Last Updated: 1 year ago
Let’s talk about some of the biggest reasons why your cat is obsessed with you as much as you’re obsessed with them.
You might be wondering what’s going on in your kitty’s brain.
So, today we’re going to talk about why some cats are so clingy and demand constant attention.
Let’s see why is my cat obsessed with me!
9 Reasons Why Is My Cat Obsessed With Me
Cats have the reputation of being aloof and independent.
It’s true that some felines accept petting and cuddling only on their terms and are perfectly happy to be left alone in the house.
On the other hand, we also have cats that go everywhere with their owner and can’t get enough of them.
These kitties always jump on things you’re using and refuse to move until you pay them attention.
Some might even refuse to eat or drink if you’re not around to keep them company.
FYI, if that’s the case, or if your cat suddenly stops eating, please call your veterinarian. It could be a symptom of something deeper than a personality quirk.
So, why is your cat so obsessed with you? Let’s find out what’s up with your cat’s behavior!
1. Your Cat Has Been Separated Early from Their Mother

Usually, kittens should be left with their mother until they’re at least 2-3 months old.
Sadly, a lot of newborn kittens, especially those who belong to an outdoor cat mom, end up abandoned on the streets or become orphans when an accident befalls their mother.
Life is very rough for stray or feral cats, between predators and bad weather conditions.
Typically, these kittens didn’t have enough time to bond with their mother or learn how to act like cats.
They might have problems grooming themselves and don’t know how to play well with others.
Sometimes such kittens bond tightly with their humans because they see their owner as a mother surrogate, which in turn makes them clingy cats as they grow up.
That’s why your cat suckles your clothes/blankets or doesn’t want to let you out of their sight.
2. Your Cat Is Insecure
Has anything changed in your house recently?
You might have introduced a new cat or dog to the household, blocked your cat’s access to some rooms, or started coming home late from work, for example.
Heck, even something as simple as a new litter box or a strange new scent can freak out your kitty.
Cats don’t like it when their usual routine gets disrupted because they don’t understand what’s happening. All they know is that something is different in their territory, and they don’t like it.
What’s worse, you can’t explain to your cat why you have to work late or why they can’t sleep with the baby.
If your cat has lost a play buddy or a friend, they might also become obsessed with you until they feel safe again.
My point is that your cat needs time to adjust, regain her confidence and stability, and just learn to trust her instinct again.
Until that happens, your cat might become obsessed with you. They want to keep you in sight to reassure themselves that the world isn’t ending.
3. Your Cat Is Stressed or Anxious

Another reason why your cat is obsessed with you is fear, anxiety, or stress.
Some cats are shy and timid by nature, and they spook easily. All it takes is a thunderstorm, and suddenly you can’t go to the bathroom without a meowing escort.
Whenever your cat is anxious or stressed, they’re going to stick to your side because you make them feel safe.
Some cats might also run to you for protection whenever one of your other pets or family members is bullying them.
That’s because your kitty knows that you won’t allow anything bad to happen to them.
So, shower your cat with a little extra love and be there for them when they need you.
4. Your Cat Has Trust Issues
Adopting a cat from the shelter and giving them a forever home is a great thing. However, you can’t know what your fluffy feline has been through in their short life.
You also don’t know how many times they’ve been returned to the shelter. If your cat has been through multiple families already, they might have trust issues.
While some cats might hide and act hostile, others are quite the opposite and become clingy.
That’s because they want reassurance that this home will be a permanent one.
As such, it’s normal for your cat to seem obsessed with you and clingy during the first few weeks and months.
When your cat adjusts to their new home and realizes that you won’t kick them out, they will probably stop obsessing over everything you do.
5. Your Cat Is Sick

Is your cat’s obsessive behavior something new?
Then you better check with your vet because your cat might be sick or dying.
Some cats hide whenever they’re in pain or discomfort.
But others meow and follow you from room to room because they’re trying to communicate their distress and anxiety.
You’d better stop and listen to what your cat is saying.
Unfortunately, some cats also get clingy and might be obsessed with you when they’re dying.
That’s because they’re afraid of being alone. They want to be close to you because you provide comfort and safety.
6. Your Cat Is in Labor
If you have a pregnant cat, her obsession with you might be one of the first signs that your cat is in labor.
So, congratulations! You’re about to have a cute litter of kittens very soon.
Usually, first-time mothers are terrified when the contractions start because it’s a whole new experience for them.
While some might hide and hiss when you get near them, others will stick to your side like glue until the moment they give birth.
Take it as a sign of how much your cat trusts you. Not all cats will allow humans near them when they’re vulnerable.
Your cat must love you very much if she’s sharing this incredible experience with you.
7. Your Cat is Getting Old

Time doesn’t spare anybody, including our beloved cats. When cats get old, their vision and hearing start to weaken.
While that’s normal, your cat might lose their confidence when they can’t see or hear as well as before.
Naturally, they’ll prefer to keep close to you so that they can be in their surroundings.
8. Your Cat Has Separation Anxiety
People often think that only dogs get separation anxiety in their owner’s absence.
It might be strange, but some cats are also prone to this condition, especially those that bond closely to a single person.
Besides destructive behavior, cats with separation anxiety are obsessed with you because they don’t want you to leave them alone.
9. Your Cat Wants Attention

Have you been ignoring your cat for too long?
Then you shouldn’t be surprised that your kitty is obsessed with you.
Cats might have the reputation of solitary creatures, but they need attention and friendship even if they don’t show it often.
Often cats lie on things we’re using because they feel neglected. It’s their way of saying “I need some playtime!”
They’re showing you that you’ve been paying too much attention to other stuff, and you have forgotten that they exist. So, you should spend more quality time with your feline.
When to See a Vet About Your Cat’s Obsessive Behavior
Your cat might be obsessed with you for many reasons, and your vet should address some of them. We touched on this above already, but I just want to really drive the point home a bit more.
If your cat is very suddenly showing strange behavior, including following you everywhere or acting obsessed with you, please see your vet.
While it’s entirely possible that your cat loves you and just wants to be with you, or is bored and needs some belly rubs, strange behavior can also be a sign of something more serious.
It’s always better to be safe than sorry. I’d rather overreact and call my vet for something silly than underreact and deal with tragedy.
Why does my cat always want to be near me?
Consider it a compliment, it means that your cat is comfortable in your presence and wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
However, if your cat always wants to be near you AND seems to be howling/meowing a lot, it could also be a sign that he needs attention or isn’t feeling well.
Any time your cat does something out of the ordinary, a visit to the vet is a good course of action.
My cat follows me everywhere. Why?
Again, either your cat genuinely just wants to be near you or he’s trying to tell you something. Pay attention to his body language.
If your cat is howling while following you, he’s saying, “I need you to look at me! Something is wrong!”
Why is my cat so needy?
There are many possible reasons for your cat’s neediness. Kittens and newly adopted adults often need extra help adjusting to their new surroundings.
Some cats just want affection and attention, others are bored and need entertainment. Still, others are feeling under the weather and are trying to tell you, “I’m in pain.”
Why does my cat love me so much?
This one is easy: because you’ve proven that you’re worthy of so much love!
You’ve established a bond, socialized your kitty, and proved that you have his best interests at heart. Congratulations, your cat respects you & feels safe and comforted by your presence.
How do I stop my cat from following me everywhere?
If you don’t like being followed everywhere, you have to set your boundaries in the beginning. Give your cat the tools she needs to get used to spending time on her own.
Invest in some interactive toys, an automatic feeder or a good cat tree, for example. Use common sense, too. If you don’t want your cat to follow you into your bathroom, shut the door behind you.

I feel sad for kittens that don’t get to spend at least 2-3 months with their mother. That would explain why they would want to cling to you!
My dad has been working from home for a few months and said his cat has been so happy to have him around!
We found our cats abandoned in a parking lot and took them in, best cats we have ever had! They love our kids and tolerate pretty much everything!
Now to be honest i’m not much of a animal lover but i know well how to deal with them and approach them respectfully etc.
Well one of them decided to follow me everywhere and seems to love the crap outta me as he is everywhere i am and constantly wants to groom me he’ll happily sit hours licking me and nibbles on fingers. He already sees vet is perfectly healthy etc nobody i know has ever seen this before and no one knows what to make of it. I have had cats but this is a first! I have came to love him do damn much ????
Our cat is obsessed with my husband since he came home from a deployment. I think she’s worried he’ll leave again.
Cats are funny creatures. One moment they want nothing to do with people and the next moment, they wont leave you alone.
This post is really informative, thanks for sharing this information.
Informative article. My mom’s cat is always with her all the time most especially when she has guests in our house. Her cat is def an attention seeker.
Now I understand why my cats can get obsessed with me. They don’t like any changes in their routine. A simple change disrupts them
Makes sense that cats would be ‘obsessed with you’ if they are anxious or stressed. They are very similar to humans in that respect.
It’s beautiful to discover the animal world. Thanks for explaining us these interesting details.
Our cats are super affectionate. It is interesting because our prior cat really didn’t like people!
I don’t have cats but these information is very helpful to those who have cats and those who are planning to have one
thanks for sharing this. I didn’t know that cat can be obsessed with us.
Wrong! It’s because my cat loves me so much, much more than my girlfriend (who’s her original owner) me and the cat have a special bond she is always with me following me around and pretty well much just hanging out .
I agree. My mom cat loves me so much, I am his sister hehe
He is my moms baby he just turned 1 but me and him just click even though I am human and he is cat we have strong loving connect awww, I talk just right to him with my soft tone, take care of him alot when my mom gets busy and make sure his water clean, and just be there for him, I show I care about his feelings but my mom and step dad would use different approach at times then I am with him. So my tenderness and play with him with his toys or tries to play hide and seek and tag with myself and daughter because we taught him that hehe