Last Updated: 8 months ago

Why do cats purr when you pet them?

While we usually think it’s a sign of approval, that’s not always the case.

In fact, sometimes it’s actually a warning or signal that your cat is unhappy.

Read on for all the potential meanings behind your kitty’s purr.

Why Do Cats Purr When You Pet Them?

Why Do Cats Purr When You Pet Them? 7 Reasons

Cats use a lot of body language in order to convey what they want to say to their humans, and purring is part of your furry friend’s body language.

Conventional wisdom often dictates that purring is a sign of satisfaction on the part of your feline friend.

But is that true, or is it actually one of many warning signs that are part of your pet’s body language to show you that something is wrong?

Let’s explore.

1. A purring cat is a happy cat

a cute tiger cat purring but why do cats purr when you pet them?

Yes, often, your cat is purring out of sheer joy, so let’s start with that!

When we stroke our feline friends in any of their sweet spots (cheeks, under the chin, between the ears), it stimulates the facial glands, resulting in a pleasant sensation.

Since most cats like it when you pet them, they aren’t shy about expressing their joy and affection by purring. It’s how your cat says, “Good job! Keep petting.”

Usually, when your cat is purring because it’s happy, it will half-close its eyes, lay on its back or side, give you a headbutt, or meow in protest when you stop petting them.

These are all signs of affectionate behavior from your cat to show you that he is completely relaxed and is in a very happy mood.

Just be careful to pet only in stroke-approved places and not touch your cat in places they don’t like. Or you risk getting scratched.

2. Your cat is overwhelmed

happy cat being petted

As I mentioned earlier, not all purring is a sign of joy. In fact, it could be a sign that you’re stressing or overwhelming your cat.

Your feline friend may be feeling a bit unsocial at the moment. Or perhaps even just be an aloof cat with a tendency to be sensitive to touch as well.

While it is okay for you to touch and stroke your cat, be aware of your cat’s preference; there may be such a thing as a limit.

Some cats can stroke for hours, and they can’t be happier about it. But other felines will tolerate only a minute or two of petting before they push you away.

If you start to notice a change in the way your cat purrs or a change in his body language, such as a rapid-moving tail, this may be a sign of overstimulation on his part.

You should respect your cat’s wishes and not cause your pet any discomfort. Otherwise, your cat will stop cuddling with you.

There are times, though, when a cat purrs even without you touching him.

3. A result of normal brain function

cat looking at the top of his head

Cat experts say that one of the reasons why cats purr when you pet them is because it is supposed to be part of their normal brain function.

The brain of an adult cat sends signals to its voice box, which contains laryngeal muscles, whenever a cat breathes.

The signals received by the voice box cause the vocal cords of the cat to separate and vibrate, pretty much like the strings of a guitar.

These vibrations lead to the low-pitched sounds that are the cat’s purr.

4. A sign of affection

a large grey cat with beautiful orange eyes

Your cat’s affectionate behavior and purring may actually be him telling you that he needs something.

It’s his way of convincing you to give in to his request.

Whether it’s food, his favorite toy, or attention, your feline friend will let you know by continuously purring and rubbing against you so that you eventually drop your guard and give in to him.

Specialists call this a solicitation purr. Owners describe it as “urgent” and “persistent,” very different from the usual way a cat purrs.

5. A call for help

a crying kitten covered by a knitted blanket

A purr from your cat isn’t always a sign that your furry friend is in a good mood. There may be times when your cat’s purr may not sound like his normal purr.

In this case, his purr may actually be a sign of stress or anxiety. Any other new pets in the house? A new family member?

Your cat may be an asocial animal that takes time to get used to any new setting.

Purring, in this case, helps alleviate elevated stress levels in your cat to help him breathe better and relax.

Moreover, cats sometimes purr when they’re sick and in pain. Purring releases endorphins, which help your cat calm down and deal with the pain.

As such, you should pay close attention to your cat’s body language and take them to a vet if you notice any signs of illness.

6. It’s all part of healing!

relaxed cat on top of a shelf

Yes! You read that right! A cat’s purr can amazingly be part of a healing process.

The frequency of a cat’s purr, which comes from the vibration of vocal cords, has healing properties.

The healing power of your cat’s purr can trigger bone regeneration, which can lead to bone healing during injury.

It can also help repair tendons and promote muscle growth needed for movement. And it helps your cat retain bone density.

Animal experts believe that purring helps your pet maintain his normal body temperature and blood pressure as well.

Interestingly, purring is also beneficial for cat owners. When you hear your kitty purr, your brain releases endorphins, which help you deal with stress and high blood pressure.

So, don’t be surprised that you no longer feel blue after spending a couple of minutes petting your feline companion.

7. Mother-child bond

newborn kittens hugging each other

A mother cat, just like its human counterpart, needs to bond with its child. And purring is part of the process.

If you pay attention to newborn kittens, you’ll see them kneading and purring while nursing.

That’s because newborn kittens are normally blind and deaf during the first week of their lives.

All they can do is purr and meow to express that they’re hungry, cold, or scared.

The mother cat also uses purring to soother her babies and says, “Everything is all right. Mother is here to keep you safe.”

So, purring from both the mother cat and the kitten is a sign of affection as well as communication between the two.

Snoring vs. Purring

a cute tiger cat purring but why do cats purr when you pet them?

So, how can you tell if your cat is snoring or purring? You just have to listen to what sound your cat is making and how long the sound continues.

Have you ever heard your cat making strange noises while cuddling next to you in bed? Then you’re probably wondering if your cat is snoring or purring.

Purring is a constant, steady, rhythmic vibration. Place your hand on your kitty, and you’ll be able to feel the vibrations with your palm, no matter if your cat is exhaling or inhaling.

On the other hand, snoring is related to your cat’s breathing pattern. As such, it’s an on-off-on-off sound related to exhalation and inhalation.

Do Cats Purr When Asleep?

Like humans, cats dream when they fall asleep.

As Claudine Sievert, a cat and dog expert, explains, “When they reach the sleep stage we know as REM (rapid eye movement), they may have dreams, expressing that with purring.”

So, it’s normal for your cat to make sounds when they’re dreaming about something very good to express their happiness.

But cats also purr when they’re having nightmares, and they’re purring to alleviate their anxiety and fear. 

Do Cats Snore?

In general, it’s normal for cats to snore from time to time, and it’s not something to worry about unless the snoring is severe.

Some cats snore during the non-REM stage of their sleep cycles when they’re deeply relaxed and sleeping in a position that puts pressure on the nasal passages.

Certain cat breeds with short muzzles (Persians or Exotic Shorthairs) are more prone to snoring. That’s due to the shortened construction of their faces.

However, snoring can also be a sign of an illness, especially if your cat is coughing, panting, or breathing rapidly. It can indicate allergies, respiratory infections, or lung problems.

As such, you should consult with a vet if your kitty starts making strange sounds while asleep or has eye or ear discharge and a runny nose.


Why does my cat purr every time I touch him?

Your cat purrs whenever you touch him to show you that he is relaxed, content, and happy with the attention that you are giving him. It means that you were able to find his sweet spot, so he is now able to relax.

Why do cats purr when being stroked?

This really depends on the situation. Oftentimes, a cat purrs when being stroked because it is relaxed and in a good mood. In certain instances, though, a different purring sound may mean that your cat is getting irritated due to overstimulation in the area where you’re stroking him.

What does it mean when a cat is purring?

This may be one of several things. Purring, more often than not, is a sign that your cat is relaxed and in a good mood. However, purring may be a sign of stress and anxiety in your cat as well.

Purring may also be part of the healing process for a cat recovering from an injury. In the case of a newborn kitten, it may also be a form of communication between the mother and the newborn.

Final Words

Knowing what it means when a cat is purring is important, as is knowing how to talk to and respond to them when needed.

Communication, after all, is important in order for you to form that special bond between you and your furry friend.

Just make sure, though, that you do not overstimulate your cat. Cats can be pretty sensitive to touch.

Be aware of the difference between a normal purr and a hiss. A sound nearing a hiss may be a sign of overstimulation on the part of your cat.

For you, why do cats purr when petted? What’s your experience with your cat’s purring? Please share with us below!

lady petting his cat