Last Updated: 2 years ago

Are you looking to find some unique barn cat names?

We’ve got you covered!

Below, we came up with over 400 ideas inspired by county living, famous farmers, and more.

Keep reading to find the perfect barnyard cat names for your new pet!

From popular cat names to ideas inspired and more, there’s no shortage of great ideas for your farm cat.

Check out all the barnyard cat names for your kitty, starting with the boys!

Barn Cat Names For Males

male tiger cat with "male barn cat names" signage

From mythological farmers to country-western monikers, there are so many fun and cool cat names for your new boy!

Check out our list below!

  1. Abel
  2. Ace
  3. Achilles
  4. Admiral
  5. Ajax
  6. Alexander
  7. Alfredo
  8. Alibi
  9. Alvin
  10. America
  11. Ames
  12. Ammo
  13. Angus
  14. Apollo
  15. Archie
  16. Arlo
  17. Armani
  18. Arthur
  19. Aristotle
  20. Asher
  21. Ashton
  22. Atlas
  23. Atticus
  24. August
  25. Augustus
  26. Bagheera
  27. Bailey
  28. Bale
  29. Bam-Bam
  30. Bandit
  31. Banjo
  32. Barley
  33. Baron
  34. Barry
  35. Bart
  36. Baxter
  37. Beans
  38. Big Red
  39. Black Bean
  40. Blaze
  41. Blizzard
  42. Blue
  43. Bonsai
  44. Booker
  45. Boots
  46. Bravo
  47. Bronco
  48. Bruno
  49. Brute
  50. Buddy
  51. Butterscotch
  52. Buttons
  53. Calvin
  54. Cap
  55. Carl
  56. Cashew
  57. Cecil
  58. Cedar
  59. Chester
  60. Chip
  61. Chowder
  62. Cletis
  63. Clive
  64. Clyde
  65. Colby
  66. Colt
  67. Comet
  68. Como
  69. Cooper
  70. Cosmo
  71. Cowboy
  72. Cupid
  73. Cyrus
  74. Dale
  75. Dallas
  76. Danger
  77. Dash 
  78. Dax
  79. Diesel 
  80. Denim
  81. Dennis
  82. Devon
  83. Dewey
  84. Diego
  85. Dinah
  86. Diva
  87. Doc
  88. Dozer
  89. Douglas
  90. Dude
  91. Durand
  92. Eagle
  93. Egbert
  94. Feather
  95. Figaro
  96. Flint
  97. Foxglove
  98. Frank
  99. Frankie
  100. Franklin
  101. Frederick
  102. Fritillary
  103. Garfield
  104. Gary
  105. Gatsby
  106. George
  107. Gershom
  108. Ginger
  109. Gizmo
  110. Glen
  111. Graner
  112. Griffin
  113. Grover
  114. Grumble
  115. Guinness
  116. Gus
  117. Hades
  118. Hank
  119. Harrow
  120. Horace
  121. Iggy
  122. Iman
  123. Jacey
  124. Jack
  125. Jackson
  126. Jasper
  127. Jedi
  128. Jesse James
  129. Killer
  130. Kinko
  131. Kitto
  132. Knight 
  133. Knox
  134. Koopa
  135. Laiden
  136. Lemon
  137. Lenny
  138. Leo
  139. Linus
  140. Lizzo
  141. Logan
  142. Loki
  143. Louie
  144. Luigi
  145. Magic
  146. Marlon
  147. Maverick
  148. Millard
  149. Milo
  150. Missy
  151. Moose 
  152. Moss
  153. Mufasa
  154. Munchkin
  155. Murphy
  156. Mustard
  157. Nox
  158. Orchid
  159. Orco
  160. Oscar
  161. Oswald
  162. Ovidius
  163. Pascoe
  164. Pea
  165. Pickles
  166. Pinot
  167. Pisco
  168. Puffin
  169. Quonset
  170. Quincy
  171. Ralph
  172. Rambo
  173. Rascal
  174. Reggie
  175. Remy
  176. Rex
  177. Rider
  178. Rocky
  179. Romeo
  180. Roshni
  181. Rutherford
  182. Scandal
  183. Shadow
  184. Silverado
  185. Simba 
  186. Snap Dragon
  187. Socrates
  188. Sonic
  189. Spike
  190. Sprout
  191. Stone
  192. Sylvester
  193. Tango
  194. Taz
  195. Teddy
  196. Thetis
  197. Theo
  198. Theodore
  199. Thomas
  200. Thor
  201. Titan
  202. Tofu
  203. Tractor
  204. Turbo
  205. Tyson
  206. Vader
  207. Warren
  208. Woody
  209. Yoshi
  210. Zappa
  211. Zephyr
  212. Ziggy

Barn Cat Names For Females

female ginger cat with "female barn cat names" signage

It’s not just a male cat that can have an awesome cat name. You can also choose them for your female cats,  you can also pick funny cat names for them.

So if you’re looking for girl cat names, it’s time for you to browse through our list of barn cat names for females to find the perfect match.    

  1. Adara
  2. Adelaide
  3. Adele
  4. Agnes
  5. Angel
  6. Annalise
  7. Anya
  8. Apricot
  9. Arlene
  10. Ariel
  11. Artemis
  12. Arya
  13. Astra
  14. Athena
  15. Averil
  16. Barbie
  17. Beauty
  18. Bella
  19. Bessie
  20. Bibi
  21. Bijoux
  22. Birdie
  23. Brea
  24. Brielle
  25. Brooklyn
  26. Buttercup
  27. Cahya
  28. Cairo
  29. Callie
  30. Calliope
  31. Calypso
  32. Camden
  33. Candy
  34. Carla
  35. Casperina
  36. Cheeks
  37. Cherise
  38. Chessie
  39. Chloe
  40. Cinnamon
  41. Claret
  42. Daffodil
  43. Daisy
  44. Dakota
  45. Delilah
  46. Dinah
  47. Diva
  48. Dixie
  49. Dumpling
  50. Electra
  51. Emmy
  52. Endora
  53. Ethel
  54. Evita
  55. Fergie
  56. Flora
  57. Florence
  58. Fluffy
  59. Georgie
  60. Gertrude
  61. Giggles
  62. Gigi
  63. Gladys
  64. Goldie
  65. Gracie
  66. Hazel
  67. Ianna
  68. Idina
  69. Ilia
  70. Iliana
  71. Imogen
  72. Inari
  73. Ivy
  74. Jade
  75. Jalisa
  76. Jette
  77. Jolene
  78. Jolie
  79. Juliet
  80. Julietta
  81. July
  82. Kadija
  83. Kailani
  84. Katsu
  85. Keiko
  86. Kennedy
  87. Kimbra
  88. Kismet
  89. KitKat
  90. Kitty
  91. Lana
  92. Latika
  93. Layla
  94. Legacy
  95. Leia
  96. Lexie
  97. Liona
  98. Lola
  99. Lula
  100. Mabel
  101. Madera
  102. Mae
  103. Magdalena
  104. Maggie
  105. Magnolia
  106. Maia
  107. Mali
  108. Margaret
  109. Marie
  110. Marilyn
  111. Martha
  112. Mary 
  113. Meesha
  114. Mia
  115. Micah
  116. Milie
  117. Minnie
  118. Missy
  119. Molly
  120. Myrtle
  121. Naara
  122. Nabisco
  123. Nadia
  124. Nashwa
  125. Neema
  126. Nefertiti
  127. Nellie
  128. Nikita
  129. Noemi
  130. Nola
  131. Nusa
  132. Oakley
  133. Odessa
  134. Olenna
  135. Olivia
  136. Olympe
  137. Ontario
  138. Oona
  139. Opal
  140. Orchid
  141. Padme
  142. Paloma
  143. Papaya
  144. Pansy
  145. Paprika
  146. Pasha
  147. Peaches
  148. Pearl
  149. Pebbles
  150. Penelope
  151. Pepper
  152. Petunia
  153. Phaedra
  154. Pia
  155. Pippi
  156. Portia
  157. Rahima
  158. Raya
  159. Reese
  160. Rhiannon
  161. Rika
  162. Roisin
  163. Rory
  164. Rose
  165. Rosebud
  166. Roxy
  167. Sabine
  168. Sabotage
  169. Sabrina
  170. Sadie
  171. Sakura
  172. Salem
  173. Samantha
  174. Samira
  175. Sapphire
  176. Sassie
  177. Sedona
  178. Shortcake
  179. Snuffy
  180. Sophie
  181. Stella
  182. Suki
  183. Sunshine
  184. Suzie
  185. Sweetie
  186. Tabitha
  187. Talisa
  188. Tansy
  189. Tartlet
  190. Taylee
  191. Tesla
  192. Thelma
  193. Tiana
  194. Tibby
  195. Tinker
  196. Tira
  197. Titania
  198. Trixie
  199. Trudy
  200. Vada
  201. Valentina
  202. Vanna
  203. Vienna
  204. Velma
  205. Verena
  206. Victoria
  207. Violet
  208. Willow
  209. Winnie
  210. Yara
  211. Zoe
  212. Zora

Final Thoughts

Looking for cat name ideas is no different from finding baby names.

You want the best for your four-legged furry baby. And no pet parent wants to go for those old and common kitten names anymore, right?

Hopefully, thanks to our list you won’t have to worry about that now, at least when it comes to your barn cat!

What are your favorite barn cat names? Please share your pick below!

a very adorable tiger cat in the barn