Last Updated: 8 months ago

If you are a fan of the Lord of the Rings, you might want to name your cat after one of the characters or places from the epic fantasy saga.

Whether you’re a fan of Tolkien’s epic saga or simply seeking a touch of fantasy for your feline friend, we’ve got you covered.

If you prefer the heroes, the villains, the elves, the dwarves, the hobbits, or the wizards, there is a name for every cat lover and every cat personality.

25 Lord of the Rings Cat Names for Females

brave cat at night

These female names draw inspiration from the diverse array of heroines, goddesses, and creatures that populate Tolkien’s epic saga.

  1. Arien: Arien is a Maia, or angelic being, associated with the Sun in Tolkien’s legendarium. She was entrusted with guiding the vessel of the Sun across the sky, symbolizing warmth, light, and life.
  2. Ar-Zimraphel: Ar-Zimraphel was a queen of Numenor known for her beauty and her tragic fate, as she was burned alive during the Downfall of Numenor.
  3. Celebrindal: Celebrindal was the daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel, known for her beauty and her eventual marriage to Elrond.
  4. Eowyn: Eowyn is a shieldmaiden of Rohan, known for her bravery and defiance of societal expectations. She played a crucial role in the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
  5. Erendis: Erendis was a queen of Numenor known for her independence and her troubled relationship with her husband, Tar-Aldarion.
  6. Estella: Estella Bolger is a hobbit from the Shire and the wife of Merry Brandybuck, known for her grace and gentle nature.
  7. Finduilas: Finduilas was the wife of Denethor II and the mother of Boromir and Faramir, known for her grace and compassion.
  8. Freda: While not a prominent character in Tolkien’s works, Freda could be associated with the spirit of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, embodying qualities of resilience, loyalty, and freedom.
  9. Goldberry: Goldberry is the River-daughter and wife of Tom Bombadil, known for her ethereal beauty and connection to nature.
  10. Haleth: Haleth was a female leader of the Edain, a group of Men, known for her bravery and leadership during the First Age.
  11. Idril: Idril Celebrindal is an elf princess of Gondolin, known for her beauty, wisdom, and her role in the fall of her city.
  12. Khamul: Khamul the Easterling was one of the Nazgul, or Ringwraiths, known for his terror and his role in serving the Dark Lord Sauron.
  13. Lalaith: Lalaith was the daughter of Huor and Rian, known for her innocence and the sadness of her premature death.
  14. Laracna: Laracna, while not a character in Tolkien’s works, could be associated with the character Shelob or other spiders of Middle-earth.
  15. Luthien: Luthien Tinuviel was a beautiful and courageous elf maiden, known for her love for Beren and her role in one of the great love stories of Middle-earth.
  16. Melian: Melian is a Maia, or angelic being, who falls in love with the Elven King Thingol and becomes the queen of Doriath.
  17. Morwen: Morwen was the wife of Hurin and the mother of Turin and Nienor, known for her strength and resilience in the face of tragedy.
  18. Nienna: Nienna is one of the Valar, or angelic beings, in Tolkien’s legendarium, known for her role as the Lady of Mercy and her association with grief and pity.
  19. Nienor: Nienor was the daughter of Morwen and Hurin, known for her tragic fate and role in the story of Turin Turambar.
  20. Nimrodel: Nimrodel was an elf maiden who fell in love with a Man named Amroth, known for her beauty and her association with the White Mountains.
  21. Primula: Primula Brandybuck is the mother of Frodo Baggins’ cousin, Merry Brandybuck, known for her kindness and love for her family.
  22. Shelob: Shelob was a giant spider and a servant of Sauron, known for her ferocity and her lair in the pass of Cirith Ungol.
  23. Silmarien: Silmarien was a princess of Numenor and the founder of the line of the Lords of Andunie, known for her wisdom and foresight.
  24. Ungoliant: Ungoliant was a primordial spider-like creature, known for her insatiable hunger and her role in the poisoning of the Two Trees of Valinor.
  25. Yavanna: Yavanna is one of the Valar, or angelic beings, in Tolkien’s legendarium, known as the Queen of the Earth and the creator of all things that grow. She is associated with nature, fertility, and the protection of all living things.

Our favorite is Luthien, a name that echoes with the beauty, courage, and undying love of one of Middle-earth’s most beloved heroines, ideal for a graceful and enchanting female cat.

25 Lord of the Rings Cat Names for Males

male cat hunting

These male names draw inspiration from the diverse array of heroes, villains, and legendary figures that populate Tolkien’s epic saga.

Each name carries its own story and symbolism, making it a fitting choice for a feline companion destined for adventures in your own personal Middle-earth.

  1. Aragorn: Aragorn, also known as Strider, was a ranger and the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor.
  2. Balrog: Balrogs were ancient and powerful demons of fire and shadow, known for their immense strength and terrifying presence.
  3. Boromir: Boromir was a valiant warrior from Gondor and a member of the Fellowship of the Ring.
  4. Denethor: A proud and noble leader who struggled with despair and ultimately met a tragic end.
  5. Earendil: Earendil was a legendary figure who sailed into the heavens with a Silmaril, becoming the brightest star in the sky. He played a significant role in the events leading to the downfall of Morgoth.
  6. Elendil: Elendil was a legendary figure and the first High King of Gondor and Arnor.
  7. Eomer: Eomer was the Marshal of the Mark and the Third Marshal of the Riddermark, known for his bravery and leadership during the War of the Ring.
  8. Faramir: Faramir was the younger brother of Boromir and the Captain of the Rangers of Ithilien. He was known for his wisdom, compassion, and loyalty to Gondor.
  9. Feanor: Feanor was the greatest of the Noldor Elves in Tolkien’s mythology, renowned for his skill as a craftsman and the creator of the Silmarils, as well as his role in the rebellion against the Valar.
  10. Gandalf: Gandalf the Grey, later Gandalf the White, was a wizard and a key member of the Fellowship of the Ring. He was known for his wisdom, magic, and guidance in the fight against Sauron.
  11. Gil-galad: Gil-galad was one of the last High Kings of the Noldor Elves in Middle-earth, known for his bravery and leadership during the Second Age, particularly in the war against Sauron.
  12. Gollum: Gollum, also known as Smeagol, was a creature corrupted by the One Ring, known for his cunning and obsession with the Ring.
  13. Grima: Grima Wormtongue was a treacherous advisor to King Theoden of Rohan, known for his deceitful counsel and allegiance to Saruman.
  14. Hurin: Hurin was a valiant Man of the First Age, known for his deeds of bravery and defiance against Morgoth, as well as the tragic fate of his family.
  15. Isildur: Isildur was the High King of Gondor and Arnor who cut the One Ring from Sauron’s hand during the War of the Last Alliance.
  16. Lurtz: Lurtz was a powerful Uruk-hai created by Saruman known for his strength and ferocity in battle.
  17. Radagast: Radagast the Brown was one of the Istari, or wizards, sent to Middle-earth to aid in the struggle against Sauron. He was known for his affinity with animals and nature.
  18. Saruman: Saruman the White was the head of the order of wizards and initially a wise and powerful ally, but he ultimately succumbed to ambition and became a servant of Sauron.
  19. Sauron: A dark and malevolent entity who sought to conquer Middle-earth and rule over it with the power of the One Ring.
  20. Strider: Strider was one of the aliases used by Aragorn during his time as a ranger, known for his mysterious and rugged persona before his true identity as the heir to the throne of Gondor was revealed.
  21. Theoden: Theoden was the King of Rohan during the War of the Ring, known for his transformation from a despairing ruler to a valiant leader who fought against the forces of Sauron.
  22. Thingol: Thingol was an Elven king of Doriath in the First Age, known for his wisdom and the tragic love story with the Maia Melian.
  23. Treebeard: Treebeard, also known as Fangorn, was the oldest of the Ents, ancient tree-like beings who were the guardians of the forests of Middle-earth.
  24. Tuor: Tuor was a great hero of Men in Tolkien’s legendarium, known for his role in the Fall of Gondolin and his marriage to Idril, daughter of Turgon.
  25. Ulbar: While not a prominent character in Tolkien’s works, Ulbar could be associated with the rugged and hardy spirit often attributed to the Dwarves or Men of Middle-earth.

Our favorite is Aragorn, name that evokes the strength, courage, and noble lineage of the rightful heir to the throne of Gondor, ideal for a regal and adventurous male cat.

20 Lord of the Rings Hobbit Cat Names

cat with yellow flower crown

Hobbits are known for their love of comfort, food, and simple pleasures. These names are inspired by characters and elements from the Shire.

  1. Adalgrim: A distant cousin of Bilbo, known for his generosity.
  2. Angelica: A cousin of Bilbo and Frodo, known for her sharp tongue and wit.
  3. Belladonna: Bilbo’s adventurous mother, who had a significant influence on him.
  4. Bilbo: The adventurous hobbit who found the One Ring in “The Hobbit” and later passed it on to Frodo.
  5. Blanco: A Hobbit of the Shire, known for his fondness for gardening and fine wines.
  6. Drogo: The late husband of Primrose and father of Frodo.
  7. Everard: A minor character from the Shire, known for his involvement in the Battle of Bywater.
  8. Fredegar (Fatty): Friend of Frodo and a fellow conspirator in the quest to destroy the One Ring.
  9. Frodo: Named after the courageous hobbit who embarked on a perilous journey to destroy the One Ring.
  10. Hamfast (Gaffer): Samwise Gamgee’s father, known for his wisdom and love for gardening.
  11. Hilda: Bilbo’s aunt and a minor character in “The Hobbit.”
  12. Lobelia: Inspired by Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, a nosy and eccentric hobbit from the Shire.
  13. Lotho: Lobelia Sackville-Baggins’ son, who becomes an antagonist in the later events of the story.
  14. Marigold: A relative of Samwise Gamgee, known for her love of flowers and gardening.
  15. Merry: Short for Meriadoc Brandybuck, another loyal friend of Frodo and member of the Fellowship.
  16. Pippin: Short for Peregrin Took, one of Frodo’s loyal friends and members of the Fellowship.
  17. Primrose: A gentle and kind-hearted hobbit, cousin of Frodo.
  18. Rosie: Named after Rosie Cotton, a kind-hearted hobbit and Sam’s eventual wife.
  19. Ruby: Samwise Gamgee’s mother, known for her kindness and love for her family.
  20. Sam: Inspired by Frodo’s loyal and steadfast companion, Samwise Gamgee.

Our favorite is Sam, a name that reflects loyalty, bravery, and unwavering friendship, just like its namesake.

15 Lord of the Rings Elf Cat Names

guard cat in forest

Elves are elegant, graceful, and wise beings in Tolkien’s universe. These names capture the ethereal beauty and wisdom associated with the elven race.

  1. Arwen: The daughter of Elrond and Aragorn’s love interest, known for her grace and beauty.
  2. Celeborn: Galadriel’s husband and co-ruler of Lothlórien, known for his wisdom and patience.
  3. Elrond: The half-elven lord of Rivendell, known for his wisdom, healing abilities, and counsel.
  4. Elrohir: One of the twin sons of Elrond, known for his bravery and skills in battle.
  5. Elladan: The other twin son of Elrond, known for his wisdom and compassion.
  6. Galadriel: The wise and powerful elf queen of Lothlórien, possessing great knowledge and foresight.
  7. Galdor: An elf-lord who provides counsel and aid to the Fellowship during their journey.
  8. Galion: The butler of Thranduil’s halls, known for his love of wine and feasting.
  9. Glorfindel: A powerful elf-lord who aids Frodo and his companions in their quest.
  10. Haldir: The marchwarden of Lothlórien, known for his loyalty and bravery in defending his homeland.
  11. Idril: The daughter of Turgon, king of Gondolin, known for her beauty and intelligence.
  12. Legolas: A skilled archer and member of the Fellowship, known for his agility and keen senses.
  13. Lindir: An elf of Rivendell, known for his love of music and poetry.
  14. Tauriel: A skilled warrior and captain of the Mirkwood Guard, known for her compassion and bravery.
  15. Thranduil: The Elvenking of Mirkwood, father of Legolas, known for his regal demeanor and fierce protection of his realm.

Our favorite is Arwen, a name that embodies grace, beauty, and a hint of mysterious elven wisdom.

20 Lord of the Rings Dwarf Cat Names

cat stalking prey in forest

Dwarves are known for their strength, resilience, and craftsmanship. These names are inspired by the stout-hearted characters from Tolkien’s universe.

  1. Balin: Named after Thorin’s wise advisor and elder companion, known for his knowledge of history and lore.
  2. Bifur: Inspired by the axe-wielding dwarf of Thorin’s company, known for his bravery in battle.
  3. Bofur: Named after one of Thorin’s company, a cheerful and jovial dwarf known for his love of music.
  4. Bombur: Inspired by the rotund dwarf known for his hearty appetite and jovial nature.
  5. Dain: Inspired by the noble dwarf who becomes King under the Mountain after Thorin’s death.
  6. Dori: Named after the companion of Thorin known for his strength and resourcefulness.
  7. Durin: Inspired by the legendary figure among dwarves, believed to be the eldest of their race and the ancestor of the line of Durin.
  8. Dwalin: Inspired by Thorin’s loyal and fierce companion, recognized for his strength and combat skills.
  9. Fíli: Named after Thorin’s nephew and skilled warrior, known for his bravery and loyalty.
  10. Fundin: Named after the father of Balin and Dwalin, a respected dwarf warrior and companion of Thorin.
  11. Gimli: Named after the valiant dwarf warrior and member of the Fellowship, renowned for his loyalty and bravery.
  12. Gloin: Inspired by the loyal companion of Thorin and father of Gimli, known for his bravery in battle.
  13. Kíli: Inspired by Fíli’s younger brother, an agile and skilled archer among Thorin’s company.
  14. Nori: Inspired by the skilled thief and member of Thorin’s company, recognized for his agility and cunning.
  15. Oin: Named after Gloin’s brother and member of Thorin’s company, skilled in healing and medicine.
  16. Ori: Named after the member of Thorin’s company known for his love of knowledge and skill in writing.
  17. Orik: Inspired by the dwarf who becomes the king of the Iron Hills, known for his bravery and leadership.
  18. Thorin: Inspired by Thorin Oakenshield, the noble leader of the company of dwarves on a quest to reclaim Erebor.
  19. Thrain: Named after Thorin’s father and former king under the mountain, known for his bravery and resilience.
  20. Thrór: He was a Dwarf king of the line of Durin, known for his wealth and the creation of the Kingdom under the Mountain in Erebor.

Our favorite is Gimli, a name that embodies strength, loyalty, and courage, fitting for a bold and adventurous cat.

20 Lord of the Rings Cat Names Inspired by Cast

125 Lord of the Rings Cat Names Inspired by Middle-Earth

These names are inspired by the real names of the talented actors who portrayed beloved characters in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

  1. Andy: Inspired by Andy Serkis, the actor known for his groundbreaking performance as Gollum, the tortured creature corrupted by the One Ring.
  2. Bernard: Inspired by Bernard Hill, the actor known for his role as King Theoden, the wise and noble ruler of Rohan.
  3. Billy: Inspired by Billy Boyd, the actor known for his portrayal of Peregrin “Pippin” Took, Frodo’s cheerful and curious friend.
  4. Brad: Inspired by Brad Dourif, the actor known for his role as Grima Wormtongue, advisor to King Theoden.
  5. Cate: Named after Cate Blanchett, the actress who portrayed Galadriel, the wise and ethereal elf queen.
  6. Christopher: Named after Sir Christopher Lee, the actor known for his iconic role as Saruman, the powerful wizard who falls to darkness.
  7. David: Named after David Wenham, the actor who portrayed Faramir, the noble captain of Gondor.
  8. Dominic: Named after Dominic Monaghan, the actor who played Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck, one of Frodo’s loyal friends.
  9. Elijah: Named after Elijah Wood, the actor who brought Frodo Baggins, the courageous hobbit, to life on screen.
  10. Harry: Inspired by Harry Sinclair, the actor who played Isildur, the King of Gondor who initially defeated Sauron and cut the One Ring from his hand.
  11. Hugo: Inspired by Hugo Weaving, the actor known for his role as Elrond, the half-elven lord of Rivendell.
  12. Ian: Inspired by Sir Ian McKellen, the esteemed actor who portrayed Gandalf, the wise and powerful wizard.
  13. John: Named after John Rhys-Davies, the actor known for his portrayal of Gimli, the stout-hearted dwarf warrior.
  14. Karl: Inspired by Karl Urban, the actor known for his portrayal of Eomer, the valiant warrior of Rohan.
  15. Liv: Named after Liv Tyler, the actress who portrayed Arwen, the beautiful and compassionate elf princess.
  16. Marton: Inspired by Marton Csokas, the actor who portrayed Celeborn, the wise and noble elf lord.
  17. Miranda: Named after Miranda Otto, the actress who played Eowyn, the courageous shieldmaiden of Rohan.
  18. Orlando: Named after Orlando Bloom, the actor known for his portrayal of Legolas, the skilled elven archer.
  19. Sean: Named after Sean Bean, the actor who portrayed Boromir, the valiant warrior of Gondor.
  20. Viggo: Inspired by Viggo Mortensen, the actor who portrayed Aragorn, the noble and heroic ranger.

Our favorite is Viggo, a name that pays homage to the talented actor who brought Aragorn to life with depth and charisma.


We hope you enjoyed this article and found some inspiration for your Lord of the Rings cat name.

Naming your cat is a fun and creative process, but it can also be challenging if you want to find a name that is unique and meaningful.

Remember, the best name for your cat is the one that you love and that reflects your cat’s personality and appearance.

Happy naming!