Last Updated: 1 year ago

Cats are known for their love of play and curiosity, so why not give them something that will make them even more excited? Let’s learn how to give cats catnip as treats and for reducing stress.

Catnip is a great way to add some extra fun to your cat’s life. Not only does it provide a stimulating experience for cats, but it can also help reduce stress and anxiety.

Treat your cats to catnip products and watch as they become energized and playful!

So if you’re looking for an easy way to bring some extra joy into your cat’s life, let’s take a look at how to give your cat catnip!

How to Give Cat Catnip Ideas

Catnip is a great way to add some fun and excitement to your cat’s life! It has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy, but it can also be used in more playful ways.

Whether you’re looking for something to keep your kitty entertained or just want to give them a special treat, here are some fun ideas for how to give your cat catnip.

#1 Hide Small Toys or Treats

Different ways to give your cat a catnip

When you get a small container of catnip, you can hide small toys or treats inside it.

This will provide hours of entertainment as they search through the leaves, trying to find their prize!

You can even hide multiple items throughout the container so that they have something new each time they come back.

Alternatively, you can buy catnip toys and hide them inside boxes!

#2 Make Homemade Catnip Bubbles

Soak some dried catnip leaves in a bubble solution, then blow the bubbles away!

Your kitty will love chasing after these fragrant bubbles around the house!

Just make sure you use a non-toxic bubble solution and don’t let them eat any of the bubbles themselves.

This could lead to an upset stomach if ingested in large amounts.

#3 Catnip Scratching Post

cat beside her scratching post

Sprinkle dried catnip on your kitty’s favorite scratching post or cat bed to encourage them to use it more often.

The scent of the catnip will draw them towards the post or cat bed, making it easier for you both when training them how and where they should scratch their claws instead of furniture or carpets!

#4 Catnip-Infused Food

Add a little bit of crushed-up catnip to their food or water bowl from time to time as an extra special treat.

Not only does this make meal times more exciting, but cats actually need certain vitamins found in herbs like catnip. It helps support overall health and well-being too—bonus points all around!

As always, though, please check with your vet before introducing anything new into their diet and never leave them unsupervised while playing with any type of plant material, such as catnip plants.

The Best Ways to Give Your Cat Their New Favorite Treat

cat and catnip

Catnip has been used for centuries as a natural remedy, and it can also be used to give cats an enjoyable experience. Catnip is safe for cats, but it should still be given in moderation.

The best way to introduce your cat to this new treat is by giving them small amounts at first and seeing how they react. If they seem to enjoy it, then you can gradually increase the amount over time.

You can either grow your own catnip or buy pre-packaged catnip products from the store. Just make sure that whatever you get is organic and free of pesticides!

When giving your cat catnip, it’s usually best if it’s dried and crushed before being given. However, some people like to give their cats fresh leaves too. Just keep an eye on them so they don’t eat too much.

You can sprinkle some of the dried herbs onto their favorite toy or bedding, or even put some inside a special toy made specifically for holding treats.

If you want something extra special for your furry friend, there are also plenty of other options available such as specially formulated catnip products.

Some of these have added vitamins and minerals, which will help support their overall health while providing them with deliciousness at the same time!

Whatever method you choose, always remember that safety comes first when introducing any new food item into your pet’s diet. So please consult with a veterinarian beforehand if necessary.

Can you give cats catnip directly?

How to Give Cats Catnip: A Cat Parent's Guide to Feline Fun!

Yes, cats can be given catnip directly. Catnip (nepeta cataria) is part of the mint family and contains an essential oil called nepetalactone, which cats find irresistible.

When exposed to this scent, most cats will experience a euphoric reaction and may become more playful or even roll around on the ground.

Catnip effects usually last for about 10 minutes before wearing off completely. Cat owners can give their pets catnip by purchasing it dried or fresh from pet stores or online retailers.

There are also catnip products, such as catnip toys.

Dried catnip should be stored in an airtight container away from light and heat to preserve its potency. Fresh leaves can be placed inside toys for your kitty to enjoy.

It’s important to note that not all cats respond positively to catnip products; some may ignore them altogether.

So if pet owners are unsure how their pet will react, they should start with small amounts first and observe their cat’s behavior closely when giving them the treat.

If your cat does not respond to catnip products, try other alternatives, like a silver vine.

How much catnip do I give a cat?

How catnip works

The amount of catnip cat owners give their cats depends on the age and size of the animal. Generally, a pinch or two is enough for cats up to 10 pounds.

For larger cats, up to 1 teaspoon can be given. It’s important not to overdo it, as too much can cause vomiting or diarrhea in some animals.

If you are unsure about how much to give your pet, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian first before giving them any type of supplement or treat.

Catnip products should also be used sparingly, as cats can become habituated and lose interest if they receive too much at once.

To keep things interesting, try rotating between different types of treats, such as silver vine or freeze-dried liver cubes, every few weeks so that your cat doesn’t get bored with just one kind of reward all the time.

Additionally, make sure that whatever treats you do choose are appropriate for their age and size; kittens should only have small amounts, while adult cats may need more depending on their activity level and diet requirements.


Giving cats catnip is a great way to provide them with an enjoyable treat that can help keep them calm and relaxed.

It is easy to learn how to give cats catnip. Catnip is easy to prepare and safe for your pet, and there are plenty of fun ways to give it to your cats.

Just remember to be mindful of the amount you give your cat and constantly monitor their behavior when they’re enjoying their new favorite treat!

With these tips in mind, you’ll have no problem giving cats catnip safely and successfully.
