Last Updated: 1 year ago
Looking for the best cat names that start with F?
No name seems perfect for a handsome cat or a beautiful diva that makes your life amazing, right?
The task can become even more difficult if you wish to find cat names with only a specific letter.
No worries, I came up with plenty of ideas I think you’ll love, so let’s dive in!
114 Cat Names that Start With F For Males

If you have just brought home a stunning male kitten that’s going to grow up into a handsome dude from the furry family, he needs a badass boy cat name.
But how will you find the perfect name for your cat, starting with the letter F?
I put together a list of exotic pet names that will perfectly match the personality of your cat and give him a new identity.
- Fabian
- Fabio
- Faidhan
- Faiz
- Faizaan
- Faizon
- Falafel
- Fanta
- Farfalle
- Farley
- Farooq
- Faydhan
- Fayzan
- Fazle
- Feargus
- Federico
- Fedor
- Felipe
- Fennel
- Fergus
- Ferguson
- Ferid
- Fernando
- Feroze
- Ferruchio
- Feta
- Fettuccine
- Fidel
- Fielder
- Fig
- Figgy
- Filbert
- Filet-O-Fish
- Filipe
- Filippo
- Filo Dough
- Finley
- Finn
- Finneas
- Finnegan
- Finnick
- Finnigan
- Finnley
- Finny
- Fiorello
- Fireball
- Fischer
- Fisher
- Fishstick
- Fitz
- Fitzwilliam
- Fitzy
- Flan
- Flapjack
- Flatbread
- Flavio
- Fletcher
- Flick
- Flint
- Flip
- Florian
- Floyd
- Fluffernutter
- Fluke
- Flynn
- Focaccia
- Fontina
- Forsythe
- Fortune Cookie
- Foster
- Francesco
- Franchot
- Francis
- Francisco
- Franco
- Francois
- Frank
- Frankie
- Franklin
- Franky
- Franz
- Frappe
- Frazier
- Fred
- Freddie
- Freddy
- Frederic
- Frederich
- Frederik
- Fredo
- Freekeh
- French Fry
- French Toast
- Frick
- Fried Green Tomato
- Friedensreich
- Frisco
- Frito
- Frits
- Frittata
- Fritter
- Fritz
- Fromage
- Frosting
- Froy
- Froylan
- Fruit Loop
- Fruit Roll-Up
- Fry
- Fudge
- Fudgsicle
- Fulgencio
- Fulton
- Fynn
79 Cat Names That Start with F For Females

If you have a pretty girl kitten who fills your life with her air and grace, you must find her a name that suits her superstar attitude.
Luckily, you do not need to rack your brain to find the perfect cat name for her. All you need to do is browse my list of creative girl cat names that will add star quality to her identity.
So check out our list of the cutest girl cat names with F!
- Fabienne
- Fae
- Faina
- Fairuza
- Faith
- Fallon
- Famke
- Fan
- Fancy
- Fanny
- Fantasia
- Farah
- Fargo
- Farrah
- Faten
- Fatima
- Faye
- Fe
- Fee
- Fefe
- Felicia
- Felicity
- Felisha
- Fenway
- Feona
- Fergie
- Fergie
- Fern
- Ferne
- Fetty Wap
- Fiddle
- Fie
- Fifi
- Fiji
- Fillippa
- Finty
- Fiona
- Fizz
- Fleetwood Mac
- Fleur
- Flora
- Florence
- Floriana
- Florida
- Flower
- Forbidden City
- Forest
- Forget Me Not
- Formosa
- Forsythia
- Foxglove
- Fozzy
- Fran
- France
- Francene
- Frances
- Franchesca
- Francheska
- Francine
- Frangipani
- Franka
- Frannie
- Franny
- Freda
- Frederica
- Freebird
- Freesia
- Freja
- Fresno
- Freya
- Freyja
- Frida
- Frieda
- Fritzi
- Fritzie
- Fritzy
- Fuchsia
- Fufu
- Fuji
73 Funny Cat Names That Start with F

When you are looking for cat names for your friend from the furry family, it’s not necessary to specifically look for the boy and girl cat names.
You can go beyond typical baby names for options like a circus-inspired name list, names inspired by your favorite foods, and much more!
Check out our suggestions!
- Faberge
- Fabolous
- Falco
- Falcon
- Fall Out Boy
- Fat Boy
- Fat Cat
- Fat Joe
- Fats
- Fats Domino
- Fatso
- Fatty
- Fawn
- Feather
- Feisty
- Fela Kuti
- Fendi
- Ferrari
- Ferret
- Fido
- Filly
- Fin
- Finch
- Firecracker
- Firefly
- Fish
- Fishy
- Fizz
- Flamingo
- Flavor Flav
- Flea
- Flo Rida
- Floof
- Flopsy
- Fluff
- Fluffaluffagus
- Flufferino
- Fluffers
- Flurry
- Foo
- Foo Fighter
- Foreigner
- Foster Kittens
- Fox
- Foxie
- Foxy Brown
- Fraidy
- Freckle
- Freckles
- Freeway
- Friday
- Friend
- Frisbee
- Friskie
- Frisky
- Frog
- Froggie
- Fudge
- Fugee
- Funk
- Funkadelic
- Funky
- Fur De Lis
- Furball
- Furber Baby
- Furbert
- Furrari
- Furrito
- Future
- Fuzz
- Fuzzball
- Fuzzy
- Sir Fluffington
140 Character Cat Names That Start with F

Are you looking for a name that makes a mark among your guests at home or the people at the park when you take your kitty for a walk?
There are many fun games that you can go for from cartoons, TV series, books, and more! Take a look at our list of cat names starting with F!
- Fitzgerald
- Facilier ( Disney)
- Factor
- Faezhar zo Faez ( Game of Thrones)
- Fafnir
- Fagan ( Disney)
- Fahrenheit
- Falcor
- Falena ( Game of Thrones)
- Falia Flowers ( Game of Thrones)
- Faline ( Disney)
- Falstaff ( Shakespeare)
- Falyse Stokeworth ( Game of Thrones)
- Fang ( Harry Potter)
- Fantastic Mr. Fox
- Fantine
- Faraday
- Faramir
- Farlen ( Game of Thrones)
- Farquaad
- Fastolfe ( Shakespeare)
- Fat Albert
- Fat Amy
- Fat fellow ( Game of Thrones)
- Faulconbridge ( Shakespeare)
- Fauntleroy
- Faust
- Faustus
- Fawkes ( Harry Potter)
- Fear( Disney)
- Fearless Ithoke ( Game of Thrones)
- Feeble ( Shakespeare)
- Felix
- Fellini
- Fenton ( Disney)
- Fenton ( Shakespeare)
- Ferb ( Disney)
- Ferdinand
- Fergon Hoare ( Game of Thrones)
- Fermi
- Ferny ( Game of Thrones)
- Ferrego Antaryon ( Game of Thrones)
- Ferris
- Ferris Fowler ( Game of Thrones)
- Feste ( Shakespeare)
- Fester
- Festus
- Feynman
- Fez
- Fezzik
- Fflewddur Fflam ( Disney)
- Fidele ( Shakespeare)
- Fidget
- Fievel
- Figaro
- Figment (Disney)
- Filius Flitwick (Harry Potter)
- Fillmore
- Findus
- Fingers (Game of Thrones)
- Firenze (Harry Potter)
- First King (Game of Thrones)
- Fitzwalter (Shakespeare)
- Fiyero
- Fizzgig
- Flaminius (Shakespeare)
- Flanders
- Flash
- Flavius (Shakespeare)
- Fleance (Shakespeare)
- Flement Brax (Game of Thrones)
- Fleming
- Flicka
- Flik (Disney)
- Flintstone
- Flit (Disney)
- Flo
- Floki
- Florean Fortescue (Harry Potter)
- Florence Fossoway (Game of Thrones)
- Florian Greysteel (Game of Thrones)
- Florian the Fool (Game of Thrones)
- Florian V Mooton (Game of Thrones)
- Floris Baratheon (Game of Thrones)
- Florizel (Shakespeare)
- Florys the Fox (Game of Thrones)
- Flotsam (Disney)
- Flounder (Disney)
- Flubber
- Fluellen Shakespeare)
- Flute (Shakespeare)
- Foghorn
- Fogo (Game of Thrones)
- Fomas (Game of Thrones)
- Fonzie
- Fool (Shakespeare)
- Footstool (Disney)
- Ford
- Forky (Disney)
- Forley Prester ( Game of Thrones)
- Fornio ( Game of Thrones)
- Forrest Frey ( Game of Thrones)
- Forrest Gump
- Fortinbras ( Shakespeare)
- Foss the Archer ( Game of Thrones)
- Foulfellow ( Disney)
- Foxy Loxy ( Disney)
- Fozzie
- Fralegg (Game of Thrones)
- Francisca (Shakespeare)
- Frankenstein
- Franklyn Farman (Game of Thrones)
- Franklyn Flowers (Game of Thrones)
- Franklyn Fowler (Game of Thrones)
- Franklyn Frey (Game of Thrones)
- Frasier
- Fredo Rogare (Game of Thrones)
- Frenchie
- Frenken (Game of Thrones)
- Frenya (Game of Thrones)
- Frere Jacques
- Freud
- Friar Tuck
- Friz (Shakespeare)
- Frodo
- Frogger
- Frost
- Frosty
- Froth (Shakespeare)
- Frou-Frou (Disney)
- Frozone (Disney)
- Frynne (Game of Thrones)
- Fulk the Flea (Game of Thrones)
- Furby
- Furiosa
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- Lord Footly (Game of Thrones)
- The Fat Friar (Harry Potter)
- The Fat Lady (Harry Potter)
- The Fonz
Do you still have queries about cat names? Take a look at the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions!
If you are looking for a unique name with the letter F for your kitty, you can think of names inspired by food, drinks, superhero characters, funny words, etc. Try names like Floof, Fang, Funky, Flan, Fuzzball, Forrest, Fonzie, etc.
If you are looking for badass names for cats, it’s a good idea to pick names out of comic books. Superhero and supervillain names make the best cat names for the feisty furry friends. You can go with names like Firefly, Fiddler, Faora, Famine, Falcon, etc.
Cats are the most adorable creatures in the world, and they deserve the cutest cat names! But how do you find them? Check out cute word names like Fluffy, Figs, Frittata, Feta, firecracker, Flash, Freak, Flakes, and many more!
Final Word
Now you are equipped with a list of cat names with F, one of which might be an ideal name for your kitty.
We are sure that you’ll find a name that both you and your kitty will love!
What are your favorite cat names that start with F? Please share with us below!