It sounds like a cliché, but any cat owner knows that our feline friends are as curious as they are smart, but this may lead to you trying to figure out how to get a cat out of a tree. While Mittens may be a professional tree climber, your furry friend may not...
People often wonder what their cats think when they give them hugs and kisses. Do cats understand kisses as signs of affection, or do they just think they’re being weird? Perhaps the cats think the kisses are a bizarre attempt at grooming them! Let’s...
When it comes to cat breeds having the most appealing and beautiful colors, Siamese cats top the list. Siamese kitties have a wide range of colors, including soft cinnamon shades and apricot hues. Coupled with their different colors and unique personalities, it has...
Looking to prevent your kitty from tracking litter all over the house? Then you definitely need to check out our list of the best cat litter mats below. Now that you’ve figured out where to hide your litter boxes and how to eliminate litter box odor,...
This is a common question among cat parents trying to ensure the safety of their feline friends. Yes, baking soda can be used in cat litter to help control odors. However, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks, which we will address below. During...
If you have run out of cat food but have a closet stocked with your infant’s favorite meals, you may be wondering, Can your cats eat baby food? On the other hand, you may have an elderly or sick cat that turns its nose up at regular cat food and find yourself...
If you own the world’s biggest cat, or if you just happen to be a fan, you may be wondering, “What is the Maine Coon’s lifespan?” Maine Coons are generally a hardy breed with reasonably few health issues. Nevertheless, the average life...
Do cats hug humans? Want to know if cats like hugging kitties? We’ve got you covered with this detailed guide! Find the surprising answer now! Do Cats Give Hugs? The short answer is yes. The real question is, “Why do cats give hugs?” and “Do...
Why do cats scratch around their food? It is one of those common cat behaviors that leave us scratching our heads in confusion, isn’t it? As a cat parent, I was perplexed when I saw one of my cats scratching around their bowl. I had to know why cats do it,...
Are you wondering how to stop your cat from sleeping on your bed? Luckily, my experience working in a vet clinic has taught me some tricks that I’ll share with you. I’ll explain to you why cats like to sleep in their owners’ beds, whether it’s...