Last Updated: 1 year ago

Introducing cats into your home can be a rewarding experience, but it’s important to remember that cats are complex creatures and require a lot of patience and understanding.

From selecting the right breed for your lifestyle to providing them with proper nutrition and care, it is no small task to learn how to introduce cats.

But with the right knowledge and preparation, you can ensure that both you and your new feline friend have a positive experience.

So let’s find out how to introduce cats together, learning about their needs, personalities, and behaviors so that you can provide them with the best possible life.

How To Introduce Cats To Each Other

How to Introduce Cats: 5 Things You Must Consider

Introducing a cat to another cat is not so different from introduce a cat to a dog.

However, there is something you must keep in mind.

Cats have a strong territorial instinct and don’t like to share. So, they might never be best friends with one another.

1. Choose the right cat

As much as you’d like to bring any cat home, you have to consider the personality of your cat.

  • Is it neutered? If it’s not, it’s better to do it before you get another cat. Unneutered males can be quite dangerous to kittens and other male cats.
  • Does your cat like to play? Then it probably won’t mind a playful companion. But if it doesn’t, a kitten might not be the best choice for you.
  • Has the cat ever lived with another cat? A cat who has been an only child will get used to a new kitten quite quickly.

2. Prepare a Territory

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The new cat needs space and territory. So, decide where you’re going to keep the new cat for the first few weeks.

You have to furnish the place with all the necessary cat stiff and make sure that Kat doesn’t have access to it.

When you bring Kitty home, you should allow her to get comfortable with her “territory.”

In time, Kitty will show you that she is ready to explore the rest of the house.

Then you swap your cats’ places. You bring Kat into Kitty’s territory, and Kitty’s into Kat’s.

Allow each cat to become familiar with the stranger’s smell and then bring them back to their original territory.

3. Create Positive Connotation

Just like when you’re introducing a cat to a dog, place the food bowls on either side of a closed door.

In this way, you’re allowing the kitties to get familiar with each other without visual cues.

At first, you might have to place the bowls a little farther from the door if the cats seem afraid or reluctant.

4. Face-To-Face Introduction

cats together
Two LaPerm cats are lying on top of each other

Once you deem that both cats are ready, open the door, but place a barrier between the two.

In this way, they can see each other, but they can’t attack or hurt the other. What’s more, each cat can retreat to her territory.”

You can use a pet gate or a screen door.

The cats might sniff each other and hiss or growl. That’s normal.

Continue to feed them in the same way until they seem comfortable or at least resilient with the other feline’s presence.

5. Together At Last

Finally, when you see that both cats seem calm around each other you can bring them together in one room.

The trick here is to keep them both occupied so that they don’t turn attacking each other.

You might want a second person’s help because you will find it hard to keep the attention of two curious felines all by yourself.

In time, the cats will get used to this routine and hopefully, accepts each other’s presence in the house.

But don’t be surprised if it takes you a few months until your fur babies start to get along.

How To Introduce an Adult Cat to a New Cat

Bringing home a new kitty? Make sure your current kitty is happy. Check out these 5 must-read tips for introducing an adult cat to a new cat!

Introducing a new cat to an older cat can cause all sorts of problems in the household animal kingdom!

The situation is stressful for everyone involved, but it is especially stressful for an adult cat.

This means that you will have to plan ahead for the upcoming introduction to make sure that everyone feels comfortable.

You don’t want your current kitty to feel threatened or scared when the new kitty joins the family.

#1 Take it Slow

Introducing your cat to a new cat shouldn’t happen in an hour.

Cats can easily become scared, which causes them to become aggressive. A slow introduction works best. Start off with short periods of interaction.

Putting your cats in the same room without your supervisor can be problematic.

#2 Pick the Right Cat For Your Cat

Even though the new cat is your cat, your existing cat matters. For an adult cat, a kitten is much less threatening.

But, an adult cat may see a kitten as being too energetic and playful. Consider your cat’s attitude and socialization level before getting a new one.

#3 Prep Your Home For Two Cats

This ties in with the proper introduction of your cat to the new cat. Set up an area in your home where the new cat can be separated.

A spare room or closed-off space is best. Pick an area that is not a place where your current cat spends a lot of time. Keeping the new cat in a crate is a good way to separate the two.

#4 Don’t Forget About Your Current Cat

New cats, especially kittens, are cute. You want to give them a lot of love and attention!

While there is nothing wrong with this, it’s important to continue to entertain and give attention to your adult cat.

Otherwise, your cat will become jealous of the new one. A jealous cat is not one you want to deal with!

#5 Expect The Worst But Hope For The Best

Sometimes cats just don’t get along. You cannot force your current cat to magically accept a new one.

Be patient, but be realistic. If your cat hates other cats, it may not be best to get another cat.

If your cat is older or a loner, bringing a new pet into the home may cause problems.


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If you’re a cat owner, you know that cats can be quite a handful. They require attention and care, and it can take some time to get them to acclimate to their new home.

Introducing a new cat to another cat takes time and patience.

Most cats are shy around other cats, and it may take them 8–12 months before they feel comfortable enough to become friends.