Last Updated: 9 months ago

Looking for some great Balinese cat names for your new feline friend?

We’ve got you covered!

A breed this stunning deserves an equally beautiful name!

Check out 100 ideas below, with 50 each for males and females.

Balinese Cat Names for Males

balinese small cat breeds

Fun fact: this breed didn’t get that name because they originated in Bali. The breeder just thought that they looked like Balinese dancers.

That said, the language is full of names that are every bit as graceful and beautiful as those dancers that inspired the Balinese cat name.

Here are my 50 favorites for males!

  1. Agung – after Bali’s Mount Agung.
  2. Arto – this Balinese name means “money.”
  3. Ayung – after the Ayung River.
  4. Bagaskoro – this name refers to the “sun rays.”
  5. Bagus – Balinese cat name meaning “good.”
  6. Bakti – for a very obedient cat.
  7. Bambang – this name translates to “knight.”
  8. Bisma – for a very courageous cat.
  9. Bowo – perfect name for a strong personality.
  10. Budi – this name means “wise.”
  11. Cahya – Balinese name meaning “light.”
  12. Cahyono – for an enlightened one.
  13. Candra – this name means “moon.”
  14. Cipto – for the cat who likes to create. 
  15. Darma – Balinese name translating to “good deed.”
  16. Don – after the Don Antonio Blanco Museum.
  17. Dumadi – for the one who will soon become better.
  18. Eko – perfect name for the first child.
  19. Elang – this name means “falcon.”
  20. Ijo – Balinese name meaning “green.”
  21. Iman – for a faithful one.
  22. Ismaya – perfect name for a wise cat.
  23. Jagat – this name refers to the Earth.
  24. Jaka – Balinese name meaning “young man.”
  25. Jaya – for an always victorious one.
  26. Jimbaran – after the Jimbaran Bay.
  27. Joko – for a very young one.
  28. Kuwat – this name means “strong.”
  29. Langgeng – Balinese name meaning “everlasting.”
  30. Lawar – after the famous Balinese dish. 
  31. Lemah – for a grounded one.
  32. Lesmana – perfect name for the cat who gets lost in the night.
  33. Purwanto – for the youngest of the pack.
  34. Putra – this name is suitable for a prince.
  35. Putu– after the famous volleyball player from Bali.
  36. Rachmad – this name means “blessed.”
  37. Raden – for a truly noble cat.
  38. Raharjo – perfect cat for a cat who has everything.
  39. Rahmad – this name translates to “blessed.”
  40. Ramelan – if your cat is truly a prophet.
  41. Rimbo – for the one raised in the jungle.
  42. Rino – this name means “day.”
  43. Riyadi – this is a Balinese holiday.
  44. Rojo – perfect name for a king!
  45. Seto – this name means “white.”
  46. Sigit – for a handsome cat out there!
  47. Slamet – perfect name for a rescue cat.
  48. Wahyu – Balinese name meaning “enlightenment”
  49. Waluyo – for the cat who likes to play all the time.
  50. Yuda – this Balinese name means “war.”

Balinese Cat Names for Females

Balinese Cat Names: 100 Beautiful Ideas for This Stunning Breed
  1. Angkasa – for the cat with blue eyes.
  2. Asoka – after the beautiful flower.
  3. Ati – this name means “heart.”
  4. Atin – popular Balinese girl name.
  5. Bethari – perfect name for a Goddess.
  6. Betutu – after Bali’s most special dish.
  7. Blangsinga – after Bali’s Blangsinga Waterfall. 
  8. Budiwati – this name means “wise.”
  9. Citra – for a very photogenic cat.
  10. Dewi – Balinese name meaning “Goddess.”
  11. Diah – this name means “teenager.”
  12. Dwi – perfect name for the second child.
  13. Eka – and this means “first born.”
  14. Elok – beautiful name meaning “jewel.”
  15. Endah – for the most beautiful cat in the land.
  16. Guritno – this is the name for an artistic cat.
  17. Harum – for the cat who always smells nice.
  18. Ika – Balinese name meaning “the first.”
  19. Indah – for the most beautiful cat out there.
  20. Intan – this name means “diamond.”
  21. Kade – very popular name for a cat.
  22. Kunthi – for a nurturing cat.
  23. Kuta – this is one of the most popular Balinese neighborhoods.
  24. Langit – this name translates to “sky.”
  25. Lastri – very popular name in Bali.
  26. Legi – for the sweetest cat out there.
  27. Maharani – this name means “empress.”
  28. Marshanda – Balinese cat name meaning “brave.”
  29. Mawar – for the most beautiful rose.
  30. Mega – perfect name for a white cat; it means “cloud.”
  31. Melati – this name means “jasmine.”
  32. Murni – perfect name for a pure soul.
  33. Mustika – this name means “lucky charm.”
  34. Natalia – for a cat born on Christmas.
  35. Ndari – this Balinese cat name means “full moon.”
  36. Nini – for a cat with an old soul.
  37. Nirmala – this name means “pure.”
  38. Nur – for the cat who’s always surrounded by light.
  39. Ratu – the perfect name for a queen.
  40. Sakti – just in case your cat is hard to catch.
  41. Saraswati – after the Goddess of Learning.
  42. Sari – for the cat with a wonderful essence.
  43. Sarwendah – perfect name for a beautiful cat.
  44. Setiawati – this name means “loyal.”
  45. Siti – for a truly noble woman.
  46. Sujatmi – very popular girl name.
  47. Utama – for the one who always stands out.
  48. Utari – great name for a patient cat.
  49. Wani – for the one who has no fear.
  50. Wulan – Balinese name meaning “moon.”


There you have it: 100 beautiful Balinese cat names!

Our favorite for a boy is Bagaskoro, because my cats are my sunshine!

For a girl, we love Saraswati. We’re always learning something new, thanks to our feline friends!

Your turn! What are your favorite Balinese cat names from our lists? Share below!

Balinese Cat Names: 100 Beautiful Ideas for This Stunning Breed