Last Updated: 11 months ago

If you are a cat owner, you will likely be familiar with the frustration of your feline friend constantly shedding.

Some cats shed more fur than others. Shedding can be impacted by the time of year, as cats will shed fur during warm seasons.

It can be difficult to stay on top of your cat’s shedding.

This can make it feel as though you are always having to clean up the fur that has been left behind on your bed, sofa, or carpet.

But the good news is that there are a few different techniques that you can utilize to reduce cat shedding.

This can be as simple as reducing your cat’s stress levels. Here are some of the most effective methods that you can use to limit shedding.

Why Do Cats Shed Fur?

Cat Getting Brushed

If your cat sheds their fur, this should not be a cause for concern.

This is because it’s completely normal for cats to lose their fur. Cats naturally do this to get rid of dead hair.

As a result, natural oils can better penetrate the skin.

While some of this hair is removed through general grooming, some dead hair will remain.

This is why shedding is a useful process, as it gets rid of any enduring hairs.

The only circumstance in which you should be concerned is if new hair does not grow in place of this lost fur.

In this case, you may want to take your cat to the vet. This is because it could be a symptom of a skin condition.

There are two seasons in which cats tend to shed their fur. Namely, this is in the spring and fall.

Over the spring, cats will get rid of the fur that they have developed over the winter.

This is because they no longer need the thick fur coat that they developed over the winter.

Meanwhile, during the fall months, cats will start to develop this thicker coat of fur in preparation for the winter.

This will allow them to stay warm in the harsh cold of this season.

How To Reduce Shedding?

Ensure That Your Cat Is Hydrated

Dehydration can be a problem for cats during the summer when the weather is warm.

Not to mention, if your cat prefers dry food to wet food, it may not be getting as much water as it requires.

Hydration is essential for cats. Without sufficient water, the organs of cats may not function properly.

Not to mention, it is vital for digestion and circulation. It can be hard to get your cat to drink enough water.

This can lead to dehydration.

Not to mention, cats are famous for drinking cow’s milk, though this can cause them to suffer from various health problems.

This includes stomach pains.

If your cat has insufficient hydration, the best way to get it to consume more water is through its diet.

Wet food will contain enough water for your cat. These cans or packets of cat food are often made of at least 70% water.

You can also leave a water bowl with your cat’s food, allowing it to drink whenever it desires.

Moreover, your cat can be given a saucer of cat milk from time to time, as this beverage is made with less lactose.

As a result, it is better for your cat, though it is best to reserve it as an occasional treat.

Change Your Cat’s Diet

Something as simple as altering your cat’s food can impact its health.

This is because cat balding or shedding can be caused by a bad diet.

If cats do not receive all the nutrients that they need, their fur can become dry.

As a consequence, these furs are more likely to break off.

To ensure that your cat receives all of the nutrients it needs, you should invest in high-quality food.

You may need to experiment with a few different food brands, as some cats can be quite fussy.

Omega-3 is an important fatty acid for cats, as it improves their skin and provides them with a shiny coat.

Various types of fish are great ways of adding more omega-3 to your cat’s diet.

So you may want to give your cat some delicious salmon or trout.

Give Your Cat Supplements

If you are struggling to give your cat the nutrients it needs through food, you can provide them through supplements.

In particular, omega-3 and omega-6 supplements will benefit your cat and should reduce shedding.

Certain supplements will need to be given to your cat separately.

Meanwhile, other supplement brands can be added to food.

This makes it super simple to give your cat supplements, as they won’t even notice that they are being fed a supplement.

It is recommended that you talk with a vet before giving your cat a supplement.

This is because the supplement could have an unknown effect on your furry friend.

Limit Your Cat’s Stress

If your cat lives in a stressful environment, this could add to your cat’s shedding.

Some cats won’t deal well with change.

So if there has been a significant change in their life, such as a new member of the family or the addition of another pet, your cat may feel stress.

Though you may be unable to remove these changes from your life, you can still take steps to reduce your cat’s stress.

This can be as simple as petting your cat and giving them attention.

Alternatively, if your cat is a loner, give it some space.

Ensure That Your Cat Is Well Groomed

Cats famously groom themselves.

After all, their tongues are covered in little spines, which are perfect for removing parasites.

However, you help your cat to keep on top of its grooming. This can be as simple as brushing your cat’s fur.

For instance, this Hartz Groomer is ideal for keeping your cat’s fur perfectly maintained.

Brushing a cat’s fur will get rid of dead fur.

The great thing about brushing your favorite feline is that many cats adore this attention.

So this is not only a convenient way of decreasing cat shedding but will also enable you to bond with your cat.

Bathe Your Cat

As you are likely aware, cats are notorious for their dislike of water.

This is because cats originate from dry backgrounds, where they would have had limited exposure to sources of water, such as lakes.

Therefore, cats attempt to avoid water.

So if you try to wash your cat in the bath or a shower, you will likely be met by strong resistance.

Many cats will probably attack any owners who attempt to bathe them.

There are plenty of shampoos designed for cats on the market, such as this amazing Arm & Hammer cat shampoo.

So if you have the courage, you can wash your cat’s fur. These furs will make your cat’s fur healthier.

Moreover, these shampoos will get rid of any dead hairs on your cat’s coat.

Not to mention, many cat shampoo brands are beneficial for their skin.

Never use shampoos that have been designed for use on humans.

This is because they could do more harm than good for your cat.

These shampoos may instead dry the skin of your cat, which may promote shedding instead of deterring it.

Provide Your Cat With A Special Location

If you are fed up with your cat getting hair all over your fantastic furniture, you should set aside a special location for your cat.

This way you can better control the shedding, as it will be limited to a more specific part of your home.

Furthermore, having a comfortable space in which your cat can relax is a great way of reducing its stress.

Find a location in your home that your cat loves. This could be the place where they sleep most of the time.

You may wish to lay down some comfortable blankets or create an amazing cat bed for your pet.

Also, you can include a cat tower if your pet regularly enjoys climbing.

Just remember to customize this location for your cat.

For instance, they may have a favorite blanket that you can set aside specifically for them.

Alternatively, your cat may have a preferred toy that it always plays with, which can be used to entice your cat to use this designated space.

By providing your cat with this space, you will find it much easier to manage your cat’s shedding.

You can put these blankets in the laundry whenever they’ve become covered in fur.

Wash Your Home Regularly

Sweeping Cat Hairs

This method is more about limiting the amount of shedding in your home rather than preventing it.

If you routinely clean your home, you will prevent fur from building up.

The best tools for removing fur from your furniture are lint rollers and vacuum cleaners.

You may need to try various vacuum attachments to ensure that you get pieces of fur that have gathered in the narrow corners of your home.

Meanwhile, lint rollers can get rid of furs that are attached to a variety of different surfaces, including your clothes.

Air filters are also a good way of capturing fur, as they can gather any floating hairs.

Though cleaning our cat’s fur can require a lot of maintenance, this is worth doing if you have become bothered by this shedding.

Regular cleaning is most effective when used alongside some of these other magnificent methods.

When Should You Contact A Vet?

Though shedding is to be expected, it can be a symptom of a larger health problem.

These are the most important symptoms that you should look out for:

  • Bald spots or patches
  • Irritated skin, especially if it is red
  • Matted fur in particularly large volumes

If your cat displays any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you pay a visit to a vet.

This way, you can see if the shedding is normal or if it is a symptom of a health problem.

If so, your vet will be able to advise the right course of treatment.

What Factors Add To Shedding?

Certain factors will result in cats shedding even more fur than normal.

These factors could explain why your cat is shedding so excessively:

The Bread

Some breeds will simply shed more fur than others. In particular, long-haired cats will excessively shed fur.

Moreover, cats with thick coats are liable to produce more fur than cats with thin fur.

If you have gone from having a short-haired cat to a long-haired breed, this could explain why your cat is seemingly shedding more fur than usual.

Among the cat breeds that shed the most fur are Ragamuffins, Ragdoll, Russian Blue, and Cymric cats.

In terms of the cat breeds that tend to shed the least, this includes Sphynx, Siberian, Siamese, and Bengal cats.

The Time Of Year

As discussed, cats will shed more over certain times of the year to reflect weather changes.

This allows them to have thicker or thinner coats, namely in the spring and fall.

However, you may notice that outdoor cats shed more fur than cats who mainly stay indoors.

This is because of the artificial lighting used indoors.

Not to mention, indoor cats will be less exposed to different climates and weather conditions.


Arthritis is a condition that tends to affect older people more than the young. The same can be said of cats.

This painful condition will make it hard for cats to walk, as the joints will stiffen.

Because it is difficult for cats to move when they have arthritis, they may reduce the amount of grooming that they do.

Consequently, this can cause dead hairs to build up.


You may think that cats don’t have much to worry about. After all, they don’t have jobs or bills to pay.

Yet, even small changes, such as introducing new furniture into your home, can throw cats off.

Alternatively, changes in their routine can upset cats. This anxiety and stress can result in increased hair loss.

So whether this stress is long-term or short-term, it’s worth finding the source of this stress.


Skin irritation will result in your cat losing more fur.

Parasites, such as mites, fleas, and lice, will cause your cat’s skin to become irritated.

Cats will get these parasites when they spend time outside and will bring them into the home.

If you notice any signs that your cat has picked up parasites, you should treat your pet immediately.

This is because parasites can spread.

As a consequence, they could infect other animals in your household, such as dogs, hamsters, or guinea pigs.

Ringworms may also cause hair-related problems for your cat.

Therefore, it is best to seek treatment immediately to prevent this condition from worsening.


Lastly, a disease could be causing this problem.

However, you should not immediately panic and assume that your cat has a disease.

Unless they showcase any other symptoms, there is no reason to believe that this is the cause of your cat’s excess shedding.

Because diseases put a strain on a cat’s body, less energy will be put into maintaining their fur.

Hence, shedding may occur. Among the diseases that could affect your cat are cancer and kidney disease.

If you suspect that your cat has one of these diseases, you must make an appointment with a vet as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

Though shedding can be irritating, this is a natural part of being a cat owner.

After all, cats naturally shed their fur during certain seasons.

So unless this shedding is excessive or the fur is not growing back, you don’t need to worry!

The good news is that there are steps you can take to reduce this shedding, thus allowing you to keep your home as pristine as possible.