Last Updated: 10 months ago

A flame-point Siamese cat is the most uncommon of all the Siamese cats.

This makes them the subject of interest for many cat lovers and cat parents.

Below, we cover all you need to know about one of the most interesting Oriental breeds!

Let’s get started!

Flame Point Siamese Cat Breed History

flame point siamese cat lying on the carpet

The Siamese cat originated in Thailand. But its popularity started growing worldwide in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

In 1930, cat breeders in England crossed between an orange or red American shorthair and a seal point Siamese breed cat in the hopes of creating a new sub-breed of the Siamese.

To their surprise, a flame-point Siamese cat was born. Back then, this new hybrid was called “redpoint longhair cats” and was one of the popular breeds of Siamese.

Although the first firepoint siamese was born in 1930, it was still a very rare type of cat. It took consistent selective breeding over a few generations to have the color consistently.

This red and white hybrid Siamese cat gained demand because of its limited number and unique color.

Even though by the 1970s this cat had become a house pet to many families worldwide, it was given the status of a distinct cat breed only in the year 1972.

To date, a fire point cat is rare compared to other Siamese cats, and still not registered as a separate breed in some parts of the world.

Flame Point Siamese Cat Physical Characteristic

flame point siamese kitten lying on the carpet

Redpoint Siamese have similar slender bodies and strong legs like the modern Siamese, just with different color markings.

Most of its body is either white or cream with ginger markings on its face, ears paws, and ginger ringed tail.

Almost 80% of these cats are males that’s because the males need only one X chromosome to have the orange color whereas females need two X chromosomes to be flame.

A flame point kitten with red-point fathers are all red points. However, if only the mother is a red-point, then only the male kittens will be born flame point.

An adult red point Siamese cat is as tall as 16- 21 inches. Males are bigger than females and these cats weigh up to 9-14 pounds. Their average lifespan is 15-20 years.

Flame Point Siamese Cat Temperament and Personality

Flame point Siamese are not just rare and pretty, but also extremely intelligent. They can be trained and walked on a leash.

Their extremely curious nature makes them try new things. They can sense their owner’s mood and act accordingly. Their personality aligns a lot with a modern Siamese cat personality traits.

Friendly, talkative, playful, active, and extremely lovable firetip siamese cats share a lot of personality traits with their sister breeds.

As most of these cats are males, they are more laid back than female flame kittys and have a warm personality.

Flame point Siamese owners claim that these cats are weird and are famous for their active personalities. They get along just fine with other pets. As they long for playmates and rejoice when they get one, no matter who.

They love to spend time with their humans, express their affectionate nature, and play around with the kids as well. They display a lot of tabby cat behavior and an outgoing personality, as they possess the tabby gene.

If you are on the lookout for a goofy but adorable pet, get yourself a red-point Siamese cat!

Siamese cats are extroverted and love to display their affection in the form of purring or rubbing their heads on you. The next step is often cuddling or lying down on or against you.

These kitties are extremely loving, so once you establish that special bond with your pet flame point Siamese, they will often cuddle with you.

Flame Point Siamese Cats Health Issues

Flame Point Siamese cat breed

If you are the parent of a flame-point Siamese or if you plan on adopting one soon, the tips below will help!

Flame point Siamese not only have the physical features of traditional Siamese but also some of the same genetic diseases.

Some of the common health disorders diagnosed in Flame Point Siamese are:


Being overactive and forever energetic has its drawbacks, such as degenerative disease and arthritis. Flame point Siamese often experience joint pain. If you see your cat limping,

Reluctant to perform all the physical activities, it would be eager to do otherwise; it may be a sign of arthritis.

Hip dysplasia

This health issue is another drawback of being hyperactive. This disorder is common in Siamese when the thigh bone does not fit perfectly in the socket of the hip joint.

Symptoms include limpness, trouble jumping, muscle loss in the limbs, and lethargy.


Pica is a rather common disease. In this, the cat constantly licks or even eats fabrics or other unedible things.

Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, oral ulcers, or redness.

Retinal atrophy

As the Flame Point Siamese age, the cells in their eyes start to degenerate. This is a progressive disorder that needs quick treatment. Symptoms include reduced vision or blurry vision.

If you see your cat stumbling or finding it hard to figure out its way, visit a vet!

Flame point Siamese also face urinary issues and dental problems. It’s best to visit the vet regularly for full health checkups on your beloved kitty.

Many of these health issues can be avoided or controlled with the help of medications and regular treatment.

Flame Point Siamese Cats Grooming And Care

flame point siamese looking at the camera

These cats are low-maintenance compared to other cat breeds. Being short-haired, these cats do not need regular brushing; once a week is fine.

Moreover, they shed just twice a year, mostly in spring and fall. In shedding season, it’s a must to brush their fur at least three times a week to help them shed dead fur.

These cats are experts at grooming and keeping themselves clean. You don’t need to bathe them weekly, just when they get dirty or if there is a need to bathe them. Use a special cat shampoo to thoroughly clean their fur and prevent ticks and lies.

However, like other Siamese cats, these cats often forget to clean their buttocks after they are done with their business. In such cases, to avoid a litter disaster in your house, wipe their buttocks with wet wipes.

Even though these cats are gentle and tolerant to some extent, they are extremely playful and have a hyperactive nature.

Sometimes while paying they may accidentally scratch you. If you have kids around, it’s necessary to clip their nails regularly.


Nutrition plays an important role in the life of a firetail siamese. As the majority of health issues can be avoided by pet owners with the right amount of proteins and fats in their diet,.

These kitties need to be fed with an adequate amount of dry and wet cat food to hydrate these playful felines. A mixture of both types of foods ensures the supply of essential vitamins is needed.

Dry food

Dry food is a great source of nutrients but is not always enough to fulfill your cat’s nutrition needs. It’s best to always keep your cat’s dry food bowl full. Cats tend to have small meals throughout the day, rather than have scheduled full meals.

So just keep their bowls full, it’s just a cat’s thing. Moreover, invest in a cat fountain as these felines are reluctant to drink water from a bowl. It’s one of the best ways to keep them constantly hydrated.

Wet food

Wet food is perishable so it cannot be carried while traveling. However, it’s the best source of water as cats do not naturally feel thirsty.

2-3 cups of wet food daily should be enough for your flamey cat. Cats tend to experience urinary issues which can be effectively avoided by feeding your felines wet food regularly.

It’s best to purchase cat food as suggested by the Vet!

Flame Point Siamese Cats Cost

Flame Point Siamese kitten

Where to buy /adopt

If you are planning to buy or adopt a fire tip cat keep in mind that these felines are rare and exotic. So, it’s best to get one via adoption through rescue centers or certified reputable breeders.

Families having pure bread Flame point cats are also the best source to adopt these felines.

Flame point Siamese cat price

The price range of this scares breed of cat, varies drastically. The starting range is around $400 to $1000 for a purebred flame point siamese. But, depending upon the coloration sometimes the price can go as high as $2000.

These cats are one of the rarest and most expensive Siamese breeds.

Once you find the perfect new feline for your family, you will need to check out flame point siamese names if you don’t have one in mind already.


We know that by now you have fallen in love with this rare and extraordinary feline. Who could resist their affectionate behavior?

If you are planning to adopt a flame point Siamese, I hope this article has offered enough information about this breed.

Also, I hope you enjoyed the flame point siamese cat pictures included in this article. I think these are one of the most beautiful types of cats!

On a parting note, let me know which Siamese type is your favorite!

What do you think of Flame Point Siamese cats? Aren’t they lovely? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


adorable flame point siamese cat