Last Updated: 12 months ago

Who wouldn’t want to choose fun and cute cartoon cat names for their pets?

Cartoons were our happy place, our Saturday morning joy, and a major part of our childhoods.

If you are a cat parent, one of the best ways to honor the shows that made your Saturdays brighter is by naming your fur baby after your favorite cartoon character!

Keep reading to check out my favorites!

Cartoon Cat Names for Males

shaded Maine coon cat

If you are confused about what might be a great name for your little man, here’s a list of my all-time favorite male cartoon cat names!

  1. Ace
  2. Achilles
  3. Admiral
  4. Ajax
  5. Aladdin
  6. Alex
  7. Alibi
  8. America
  9. Ami
  10. Apollo
  11. Ash
  12. Augustus
  13. Autocat
  14. Babbit
  15. Bagheera
  16. Bagpuss
  17. Bandit
  18. Banjo
  19. Barry
  20. Baxter
  21. Beans
  22. Beerus
  23. Benny the Ball
  24. Bill
  25. Billy Boss
  26. Binky
  27. Binx
  28. Black Bean
  29. Blizzard
  30. Bob
  31. Bobcat
  32. Bojack
  33. Bonkers D. 
  34. Boo
  35. Brain
  36. Branya
  37. Bravo
  38. Bucky
  39. Butch
  40. Calvin
  41. Casper
  42. Cat
  43. Cat in the Hat
  44. Catbus
  45. CatDog
  46. Catstello
  47. Cedar
  48. Chance
  49. Chaos
  50. Cheshire Cat
  51. Chester
  52. Chi
  53. Chloe
  54. Chococat
  55. Choo Choo
  56. Chowder
  57. Claude Cat
  58. Cleo
  59. Cletis
  60. Colby
  61. Courage
  62. Courageous
  63. Cringer
  64. Crookshanks
  65. Custard
  66. D.C. (That Darn Cat)
  67. Dan
  68. Danny
  69. Darwin
  70. Dexter
  71. Dickory
  72. Doc
  73. Dodsworth 
  74. Donald
  75. Doraemon
  76. Dydo
  77. Eek
  78. Evil
  79. Fantomcat
  80. Fat Cat
  81. Felicia
  82. Felix
  83. Figaro
  84. Finn
  85. Floyd
  86. Fluffy
  87. Fraidy Cat
  88. Francis
  89. Fred
  90. Fritz
  91. Frodo
  92. Frosty
  93. Furrball
  94. Futurama
  95. Garfield
  96. Garnett
  97. Gideon
  98. Gizmo
  99. Gnocchi
  100. Gumball 
  101. Gus
  102. Happy
  103. Heathcliff
  104. Hector
  105. Henry
  106. Hercules
  107. Hickory
  108. Hobbes
  109. Jackson
  110. Jake
  111. Jax
  112. Jerry
  113. Jess
  114. Jiji
  115. Jim
  116. Julien
  117. Julius
  118. Kat
  119. Katnip
  120. Kitty
  121. Klondike Kat
  122. Kowalski
  123. Leodore
  124. Leopold
  125. Lionheart
  126. Louie
  127. Lucifer
  128. Marley
  129. Marty
  130. Mason
  131. Master Korin
  132. Maurice
  133. Melman
  134. Meow
  135. Meowth
  136. Mickey
  137. Milo
  138. Mirage
  139. Mittens
  140. Mochi
  141. Mort
  142. Morty
  143. Mr. Bigglesworth
  144. Mr. Jinks
  145. Mr. Kitty
  146. Mr. Mumbles
  147. Mr. Tinkles
  148. Murphy
  149. Musafa
  150. Nelson
  151. Nermal
  152. Nicole
  153. Nyamsus
  154. Oggy
  155. Olive Oyl
  156. Oliver
  157. Oreo
  158. Peg Leg Pete
  159. Peppo
  160. Pete
  161. Phil
  162. Pink Panther
  163. Pinocchio
  164. Popeye
  165. Prince John
  166. Private
  167. Proud Heart Cat
  168. Punkin Puss
  169. Pusheen
  170. Puss in Boots
  171. Pussyfoot
  172. Raja
  173. Rick
  174. Rico
  175. Riff-Raff
  176. Road Runner
  177. Rocky
  178. Ruff
  179. Rufus
  180. Sabor
  181. Salem
  182. Sam
  183. Sammy
  184. Sanrio
  185. Sassy
  186. Sawyer
  187. Scar
  188. Scaredy Kat
  189. Scooby-Doo
  190. Scratchy
  191. Sebastian
  192. Shadow
  193. Shere Khan
  194. Si
  195. Simon
  196. Skipper
  197. Smokey
  198. Snagglepuss
  199. Snooper
  200. Snoopy
  201. Snowball
  202. Spook
  203. Spot
  204. Stimpy
  205. Stinky
  206. Streaky the Supercat
  207. Sylvester
  208. T-Bone
  209. Teddy
  210. Thackery Binx
  211. The Kitten
  212. The Simpsons
  213. Theo
  214. Thubanian
  215. Thunder
  216. Tiger
  217. Tigger
  218. Timmy
  219. Tom
  220. Tony
  221. Top Cat
  222. Vitaly
  223. Vitani
  224. Watterson
  225. Winston
  226. Yogi

Cartoon Cat Names for Females

Siamese cat held by his owner

Your sweet, beautiful, girl kitty can also grow up with a lovely name based on a cartoon series.

There are many cute girl cat names out there to fit the look and personality of your gorgeous girl, inspired by cartoon characters that are stunning in every aspect, from the way they look to the bravery they show.

Here’s a list of some amazing female cartoon character names that you can give to your female furry friend.

  1. Abby
  2. Alice
  3. Ames
  4. Angel
  5. Annie
  6. Apollo
  7. April
  8. Arlene
  9. Arlo
  10. Armani
  11. Artemis
  12. Arya
  13. Asher
  14. Ashton
  15. Aslan
  16. Athena
  17. Atlas
  18. Atticus
  19. Baby
  20. Bailey
  21. Bam-Bam
  22. Baron
  23. Battle Cat
  24. Bean
  25. Bella
  26. Belle
  27. Bentley
  28. Berlioz
  29. Beverley
  30. Blue
  31. Bonnie
  32. Bonsai
  33. Boo
  34. Booker
  35. Bronco
  36. Bubba
  37. Butterscotch
  38. Cake
  39. Cali
  40. Cap
  41. Carl
  42. Carla
  43. Carolyn
  44. Cashew
  45. Cat
  46. Catbus
  47. Cecil
  48. Charlie
  49. Charlotte
  50. Chi
  51. Chloe
  52. Chloe
  53. Cindy Lou
  54. Cleo
  55. Clyde
  56. Coco
  57. Cookie
  58. Cozette
  59. Cringer Cat
  60. Daisy
  61. Dallas
  62. Dax
  63. Daytona
  64. Delilah
  65. Denim
  66. Diana
  67. Dinah
  68. Dongwa
  69. Dr. Paula Hutchison
  70. Dr. Seuss
  71. Duchess
  72. Eeyore
  73. Elf
  74. Ella
  75. Ellie
  76. Elliot
  77. Elmer
  78. Elmo
  79. Elwood
  80. Emma
  81. English
  82. Enzo
  83. Errol
  84. Escher
  85. Espresso
  86. Fancy-Fancy
  87. Felicia
  88. Fiona
  89. Fluffy
  90. Frankie
  91. Freya
  92. Frisco
  93. Garnet
  94. Gigi
  95. Ginger
  96. Gloria
  97. Goose
  98. Gracie
  99. Harley
  100. Hazel
  101. Henrietta
  102. Hobbes
  103. Holly
  104. Honey
  105. Ivy
  106. Izzy
  107. Jade
  108. Jasmine
  109. Jenny
  110. JIbanyan
  111. Jinx
  112. Josephine
  113. Katerina
  114. Katerina Kittycat
  115. Katswell
  116. Katz
  117. Kiki
  118. Kirara
  119. Kitty 
  120. Kitty Katswell
  121. Kovu
  122. Krazy Kat
  123. Kuro
  124. Kuroneko
  125. Kwazii
  126. Kyo Soma
  127. Layla
  128. Leopold
  129. Lilly
  130. Lippy the Lion
  131. Lola
  132. Louis
  133. Lucy
  134. Lulu
  135. Luna
  136. Mac
  137. Maggie
  138. Mama
  139. Manchas
  140. Mango
  141. Maomolin
  142. Marie
  143. Melody
  144. Merrie
  145. Mia
  146. Midnight
  147. Mila
  148. Millie
  149. Mimi
  150. Minnie
  151. Mirage
  152. Miss Kitty
  153. Missy
  154. Misty
  155. Mittens
  156. Molly
  157. Mona Lisa
  158. Mooch
  159. Moose
  160. Mr. Mumbles
  161. Mungo
  162. Muriel
  163. Nala
  164. Nova
  165. Nuka
  166. Nyan
  167. Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface
  168. Olive
  169. Olivia
  170. Opalescence (Opal)
  171. Oreo
  172. Otis
  173. Pantherlily
  174. Patches
  175. Peaches
  176. Peanut
  177. Pearl
  178. Penelope
  179. Penny
  180. Pepper
  181. Percy
  182. Phoebe
  183. Piper
  184. Pixie
  185. Poppy
  186. Poyo Satou
  187. Princess
  188. Princess Carolyn
  189. Puma
  190. Pumpkin
  191. Renato
  192. Rita
  193. Rosie
  194. Roxy
  195. Rubbish
  196. Ruby
  197. Sadie
  198. Sagwa
  199. Salem
  200. Sasha
  201. Sassy
  202. Scat Cat
  203. Sergent Tibbs
  204. Shadow
  205. Sheegwa
  206. Shii-Chan
  207. Smokey
  208. Snarf
  209. Sophie
  210. Stella
  211. Stormy
  212. Sugar Bell
  213. Super Snooper
  214. Tama
  215. Tiger
  216. Tigress
  217. Toulouse
  218. Violet
  219. Willow
  220. Winnie
  221. Wordsworth W. Wordsworth
  222. Yzma
  223. Zelda
  224. Zira
  225. Zoe
  226. Zoey

Famous Cartoon Cat Names

dwelf cat looking up

There are many famous cats and kitties in the animation world, which have made us laugh and have fun.

How can we forget the most famous cartoon cat of all – Tom Cat from the well-known Tom and Jerry series by Chuck Jones?

But the silly mouse-chasing little Jerry is not the only famous cartoon cat. There are many other animated kitties after which you can name your feline friend!

If you have a black and white kitty and are looking for a cartoon-inspired tuxedo cat name that will be perfect for your furry baby.

Pick names like Beans, Sylvester, Duchess, Felix, Nermal, Figaro, Carla, and many more. You can use these names for cats that have coats of any combination of black and white.

Famous Cartoon Cat Names for Males

Cartoon characters make great cat names, whether you want to choose names of animated cats or just your favorite characters.

If you are looking for famous male cat characters, you can go with names like Sylvester or Lucifer.

If you’re just looking for male characters, you can pick anything from Aladdin to Top Cat.

  1. Autocat
  2. Beerus
  3. Banjo
  4. Beans
  5. Bartleby
  6. Billy
  7. Bonkers
  8. Butch
  9. Mirage
  10. Tom
  11. Doraemon
  12. Claude Cat
  13. Cat
  14. Fluffy
  15. Felix
  16. Fritz
  17. Tom
  18. Gilbert
  19. Happy
  20. Jack

Famous Cartoon Cat names For Females

For your darling famous female cat, you can choose cartoon-inspired names that either belong to animated kitties like Duchess or Mirage, or you can select your favorite female characters, like Pocahontas or Cinderella.

There are plenty of female characters out there that you can choose for your kitty.

  1. Azrael
  2. Banya
  3. Beverly
  4. Blossom
  5. Boo
  6. Cali
  7. Carla
  8. Catbus
  9. Chloe
  10. Cleopawtra
  11. Diana
  12. Duchess
  13. Josephine
  14. Katerina
  15. Katz
  16. Kirara
  17. Pussyfoot
  18. Rita
  19. White Kitty
  20. Yzma

Closing Thoughts

So now you have a list of cat names inspired by cartoon characters. Animated shows are a part of our lives, making us happy and putting a smile on our faces.

Cat names inspired by cartoon characters sound great and give the furry creatures a unique identity.

You can try Bagheera, Calvin, Tigger, Snarf, Ruby, Rosie, etc. The list of male and female cartoon character names is really long!

That’s what is similar between cartoons and cats, right? That’s why a cartoon-inspired name will be perfect for your furry friend!

What are your favorite cartoon cat names? Please share with us below!

cartoon cat eating ice cream