Cat owners often find themselves asking, “how to fix cat scratches on wall surfaces?”

It’s a crucial skill to know because your cat will scratch up a wall eventually. 

So let’s prepare for that moment by going through the process. 

I promise we’ll have your wall looking as good as new in no time.

Check: Best Wall Mounted Cat Furniture

3 Steps To Fix Cat Scratches on Walls

Fixing cat scratches on walls requires patience, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. If you follow these three steps, I’m more than confident in your wall returning to its former glory. 

I need to note that I’m assuming you’re fixing Sheetrock/drywall. Anyone with paneling or other material can also use them but should use a little more finesse when sanding.

1. Sand and Spackle The Area

sand paper being used on the wall

Grab sandpaper or a coarse sanding block to go over the damage. Use it to eliminate any debris or high spots polluting the area. 

From there, use spackling to fill in the holes and let them dry. I’d suggest using a hairdryer to speed up the process if you’re impatient like myself. 

Do yourself a favor and keep your spackling as smooth as possible. Using your trusty putty knife will help a lot with this process. 

Now, you should enlarge the spackled area a bit with each layer. Three layers should do the trick.

2. Sand to Your Satisfaction

Grab the sandpaper or sanding block to smooth the area. Some people might prefer using a wet wallpaper sponge to prevent sanding dust. 

In any case, smooth the area to your satisfaction. Once it meets your expectations, move on to step 3.

3. Prime and Paint The Surface

repainting the wall

Some homeowners will want to prime the area. If you choose this route, protect the floor from any overspray. 

Your last step will be painting the scratched area. Again, please do your best to find the exact color to ensure it lines up with the wall around it. 

READ MORE: How to Fix Cat Scratches on Wood

Check this video for an actual tutorial:

How Do I Design a Scratching Area for My Cat?

Cat owners can avoid repairing their walls by designing a cat scratching area. After all, it’s more effective to redirect this normal behavior onto an alternative scratching area than to punish them. [1]

I’ve developed a few tips that have helped stop my cat’s wall scratching. These methods will help protect your home’s wall from even the most rambunctious felines.

Choose the Right Height for Scratching Posts

cat looking above his scratching post

Scratching posts won’t work well if they aren’t tall enough for your cats. You’ll need ones that allow them to scratch while standing on hind legs and with their forelegs extended.

But the tricky part is finding tall enough posts with stability and sturdiness. These posts must remain upright while scratched and refrain from toppling over.

If a cat post does topple, your cat will get scared and not want to use it ever again. It defeats the entire point of spending money on them. 

I should also mention some cats will prefer scratching posts with a corner. It offers them two areas to scratch at once, so think about if that’s something your cat will enjoy. 

Meanwhile, your cat could like horizontal posts or vertical posts more. There’s a little trial and error when it comes to scratching pads or posts.

Figure out Your Cat’s Scratching Preferences

An often overlooked, vital consideration when buying scratching posts is texture. Your cats need to like how the post feels when they’re scratching it. Otherwise, your cat isn’t going to use it much. 

Most mainstream posts sold on Amazon and eBay are covered with woven material. So you can expect them to be tightly put together for longevity. 

But sadly, a lot of cats will prefer a woven material that’s loose so their nails can hook and tear. It’s more comfortable for them during a scratching session.

Cat owners also need to think about how it’s “largely a marking behavior” [2]. Your cat’s scratching onto an area to make its presence known, so durability is crucial. 

Another acceptable scratching post would be carpet ones, but it requires combing for tight loops. These loops can cause issues for your cat’s claws. 

Lastly, some cats prefer sisal rope scratching posts or ones made from wood. Be mindful of what materials seem to attract your cat’s scratching habits and find a post consisting of them.

Get One At Least One Scratching Post Per Cat

cat beside her scratching post

You want to provide your cat or cats with a variety of scratching posts. Creating an effective scratching posts area requires ensuring every feline’s needs are met. 

In other words, it’s not going to work well if one of your cats doesn’t feel comfortable. Make sure everyone has somewhere to scratch and doesn’t feel required to share with their brother or sister. 

It’ll also prevent fights from occurring over the shared space. Cats are territorial by nature, so owners need to prepare for it.

Cats will utilize their scratching posts for two reasons: marking and stretching. Account for these activities by setting them up infrequently visited areas. 

I found it most helpful to “put one near the cat’s sleeping area.” [3] After all, those spaces are where your cat will spend most of their time.

How do I Know if the Amount of Scratching My Cat Does is Normal?

cat scratching the wall

Believe it or not, there is an amount of destructive scratching by a cat that can be concerning. Cat owners who notice widespread scratching locations throughout a home should be on alert.

If the scratching is around doorways and windows, your cat may be suffering from insecurity or anxiety issues [4]. So they display their problem by marking up and spreading their scent glands on various locations within your home.

Owners can mitigate the problem by trimming their nails or with multiple vertical scratching posts. You should then see a reduction in scratching on inappropriate objects.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide on an effective deterrent, check out our article “5 TIPS TO STOP CATS FROM SCRATCHING UP YOUR WALLS & FURNITURE.”


What does it mean when a cat scratches the wall?

A cat scratching the wall usually means they’re trying to keep their claws functional and healthy. Scratching their nails on hard surfaces like a wall wears down the outside husk’s points. Once they get worn down, new and improved nails start growing beneath them. 

How to fix cat scratches on wallpaper

Fixing cat scratches on wallpaper will require getting wallpaper that matches the scratched area. It’s a complex and annoying task, which has caused many cat owners to look into trimming nails or claw covers. [5]


Fixing cat scratches on walls is a lot less complicated than people initially assume. Anyone with a bit of DIY experience should have no issues getting the job done with some patience. 

But if you still have a question or two, please let me know in our comment section. I’d love to help you with this task in any way possible. Thanks for reading!


  • 1. Preventing and Punishing Undesirable Behavior in Cats [Internet]. vca_corporate. Available from:
  • 2. Feline Behavior Problems: Destructive Behavior [Internet]. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. 2017. Available from:
  • 3. Scratching Posts [Internet]. SF SPCA. [cited 2022 Jan 4]. Available from:
  • 4. Parker H. Cats and Compulsive Scratching, Licking, and Chewing [Internet]. WebMD. [cited 2022 Jan 4]. Available from:
  • 5. How can I stop my cat clawing my wallpaper? [Internet]. Quora. [cited 2022 Jan 4]. Available from:
how to fix cat scratches on wall

If you have more tips on how to fix cat scratches on walls, let us know in the comments below!

Ben Roberts
Ben Roberts

Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all around geek. He divides his love equally between his family, his animals, and his video games. In his spare time he is attempting to get a blog off the ground. Boy, are they heavy!