Last Updated: 1 year ago
In this article, I’ll be answering the following question: Can cats eat artichokes?
Our adorable little furry friends are no strangers to eating unusual things, like cats eating cobwebs, that can cause them harm.
But surely human food is safe for them to consume, right?
Sadly, that’s not always the case; read on to see if artichokes are safe for your cat to eat.
Can Cats Eat Artichokes?

Let’s get right to the heart of the matter. Dr. Teresa Manucy told PetMD that artichokes are not toxic to your cat. But does that mean they are safe for your cat to eat?
We’ll look at that in just a moment, but before we do, let’s consider what made you ask that in the first place.
The health benefits of artichokes as human food are widely known. These healthy vegetables are full of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and other minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients.
As well as being a great source of plant-based dietary fiber, fresh artichokes are low in calories and fat.
They rank highly on any self-respecting list of healthy foods, so it’s only natural for cat owners to wonder if they’re also suitable for our feline friends.
Did you know? Although most people refer to the artichoke as a vegetable, it is, in fact, a type of thistle.
Are Artichokes Safe for Cats?

We’ve all been there; you turn to see your cat on your plate or on the kitchen counter.
Sassy little kitty jumped up while you weren’t looking. You spot a piece of artichoke on the floor, but a bite-sized chunk is missing.
The good news is that artichoke is not poisonous to cats, unlike some notoriously toxic foods such as onions, garlic, and grapes.
Chocolate can be fatal to cats. This is due to substances in chocolate called methylxanthines. These substances are also found in caffeinated drinks.
So don’t worry. As we established above, your cat will be fine after a nibble of artichoke.
Aside from poisoning, choking is a potential hazard to consider. Artichokes aren’t exactly the easiest thing for your cat to chew.
So does this make artichokes a suitable type of good cat food, and do the health benefits of artichokes apply to cats?
Are Artichokes Good for Cats?

While artichokes are great for us, the bad news is that they do nothing to enhance the feline diet.
Furthermore, eating them too frequently or in too great an amount can be harmful to your cat’s health.
Your cat is a carnivore through and through; her body has adapted to digest the nutrients found in meat.
In fact, she has no minimum carbohydrate requirement, and even the carbs in her cat food can go undigested.
Your cat simply isn’t designed to digest plant-based foods, and regularly eating such foods can cause digestion problems and diarrhea.
When Can You Feed Artichokes to Cats?

Ideally, you should avoid feeding your cat artichokes. They offer her no real health benefits, and too many can cause problems.
However, if your cat is curious about the veg on your plate, and you’d like to give her a little to try, you can do so without fear.
Just make sure of a few things first:
- This should be an infrequent thing for all the reasons we covered above.
- Too much salt is bad for all of us, cats included. It’s best to skip the salt altogether for your cat’s benefit.
- Avoid any seasonings that contain onion, garlic, or even garlic powder. They’re all toxic to cats.
- Ensure you give your cat a small, manageable piece.
Don’t make a habit of it; there is plenty of other human food that you can give to your cat as a treat instead.
Can Cats Eat Asparagus Instead of Artichokes?

Ever been tempted to give your cat a taste of asparagus? It’s another superior vegetable in terms of nutrition and health, after all. But can cats eat asparagus?
Just like artichokes, cats can eat asparagus, but they don’t experience any real health benefits and may suffer from digestive problems.
If your cat simply must try asparagus, make sure it’s cleaned, cooked, and free from seasoning.
It takes three years from planting an asparagus seed for the plant to be ready for harvest.
Rather than switching out asparagus for artichokes, if you’d like to share human food with your cat, there are some safer options.
Fish, meat (low in salt), and cheese are all firm kitty favorites. Alternatively, cat-specific treats are an obvious, safe option for a feline snack.
Can Cats Eat Artichokes Safely?
Yes and no. Artichokes are not toxic to cats but can cause digestive issues and diarrhea if they are eaten more than occasionally or in any great quantity. Your cat can eat them but shouldn’t.
Can Kittens Eat Artichokes?
Avoid giving them to kittens as their digestive systems are not as hardy as an adult cat’s, and they are at greater risk of choking.
Can Dogs Eat Artichokes?
Yes, dogs can eat artichokes. Eating these vegetables actually provides health benefits to dogs, unlike their cat friends. Moderation is still key, as is avoiding seasoning with toxic ingredients.
Can cats eat artichokes or asparagus? We ended up answering two questions for the price of one in this article.
The humble artichoke is a delicious, antioxidant-rich vegetable. Asparagus is great for you too.
While they are both good for us, they are not so healthy for your cat. Neither are toxic foods, so a small bite will be harmless.
However, avoid making them a part of your cat’s regular food intake, as this runs the risk of her suffering digestive problems and offers her no real health benefit.
As always, if your cat has eaten something and you’re not sure how it will affect her, consult your vet instead of the net.
Can cats eat artichokes? Tell us your artichoke-related story in the comments below.