by Ben Roberts | Oct 31, 2023
Stinky cat? There are several reasons why. Cats are exceptionally clean creatures, so if your cat is smelly, it’s not something to look over. If you’re wondering why your cat smells bad, it could be due to several different issues, and none of them are...
by Ben Roberts | Oct 31, 2023
If you’ve ever longed for a furry feline friend but your parents need some convincing, you’re in the right place. We’ll help you navigate the path to purr-suasion and make your dream of having a cat a reality. Let’s embark on this journey of...
by Ben Roberts | Oct 31, 2023
Wondering if leash training a cat is even possible? While it’s definitely more challenging than training a dog, it can be done. Find out how! Leash training a cat may sound impossible. It may sound like one of those things that is so difficult, but you’ll...
by Ben Roberts | Oct 12, 2023
Why is my pregnant cat meowing so much? Pregnant cats can be quite vocal, especially in the latter stages of pregnancy. We recently came across a question in the forums from a woman who started feeding a stray cat. She says, “I have a clearly pregnant cat...
by Ben Roberts | Oct 6, 2023
Cat nail caps are one of the more exciting products available for cat owners. After all, these caps help curb unwanted scratching behaviors. But the question everyone wants to know is whether they’re safe. We’ll provide an answer and a lot more in this...
by Ben Roberts | Oct 6, 2023
If you’re looking for a cat shelf, clicking on this article was a smart move. Below, we’re sharing my top 5 favorite cat shelves with in-depth reviews! Let’s not waste any more time and dive right into these outstanding pieces of cat furniture....
by Ben Roberts | Sep 18, 2023
Looking for a tall corner cat tree that doesn’t take up the entire room? No problem, we’ve got your back! Check out our favorite options below, starting with a quick peek! Top Picks At A Glance Winner: CozyCatFurniture Large Cat Tree Runner-Up: PetFusion...
by Ben Roberts | Sep 15, 2023
We live in a fascinating world of feline curiosity and intrigue. And one eternal question continues to bother us, both cat lovers and cat owners. And it is a very simple and classic question: Can cats drink milk? We invite you to take a culinary journey through the...
by Ben Roberts | Sep 11, 2023
Considering adopting multiple cats at once but not sure if it’s a good idea? Bringing two new cats into your home isn’t something to take lightly. There are many things to consider before deciding whether it’s a good or bad move for your household....
by Ben Roberts | Sep 5, 2023
Wondering if there are any particular signs of an unhappy cat? Cats are fickle creatures with many strange habits, which makes understanding them difficult for their owners. This issue makes it hard to tell when your cat’s feeling a little blue, but specific...