Last Updated: 9 months ago

Want to really get your kitty’s motor running? You should learn more about spots where to pet a cat.

I bet you didn’t know that there are certain spots where cats really love to be petted.

Did you also know that there are a few spots where they absolutely loathe being touched?

There are four basic spots where all cats enjoy being petted:

  • Base of their chin,
  • Behind their whiskers,
  • Base of their tail and
  • Base of their ears.

Knowing these spots can mean the difference between a blissed-out purring kitty and losing a chunk of your finger to a grumpy cat!

Where to Pet A Cat

petting a cat

Every cat is different, and some cats may have their own unique preferences when it comes to being petted.

Always pay attention to your cat’s body language and be respectful of their boundaries.

Here are four basic spots where to pet a cat:

Base of Their Chin

The base of their chin is probably a cat’s favorite place for petting.

This is a great spot to pet a cat because they have scent glands located there, which cats use to mark their territory and communicate with other cats.

When you pet a cat at the base of their chin, it can be very soothing and comforting for them, and it may help them relax.

Behind Their Whiskers

This area is also known as the “cheek rub” area and is another favorite spot for many cats.

When you pet a cat behind their whiskers, it can be very stimulating and enjoyable for them, as it simulates the feeling of being groomed by another cat.

Many cats will push their heads into your hand or rub their cheeks against your hand when you pet them in this spot.

Base of Their Tail

This is another spot where many cats enjoy being petted, especially if they are feeling playful or frisky.

When you pet a cat at the base of their tail, it can be very invigorating for them, and it may encourage them to play or run around.

Base of Their Ears

This is a sensitive area for many cats, and not all cats enjoy being petted there.

However, for some cats, gentle petting at the base of their ears can be very soothing and calming.

You should approach this spot with caution and pay attention to your cat’s body language to see if they are enjoying the attention or if they are uncomfortable.

Where NOT to Pet Your Cat!

petting cat stomach

So, now that you know where your cat likes being petted, do you know where they hate being petted?

For the majority of cats, you want to stay clear of petting their stomachs.

The reason for this is that even though your cat may feel safe inside their dwelling, it is also a natural instinct for them to be wary of predators.

The first thing they will do is protect their stomachs, because that is the first place predators attack.

Do Cats Like to Be Pet?

hand reaching out and petting a brown cat

Pending a scientific breakthrough, as this time, nobody has been able to ask their feline friend if they enjoy a good petting session.

However, we can tell a lot about how a cat is feeling by her body language.

Cats tell us how they’re feeling in various ways, and there are plenty of visible signs that a cat is happy

Here are just a few:

  • She appears calm and maybe even uninterested in the world around her.
  • He seems relaxed, free of tension, and may even sleep on your feet.
  • She paws at you or actively demands more attention if you stop petting her.
  • He purrs gently and may knead you with his paws.
  • She rolls onto her side or back and exposes her belly.
  • He closes or gently squints his eyes.

So if you’re busy petting your cat and she is behaving as described above, chances are she likes it.

How to Pet a Cat

Woman playing with a stray cat
  1. Approach the cat slowly and calmly: If the cat is not familiar with you or is wary, approach slowly and calmly to avoid startling them.
  2. Offer your hand for sniffing: Once you are close to the cat, offer your hand for them to sniff. This can help them get familiar with your scent.
  3. Start by petting the cat’s head or chin: Begin by gently petting the cat’s head or chin, which are usually safe areas for petting.
  4. Pay attention to the cat’s body language: Watch the cat’s body language to see if they are enjoying the petting. If they start to move away or become agitated, stop petting them.
  5. Follow the cat’s lead: If the cat seems to be enjoying the petting, continue petting them in a gentle and soothing manner. Follow their lead and focus on areas that they seem to enjoy.
  6. Avoid sensitive areas: Avoid sensitive areas such as the belly or tail unless the cat indicates that they enjoy being petted there.
  7. End the petting session when the cat is ready: Pay attention to the cat’s body language and end the petting session when they seem to be done or want to move on.

Remember, every cat is unique and may have their own preferences when it comes to being petted.

Always be gentle and respectful, and pay attention to the cat’s body language to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and the cat.

Final Word

Be sure that when you are petting them, you don’t block their vision by reaching across their face, since most cats see this as threatening behavior.

Also, watch their behavior when you are petting them, as they will tell you if they don’t like being petted in a certain spot.

You will notice that they stop purring or that their ears change position. If this is the case, stop petting in that area and try another spot instead.

Did you know about these spots where to pet a cat? Is your cat an exception to the rules? Tell us your thoughts below!


Want to get your kitty’s internal motor really running? Check out our tips for where to pet your cat for maximum purrs!