Last Updated: 4 months ago

Have you ever noticed your cat staring at the bacon you’re having for breakfast?

Yes, it’s a true predator’s stare! But here’s the rub! Are you sure cats can eat bacon? Can cats eat bacon safely and how much? The answer is not so clear-cut.

On the one hand, bacon is part meat. But cats eat meat, don’t they? The thing is, bacon has fat and salt.

These two components can upset your cat’s stomach. Let’s look closer at the issue of bacon and your cat.

Is Bacon Good for Cats?

Can Cats Eat Bacon? Facts You Need To Know

For us, bacon can be a breakfast treat. and many people just love it. But when it comes to cats eating bacon, the answer is ambiguous.

The question of healthiness leans toward the answer “not really.” Of course, cats are obligate carnivores. And, logically, their diet consists mainly of meat.

But bacon is high in fat and salt. These components can lead to digestive problems and pancreatitis in cats.

Cats have special nutritional needs. And in this case, bacon does not provide them with a balanced diet. Feeding bacon to a cat regularly can lead to more than just stomach problems.

The cat can get obese and have other health problems. In addition, bacon has various seasonings and additives. These can be dangerous to your cat’s sensitive digestive system.

Instead of sharing cooked bacon, favor specialty treats. You can also pick up lean protein that is safe for cats.

Cooked regular chicken or turkey may be a safer and more appropriate treat. But be sure to consult your veterinarian.

You can ensure your cat’s diet meets her unique nutritional needs. It ensures that she stays healthy and happy.

Is Bacon Safe for Cats? Can Cats Eat Bacon Safely?

cat eating cooked bacon

You’ve probably wanted to share breakfast with your feline friend at least once. But the main thing here is to be careful.

Whether bacon is good for cats depends on the cat’s reaction. But here are the reasons why it is not the best option:

  • High fat content: As we said, bacon is high in fat. It can lead to obesity in cats if consumed regularly.
  • Excess salt: The high salt content in bacon can lead to increased thirst. The worst-case scenario is urination and possible kidney problems.
  • Additives and seasonings: Flavored bacon often contains additives such as garlic or onions. It causes digestive upset in cats.
  • Risk of pancreatitis: High-fat content increases the risk of pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas in cats.
  • Nutritional imbalance: Toxic bacon for cats does not contain a balanced diet. It can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
  • Potential allergies: Introducing new foods, including bacon, into the diet can cause allergic reactions in some cats.

Given these factors, offering bacon as an occasional treat is important. But the best option is to eliminate it from your cat’s diet.

Always consult your veterinarian to ensure that treats are appropriate for your cat’s health needs.

How Much Bacon Can a Cat Eat?

Have you decided to share bacon with your curious cat? The key is moderation.

Cats can occasionally eat small amounts of regular, fully-cooked bacon. But care must be taken when doing so.

Small, infrequent treats are the safest approach. Even a small piece of bacon can contain a lot of fat for a cat.

So limit it to rare occasions. Cats have special dietary requirements, and bacon should not replace regular food.

Consider offering a small piece as an occasional treat. Always ensure the bacon is clean and free of any seasonings or additives.

Before introducing new treats into your cat’s diet, consult your veterinarian. They can make recommendations based on your cat’s health. They will determine if cats can eat bacon.

What Kinds of Bacon Can Cats Eat?

cooked bacon on table

Regarding sharing bacon with your feline friend, not all types are equal. Here’s a quick guide to the kinds of non-toxic bacon that cats can eat in moderation:

  • Plain, cooked bacon: Opt for bacon that is free of spices, seasonings, and additives. Cook it thoroughly to remove any potential bacteria or parasites.
  • Low-Sodium Bacon: If you’re choosing bacon for your cat, go for low-sodium options. High salt content can be harmful to your cat’s health.
  • Uncured bacon: Look for uncured bacon without added nitrates and nitrites. These additives can be challenging for your cat’s digestive system.
  • No-flavored bacon: Avoid bacon with added flavors like garlic, onion, or other spices. Cats have sensitive stomachs, and these additives can cause digestive upset.
  • Trimmed fat: Before offering bacon to your cat, ensure it’s well-cooked and trimmed of excess fat. Too much fat can lead to digestive issues.

For a cat to eat bacon, portions should always be small and infrequent. Therefore, bacon should be an occasional treat rather than a regular part of your cat’s diet.

Remember that your cat’s main source of nutrition should be well-balanced food. Consult your veterinarian before introducing new foods to your diet. You can ensure that they meet your cat’s specific health needs.

Concerns With Cats Eating Bacon

cat eating bacon on pizza

Sharing bacon with your feline friend may sound tempting. But bacon is not good for cats. Here’s a short list to keep in mind:

  • High fat content: Bacon is rich in fat, and excessive intake can lead to cat obesity. It may also contribute to pancreatitis, causing inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Elevated salt levels: The high salt content in bacon can be harmful to cats. Too much salt may increase thirst, urination, and potential kidney issues.
  • Digestive Upset: Bacon, especially if it is not fully cooked or trimmed of excess fat, can lead to digestive issues in cats. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur.
  • Nutritional Imbalance: Bacon doesn’t provide the balanced nutrition cats need. Relying on it as a significant part of their diet can result in nutritional deficiencies.
  • Potential Allergies: Cats, like humans, can have allergies. Introducing new foods, including bacon, may trigger allergic reactions or sensitivities.

Final Word

In summary, cats may occasionally eat a small amount of plain, cooked bacon, but it’s important to be aware of any possible health risks.

Limit intake, stay away from flavored foods, and give your cat’s regular, well-balanced diet top priority.

To make sure that any treats meet your cat’s unique health requirements, always check with your veterinarian.

What’s your experience regarding “can cats eat bacon?” Please share in the comment section below.


Dr. Linda Simon MVB MRCVS is a locum veterinary surgeon who has worked in London for the past 8 years. She graduated top of her class in small animal medicine from UCD, Dublin. She is currently a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Linda is the resident vet for Woman magazine and a frequent contributor to People’s Friend Magazine, the Dogzone website, Vet Help Direct and Wag! Linda also writes content for the CVS veterinary group, Vetwriter and a number of other establishments.