Last Updated: 1 year ago
If you’re looking for the perfect Christmas cat names for your winter-born kitty, you’re in luck!
I happen to LOVE the holidays in a totally over-the-top way, so I had a blast writing this list.
Along with some traditional Christmassy ideas (like Noel and Holly), I’ve included some unique picks from around the world.
I know you’ll find the perfect Christmas names for cats ideas for your brand-new male or female kitten.
What to Consider BEFORE Getting a Cat for Christmas
One very quick PSA before we dive into all these festive Christmas cat names.
Please, before you gift someone a kitten for the holidays, make sure they really really really want one.
That goes for you, too. Don’t give your kids a kitten unless you’re ready for the commitment.
Way too many pets end up in shelters after the holidays because people got caught up in the idea of sticking a bow on a cat or dog and calling it a gift.
Pets are gifts, for sure, but they’re not ones meant to be given on a whim. I don’t mean to ruin the fun vibe that we had going, and I know you know better!
Now, back to the festivities! Let’s talk Christmas names for cats, starting with boys!
Christmas Names for Cats For Males

First, let me say that I now have oodles of holiday tunes running through my head, so don’t be surprised to see some of them make an appearance below!
I’ve also headed to one of my favorite resources, In Different Languages, to find some unique ideas. Let’s get started!
Most of them need no explanation, but for those that do I’ve included a brief definiont.
- Aralik – December in Turkish
- Ashe – “Holly” in Albanian
- Bailey – as in George Bailey from It’s a Wonderful Life
- Bright – as may your days be merry
- Buddy – from the funniest Christmas movie ever, Elf
- Burgermeister Meisterburger – you may want to shorten that one to Burger!
- Charlie – as in Charlie Brown
- Coal – great black cat name, don’t you think?
- Chestnut
- Comet
- Crosby – because Christmas wouldn’t be the same without Bing’s songs!
- Dash – for Dasher
- Drummer – as in “ba rump a pom pom”
- Ebenezer – Scrooge’s first name
- Eggnog – a funny food name for a Christmas kitty!
- Elf
- Feliz
- Frosty
- Gelido – Italian for “Frosty”
- Izar – Basque for “star”
- Jack – you know, the guy who nips at your nose
- Jingles
- Kiyik – Uzbek for “reindeer”
- Kris – as in Kringle
- Kristtorn – Danish for “holly”
- Leden – Slovenian for “Frosty”
- Marley – Jacob Marley was Scrooge’s business partner
- Masaya – Filipino for “jolly”
- Miser – snow or heat, take your pick!
- Misfit – from the Isle of Misfit Toys
- Mistletoe
- Myrrh
- Naughty
- Natale – “Christmas” in Italian
- Nick
- Pasko – means Christmas in Filipino
- Ralphie – from A Christmas Story
- Ren – Catalan for “reindeer”
- Rider – as in Red Rider “You’ll shoot your eye out!” BB gun from A Christmas Story
- Rudy – as in Rudolph
- Santa Claws
- Scrooge
- Silver
- Snowball
- Snowy
- Strom – means tree in Slovak
- Sven – the reindeer from Frozen
- Wenceslas
- Yule
- Yukon – as in Yukon Cornelius, Rudolph’s prospecting pal
While I included a good chunk of “traditional” names that are super cute (Rudy, Comet, Santa Claws- all adorable), my favorites are the ones that aren’t quite so obvious.
For example, rather than going with Ralphie from everyone’s favorite holiday movie, I love Rider!
Christmas Names for Cats for Females

Again, I took inspiration from songs, movies, and other languages to choose these female Christmas cat names.
- Abby – from the movie The Star
- Angel
- Bauble – the fancy name of the balls you hang on the tree
- Beth – as in Bethlehem
- Belle – as in Christmas bells
- Candy – like candy cane!
- Carol – the happy songs that we sing
- Cesmina – means “Holly” in Czech
- Charity – the spirit of the season
- Cinnamon
- Clara – from The Nutcracker
- Clarice – Rudolph’s girlfriend
- Cocoa – goes great with the next one on the list!
- Cookie
- December – a unisex name, but I like it for a girl
- Dewdrop – a character from The Nutcracker
- Elsa – from Frozen
- Estrela – Galician for “star”
- Faith
- Fruitcake – another funny food name
- Ginger – as in Mother Ginger from The Nutcracker
- Glitter
- Gloria
- Goldie – as in “silver and gold”
- Harmony
- Holly
- Hope
- Ivy
- Jollie – a cute spin on Jolly
- Joy
- Jul – Christmas in Danish
- Krissy – a female version of Kris
- Merry
- Natalia – a girly variation of Christmas in Italian
- Noel
- North
- Olive – from the cute movie, Olive the Other Reindeer
- Peace
- Plum – as in plum pudding and sugar plums
- Rene – Albanian for “reindeer”
- Renna – Italian for “reindeer”
- Spirit
- Star – the North Star
- Tama – “Hope” in Maltese
- Tinsel
- Virginia – Yes, Virginia, there really is a Santa Clause!
- Vixen
- Winter
- Zima – means “winter” in Bosnian
- Zvezda – Slovenian for “star”
It’s hard to choose a favorite here because they’re all cute! I really love Cesmina, though. It’s unique, so people don’t know right away that it’s a Christmas name.
Embracing the holiday spirit with a Christmas name for your cat is a delightful way to add extra joy and charm to the festive season.
Embrace the warmth and love your cat brings into your life and enjoy every moment of this enchanting time with your feline family member.
May this special time be filled with moments of love, laughter, and adorable antics with your beloved Christmas-named companion.
Your turn! What are your favorite Christmas names for cats? Share below!