty.
- Azrael
- Banya
- Beverly
- Blossom
- Boo
- Cali
- Carla
- Catbus
- Chloe
- Cleopawtra
- Diana
- Duchess
- Josephine
- Katerina
- Katz
- Kirara
- Pussyfoot
- Rita
- White Kitty
- Yzma
Closing Thoughts
So now you have a list of cat names inspired by cartoon characters. Animated shows are a part of our lives, making us happy and putting a smile on our faces.
Cat names inspired by cartoon characters sound great and give the furry creatures a unique identity.
You can try Bagheera, Calvin, Tigger, Snarf, Ruby, Rosie, etc. The list of male and female cartoon character names is really long!
That’s what is similar between cartoons and cats, right? That’s why a cartoon-inspired name will be perfect for your furry friend!
What are your favorite cartoon cat names? Please share with us below!