Last Updated: 9 months ago

Ever wonder if your cat loves you?

Like, really loves you and doesn’t just think of you as a good source of food?

While your kitty may not be able to say the words, there are signs that prove cats really do get emotionally attached to their owners.

Today, we’re going to explore seven signs that your kitty is trying to say, “Hey, I really do love you!”

Let’s check them out!

Are Cats Really As Aloof as We Think?

7 Heartwarming Signs Your Cat Loves You: Feel the Love

Cats are often considered to be aloof and independent.

In fact, many people who say they don’t like cats cite this as the reason why. In our experience, cats, like people, run the gamut of personalities.

We have a formerly feral cat who loves to lay in my arms as I work on my writing (which makes it challenging, but I adapt), an old, long-haired calico who hates everyone but me, and a massive tuxedo who likes to sleep wrapped around my head at night.

We also have a smaller, older tuxie who loves kisses on the head and would be carried everywhere if you let him, and a tortie who must be in contact in some way whenever possible.

Five for five—not one of my cats is what I would call aloof.

Some of the cats I grew up with were a little more independent—not lap cats, at the very least—but none of them expressed any interest in striking out on their own or avoiding us for an extended period of time.

Signs Your Cat Loves You

There is some evidence that, unlike dogs, we did not domesticate cats; they decided that they would benefit from our company and moved into our homes and barns of their own accord.

This makes sense and does contribute a little to their reputation as independent—and maybe a little bit selfish—but I believe they have grown to love and appreciate us, and they show it.

1. They want to be near (or on) you

cat sleeping on chest

Your cat wouldn’t want to be near you if they didn’t care about you!

Cats aren’t worried about being polite and pretending to be interested in you; they either are or they aren’t.

If your cat follows you around the house, curls up next to you on the couch, falls asleep in your lap, or fights you for your spot in bed, they are showing their affection for you quite clearly.

2. They carry on conversations with you

Feral cats don’t meow at all as a rule, and domestic cats don’t meow at each other. From a survival perspective, staying quiet makes sense.

Feral cats, unlike wild cats, still need to be cautious of predators, and drawing attention to themselves by making a lot of noise tends to be a bad idea.

Cats don’t need to communicate verbally with each other; pheromones and body language are more than enough for their needs as a colony.

Meowing is a language cats have essentially developed strictly for speaking with humans.

I always imagine them rolling their eyes when they meow and sighing inwardly at the fact that we humans are still so dense that they have to spell everything out for us.

3. They bring you gifts

cat hunting

Sometimes it’s hard to be appreciative of the gifts our cats bring us.

Dead animals (or, almost worse, not dead ones) are common gifts, although I know at least a few cats that have brought toys instead.

They are much more pleasant to receive, as they don’t involve chasing an injured animal around the house for hours on end, followed by disinfecting every surface they may have touched, but I digress.

Gifts are your cat’s way of taking care of you, as they would their young or a weaker member of their colony (take that as you will).

Yes, it’s their way of saying, “I don’t think you can provide for yourself, so I’ll help you out,” but would they do that if they didn’t care?

4. They mark you

Cats are very territorial creatures.

They have a number of scent glands on their bodies and will rub these on you at every opportunity.

They will twist around your legs, pressing against you as they do, or rub their chin and cheeks on you when you get close enough.

As sweet as this gesture may seem, what your cat is doing is actually marking you and claiming you as their own.

Any other cat will smell this and know you belong to someone.

Even knowing the origin of this, it’s still nice to know that your cat loves you enough to want to make sure everyone knows you’re theirs.

5. They bite you

cate bites you

This one may not sound much like love, but cats have different types of bites.

Sometimes, a cat will nip at your chin or nose while snuggling with you to show its affection.

These are referred to as “love bites”, and while some cats bite a little harder than they should, they won’t usually bite hard enough to break the skin.

Sometimes a cat will start out by licking you and getting carried away; others go straight for the bite.

You can discourage this if you wish by firmly telling your cat “no” and pulling away from them.

They will usually get the gist of it pretty quickly, or you will learn to modify your own behavior to prevent it. Cats are quite good at training us.

6. They trust you

Cats are always aware of their surroundings. While some are friendlier with strangers than others, they usually don’t fully trust anyone they don’t know or care about.

If your cat rolls onto their back for a belly rub or lifts their chin so that you can scratch under it, they are demonstrating affection and a great deal of trust, as those are two of their most vulnerable spots.

These are sure signs your cat loves you!

7. They tell you

cat purring while petted

I’ve already covered “verbal” communication from cats, but they have another clear way to show they love you.

If you have ever noticed them slowly blinking at you, that’s as close to saying those three words as your furry feline family member can get.

It’s a sign of trust (see above) as their eyes are closed for that moment, and it is one way you can tell them you love them too.

Slow blink at your cat, and watch what happens – there’s a good chance they will respond.

Cats may be more independent than dogs (then again, maybe not), but they are as capable of love and companionship as any pet, and they will happily show you if given the chance.

Have you seen any other signs that your cat loves you? Share below!


gray cat staring showing his affectionate