Last Updated: 7 months ago

Dog-like cats are actually a thing! True story! Believe it or not, not all cats are aloof or just sort of “meh” about having a human in the house.

While pretty much any cat can behave in a dog-like manner—I’ve had a couple of random felines who loved belly rubs—some breeds are certainly more canine-like than others.

These cats that act like dogs, are known for their friendliness and enjoyment of their families.

8 Breeds of Cats That Act Like Dogs

None of these breeds show the classic “cat” personality that has become the source of so many jokes.

Rather, all of these breeds enjoy being around the family, and many of them do well with other pets as well.

Let’s check them out!

1. Savannah Cats

Considering the Savannah cat breed as your next family cat? This breed is unlike any other and has some things to consider before committing. Learn what you need to know!

I actually owned a Savannah, and this breed will always top my list of dog-like cats.

Achieved by crossing a short-haired domestic cat with an African Serval, Savannah cats are incredibly dog-like.

Fair warning: these cats are far larger than standard house cats.

In fact, they’re among the largest cat breeds that you can actually adopt.

They are easily trained, and they love to play in the water, walk on leashes, and even play with other pets.

However, they may not be the best choice if you want a cat that loves everyone equally.

They tend to bond very strongly with just one person. So, in that respect, they’re a lot like, say, a Shiba Inu dog.

2. American Bobtail

Ginger cat close-up during golden hour

The American Bobtail is another highly affectionate and trainable breed that tends to act more like a canine than a feline.

As the name implies, he has a very short little stump of a tail. His tail is naturally that way, in case you were worried that it was the result of clipping.

According to Cat Fancier, the breed “was developed by natural selection to survive feral environments.”

Think about it: Tails are extremely easy for predators to grab.

In fact, we have a feral kitty in our neighborhood that lost part of her tail when a dog grabbed it!

Bobtails are people-oriented and excellent with other pets and children.

They are active cats that really enjoy playing with their family, and that includes their fellow four-legged pals!

Like dogs, they’re also highly trainable, thanks to their incredible intelligence.

3. Ocicat

Are in love with striped cat breeds and can’t get enough of these purring creatures? Then check out these 11 of the most amazing cats with stripes that you can find!

He may look like a miniature cheetah or ocelot, but the Ocicat has absolutely no wild DNA at all!

Descended from the interbreeding of Abyssinian, Siamese, and American Shorthair cats, Ocicats are purely domesticated felines.

They also happen to be very dog-like cats who are highly trainable.

They are known for following their people around the house, being very playful, and even coming when called.

Ocicats are also huge cuddle bugs who love nothing more than curling up on your lap to watch TV.

4. Ragdoll

ragdoll cat breed

If you want a dog-like cat that is basically the feline equivalent of a lap dog, then the Ragdoll is for you.

They get their name not from their looks but from their personalities.

They go completely limp when held or sitting in a lap.

These mild-mannered cats love people and other dogs and cats.

How cute is this Ragdoll acting like a canine?

5. Maine Coon

Looking for wonderfully regal cat names inspired by royalty? Check out 71 that we love from modern and ancient history!

Maine Coons are dog-like cats in both personality and size.

One of the largest domestic cat breeds, the Maine Coon, can top out at 20+ pounds, and I’ve even seen them a bit bigger than that at the vet.

In addition to their dog-like size, this breed is known for being devoted, playful, and loving with their family—human and otherwise.

6. Sphynx

Are you fascinated with grey cat breeds and can’t get enough of their stunning appearance? Then you'll love these top 8 silver beauties!

Although their look may take some getting used to at first, these dog-like cats more than make up for their unique look with a personality that is just so awesome.

These cats are known for pestering their owners for attention, following them around, and even wagging their tails at them.

Not only do they act like dogs, but these hilarious kitties in the video below even team up to annoy their favorite dog!

7. Abyssinian

Looking for some beautiful Abyssinian cat names? Check out 100 that we love, inspired by their color, heritage, and more!

These are dog-like cats on almost every level.

In addition to following their owners around and loving a good game of fetch, these guys can actually become depressed if their owners leave them alone for too long.

So, they’re really not the best choice if you work outside the home all day!

8. American Curl

White American curl cat

Known for their curled back ears and winning personalities, these guys have all the traits you find in dog-like cats.

PetGuide calls them “nothing short of outstanding,” and we couldn’t agree more.

The American Curl full of energy and absolutely loves playing with every member of their family.

At the same time, they are also incredibly loving and thoroughly enjoy children.

Cats are so independent that when they snuggle up with you, they make you feel like you’re the most special person in the world.

When that purr box gets going, your heart just melts!

Dog-Like Cats are the Best of Both Worlds

As an owner of both dogs and cats, I’ve often said that I’d either love a dog that potty trained himself like cats or a cat that behaved more like a dog when it comes to trainability!

So, these dog-like cats really are the best of both worlds!

These dog-like cats have all the traits we love about dogs, with the added bonus of being easy to potty training a cat!

As always, make adoption your first option. There are cats for days in your local shelter who desperately need a forever home.

If you have your heart set on a specific cat, you’d be surprised at how many breed-specific rescues there are out there.


Looking for dog-like cats? Check out these 8 cat breeds who totally act more like dogs than felines!