Last Updated: 1 year ago

If you’re looking for charming names for Scottish Fold cats, you’re in the right place!

We found 100 ideas – split between male and female kittens that are just loaded with cuteness!

After all, a kitty as darling as this short-eared breed deserves an equally adorable name!

Let’s dive in and check them out.

Scottish Cat Names For Females

Looking for some cute names for Scottish fold cats? Wait until you see what I came up with! Check out 100 ideas, with 50 each for boy and girl kittens.
  1. Agnes – after the Scottish saint.
  2. Ailsa – traditional Scottish name meaning “dweller.”
  3. Albe – after the one responsible with the stables.
  4. Alish – for a noble kitten.
  5. Annabel – this is a great name for a loving cat.
  6. Arabella – Scottish name meaning “loving.”
  7. Aria – after the lion of the lords.
  8. Ava – Scottish name meaning “bird.”
  9. Bonnie – this name means “beautiful.”
  10. Catriona – derived from Katherine, it means beauty.”
  11. Colina – Scottish name meaning “young.”
  12. Cora – this name refers to a young maiden.
  13. Daviana – great name for a beloved one.
  14. Davida – for a cat you love very much.
  15. Eilidh – this name means “beautiful.”
  16. Ella – for a beautiful fairy.
  17. Emily – great name for a smart one.
  18. Grace – for the one with a special kind of beauty.
  19. Geordie – this is a name for a farmer.
  20. Iona – after the popular Scottish region.
  21. Isla – for the one of the seas.
  22. Jaimy – after the one who has a special place in your heart.
  23. Jaine – Scottish name meaning “gift from God.”
  24. Jessica – for the one with God’s grace.
  25. Liusaidh – after a graceful enchantress.
  26. Maezie – for one who’s beautiful like a pearl.
  27. Mairead – this is the Scottish variant of Margaret.
  28. Mairi – for the bitter one.
  29. Malvina – this name means “brown.”
  30. Meribeth – for the most beautiful one.
  31. Mhairi – for the one you love the most.
  32. Mikenzie – great name for a wise cat.
  33. Minnie – Scottish name meaning “faithful.”
  34. Moira – for a rebellious one.
  35. Morag – this name refers to a wished for child.
  36. Nairna – for the one who lives next to the tree.
  37. Neale – means “victorious fighter,” great for a your miracle cat!
  38. Nes – for a very gentle cat.
  39. Oighrig – this name means “the speckled one.”
  40. Olivia – for the one living in the olive tree.
  41. Peigi – after the one who keeps traditions.
  42. Reyne – Scottish name meaning “queen.”
  43. Rhona – Old Scottish name meaning “friend.”
  44. Senga – for a pure one.
  45. Skye – this name means “adventurer.”
  46. Sophie – for a cat who’s both wise and very smart.
  47. Sorcha – for a ray of sunshine.
  48. Torrii – this name means “victorious.”
  49. Vertie – for a virtuous one.
  50. Yvaine – for the star of the evening.

I absolutely love Scottish names in general, so it’s really hard for me to pick just one that I like the most.

Moira is beautiful, though, as is Nairna!

Scottish Cat Names For Males

Looking for some cute names for Scottish fold cats? Wait until you see what I came up with! Check out 100 ideas, with 50 each for boy and girl kittens.
  1. Aaran  – for an enlightened one.
  2. Abernathy – Scottish name meaning “beginning.”
  3. Abott – after the father.
  4. Addison – this name refers to the son of Adam.
  5. Aed – this name means “burning fire.”
  6. Ainsley – perfect name for the one every girl loves.
  7. Alasdair – Scottish name meaning “defender.”
  8. Alexander – this name refers to the defender of mankind.
  9. Alistair – this name refers to a protector.
  10. Beathan – for the water of your life.
  11. Blair – Scottish name meaning “plain.”
  12. Brodie – this name was initially meant for a little king.
  13. Cinaed – Scottish name meaning “born of fire.”
  14. Coinneach – this name means “handsome.”
  15. Colin – for the victorious one.
  16. Craig – Scottish name meaning “rock.”
  17. Cuddy – this name was initially intended for a donkey.
  18. Cuithbeart – for a very famous one.
  19. Curran – this name means “dagger.”
  20. Cyndeyrn – after a well-known lord.
  21. Dallas – for a dweller of Dallas.
  22. Duncan – Scottish name meaning “dark warrior.”
  23. Dundee– after the town in Scotland
  24. Erskine – for the one who projects highness.
  25. Fergus – this name means “strong man.”
  26. Fingal – for a white stranger.
  27. Finlay – this is a very popular name meaning “warrior.”
  28. Fraser – Scottish name meaning “strawberry.”
  29. Gawen – for a light-colored cat.
  30. Hamish – classic name meaning “highlander.”
  31. Harris – for a strong-willed cat.
  32. Jack – this name means “God is gracious.”
  33. Keith – old Scottish name meaning “noble.”
  34. Kenneth – for the one who was handsomely born.
  35. Lachlann – for the one who lives near the lake.
  36. Leo – this name means “lion.”
  37. Lewis – for a famous warrior.
  38. Logan – this name means “man from the hollow.”
  39. Lundy – for the one born on the island.
  40. Lyall – Scottish name meaning “wolf.”
  41. Mac – for the son of the king.
  42. Malcolm – Scottish name meaning “disciple.”
  43. Neil – Scottish name meaning “champion.”
  44. Noah – for a very calm one.
  45. Oliver – for a cat who likes to live in olive trees.
  46. Paden – for a royal kitten.
  47. Reid – for the one with beautiful hair.
  48. Rory – this name means “ruler.”
  49. Scott – for a Scottish Fold cat.
  50. Stuart – this name means “steward.”

So many great idea, so hard to pick a favorite.

I absolutely love Lachlann, but I’m also crazy about Finlay!

Oh, I can’t decide! Help me out!


Scottish cat names offer a unique and charming way to celebrate Scotland’s rich cultural heritage while giving your feline companion a fitting moniker.

Whether you’re drawn to traditional Gaelic names, famous Scottish landmarks, or iconic Scottish symbols, there are plenty of options to choose from.

So go ahead, embrace the Scottish spirit and give your cat a name that pays homage to the beauty and history of Scotland. Meow-vellous adventures await!

What are your favorite names for Scottish Fold cats? Share below!

Looking for some cute names for Scottish fold cats? Wait until you see what I came up with! Check out 100 ideas, with 50 each for boy and girl kittens.