Last Updated: 7 months ago

Curious about the Maine Coon Munchkin Cat? Want to learn about this breed and its kitties?

We’ve got you covered with this extensive guide (behavior and facts)! Most “ordinary” cats you see every day are a mix of several breeds.

But sometimes breeders match two different purebreds to create a unique breed. For example, the adorable Exotic Shorthair is a mix between Persians and American Shorthairs.

The Maine Coon and the Munchkin mix appeared in a similar fashion. But as you’ll learn, Maine Coon Muchnkin cats are rare, and breeding isn’t always a success.

Still, if you want a Maine Coon Munchkin cat, we’ll cover the traits and characteristics of both breeds so you can decide if the Maine Coon Munchkin mix will be the best choice for you.

And we’re going to talk about how to determine if your cat is a Maine Coon Mix.

Appearance of the Maine Coon Cat Breed

purebred tabby maine coon cat

When you lay eyes on the Maine Coon for the first time, you will immediately notice its large size and fluffy appearance.

  • Size: 9 to 20 plus pounds
  • Lifespan: 9 to 15 years
  • Personality: Good-natured, loving, patient, and playful

These long-haired cats are between 30 and 40 inches in length and weigh between 9 and 18 pounds. So, they aren’t the easiest cats to cuddle or hold in your arms.

Some Maine Coons reach impressive measurements. For example, a Maine Coon holds the world’s record for the longest domestic cat, with a length of 48.5 inches.

The Maine Coon’s head is squarish with large, well-tufted, pointed ears. The muzzle is squarish, and the eyes are expressive in green, gold, greenish-gold, or copper. Blue eyes are rare.

The other typical traits of purebred Maine Coons are:

  • The body is well-proportioned, muscular, and broad-chested.
  • The paws are huge with tufts of hair and might have extra toes
  • The coat is heavy and two-layered to protect these large cats from the elements. 
  • The fur is shorter on the shoulders and longer on the stomach and upper hind legs.
  • These gentle giants also have a prominent ruff of fur on their chests, giving them a small lion’s appearance.

Maine Coons also come in all colors and patterns, including solid color, tabby, chocolates, cream, etc.

Personality of the Maine Coon Cat Breed

CFA standards Purebreed MaineCoon

If there were just one word to describe the Maine Coon, it would be personable.

  • These large cats love to be around people and follow you from room to room, observing everything you do with never-blinking eyes.
  • Maine Coons aren’t clingy or needy and won’t be upset if you leave them alone at home. 
  • If you have rodents in your home (whether by choice or by chance), your Maine Coon will quickly get rid of them, thanks to its superb hunting abilities. 
  • In fact, this skill has been consistent throughout the Coon’s lineage since these felines served as sea or farm cats for centuries. 
  • If your home is rodent-free, this breed will have just as much fun (and ability) chasing toys.
  • The Maine Coon is an intelligent breed and can learn tricks when properly motivated with positive reinforcement techniques.

Lastly, although the appearance of the males and females of this breed is relatively the same (males do tend to be bigger), females are a bit more on the dignified side.

It’s usually the males of the breed who are silly and can entertain you for hours with their antics.

Care and Health of the Maine Coon Cat Breed

brushing Maine coon's beautiful coat

Like any pet, the Maine Coon does need care; however, despite its shaggy coat, it is quite soft and less likely to matt with regular grooming.

Pet parents of this breed find that a good comb-through of the coat twice a week is sufficient to keep it in top condition. Bathing your Maine Coon should be done when needed.

  • Use pet wipes to clean around the eyes and bum when necessary
  • Make a point of wiping the inside of the ears with a cotton ball when they are dirty.

Brush your Maine Coon’s teeth daily and clip his nails every week or so. Breeders of the Maine Coon suggest keeping it as an indoor-only cat to prevent mishaps from happening.

In general, Maine Coons are healthy cats, and they can live up to 15 years. But they are prone to some hereditary diseases, such as hip dysplasia, heart disease (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), and spinal problems.

Appearance of the Munchkin Cat Breed

munchkin cat breed

The Munchkin cat breed has been described as “the Corgi of the cat world.” It’s obvious why when you see this adorable, short-statured feline.

  • Due to a genetic mutation, this cat’s legs are short and a tad stubby.
  • This domestic cutie comes in a variety of coat colors, patterns, and lengths.
  • Their heads are of normal proportions, with erect ears.
  • Their eyes can be of any variety, including gold, green, and blue.
  • Depending on their coat length, the tail can either be a plume or short-haired.

In general, Munchin cats are a small to medium-sized breed. They weigh up to 9 pounds and are 6–9 inches tall.

  • Size: 6 to 9 pounds
  • Lifespan: 12 to 14 years
  • Personality: outgoing, playful, and intelligent

The International Cat Association (TICA) recognized the breed in 1995, despite numerous concerns about the breed’s health. More about that in a bit. 

Personality of the Munchkin Cat Breed

tuxedo munchkin cat breed

Even though the Munchkin is short in height, it’s lacking in the personality department.

  • The Munchkin is a cuddly cat that craves company from kids, other animals, cats, dogs, and even strangers.
  • They never say “no” to a game of chase with the laser pointer or catnip toy, but may trade the game in for a snuggly lap instead.

When it comes to cat toys and the Munchkin’s stuff, it does tend to hoard whatever catches its fancy.

In fact, this little guy has been referred to as a “magpie” because of its tendency to grab anything shiny, stashing it away for later!

Coupled with this feline’s natural curiosity, you may have to hide those small trinkets. You may wonder if the short Munchkin legs slow this cat down. They don’t.

This breed is fast and furious to the very end, using his low-to-the-ground traction for the ultimate in racing fun!

But Munchkins can’t jump as high as other breeds because their legs are too short to overcome large obstacles.

Health and Care of the Munchkin Cat Breed

a cute Scottish Fold Munchkin kitten

Like all cats, the Munchkin will need proper care to flourish. This includes grooming its coat on a biweekly basis, trimming its nails, and brushing its teeth.

A nutritional diet will keep your Munchkin in optimal health without excessive weight gains.

To find high-quality cat food, read the side of the bags for the nutritional content and choose one with

  • pure animal protein (deboned chicken, beef, salmon)
  • and low fillers (bone meal, by-product meal, corn, wheat).
  • no artificial ingredients, chemicals, or flavoring

You will also want to have your kitten spayed or neutered at around six months of age. This not only prevents unwanted kittens, but it also reduces the risk of some reproductive cancers.

Lastly, keep your little Munchkin indoors. Felines that are allowed to roam can encounter unfriendly people and wildlife, which puts them at a higher risk of being harmed or hit by a vehicle.

Outdoor cats will also hunt birds and rodents, which can carry disease and parasites. Munchkin cats are adorable with their short legs and cute meerkat position.

But their short stature puts them at risk of several diseases:

  • Lordosis (dipping of the spine)
  • Concave chest 
  • Osteoarthritis

Many specialists still believe that it’s not ethical to produce cats with such short legs, so you’re going to read a lot of different opinions on Munchkin cats.  

Maine Coon Munchkin Cat Appearance

Mixed cat breeds can take after one or both parents. They can also be a unique combination of the two. 

That’s why we can’t give you an accurate description of the Maine Coon Munchkin cat. But we can provide a few pointers:  

  • A Maine Coon Munchkin mix can have short or normal legs with a body construction resembling one of the parent breeds. 
  • The coat can be long, medium-long, or short, with or without the typical Maine Coon’s tufts and ruffs. 
  • Eye and coat color also depend on the parents’ genetics. 

Since both breeds are so different in weight and size, there’s no way to tell how big a Maine Coon Munchkin mix can be. 

Maine Coon Munchkin Cat Personality

Both breeds are people-oriented, smart, and easy-going. So, you can expect your Maine Coon Munchkin cat to be affectionate, playful, and charming.

Both Maine Coon and Munchkins aren’t big climbers, so a Maine Coon Munchkin cat will likely prefer playing on the ground instead of climbing up the bookshelves. 

Maine Coon Munchkin Cat Health Concerns

The genetic mutation responsible for Munckin’s unique appearance is a dominant one. 

Breeders call it the “lethal” gene because the kittens don’t survive if both parents pass the gene. 

That’s why breeders choose normal-sized cats or felines with shorter legs (without the lethal gene) to produce viable offspring. 

But you’ll rarely see breeders who mix Munchkins with Maine Coons. And there are good reasons why the Maine Coon Munchkin Cat is so rare. 

Difference in Size

As you can see from the breakdown of each of these breeds, Maine Coons are much bigger than Munchkins. 

So, a small Munchkin female trying to give birth to Maine Coon kittens could be difficult and dangerous and require vet help. 

The actual breeding process will also be very complicated due to the vast difference in sizes and weights. 

Possible Spine Problems

Another question that should be addressed is, “Could a Maine Coon frame be supported on Munchkin legs?”

If the kittens are heavy but have short legs, the little ones can suffer from spine problems, bone issues, and brain deformities. They might not survive the first week or be stillborn. 

Though there is no guarantee of how the genetics between these vastly different breeds will fall, the health of the kittens should be a concern.

Always ask for health clearance for inherited diseases, common in both breeds, to ensure you get a healthy kitten. 

Breeding Costs

Finally, breeding Maine Coons and Munchkins can be too costly to be profitable. There’s always the risk of birth complications or kittens with deformities. 

Maine Coon Munchkin Cat Care

If you have a Maine Coon Munchkin Cat, you should inform your vet so that he or she can keep an eye on common Munchkin issues. 

Regular grooming, nail trimming, and teeth brushing are also essential to keep the cat healthy and spot dental problems. 

Don’t forget to vaccinate, spay, or neuter the Maine Coon Munchkin Cat, especially if it has a hereditary condition. 

How Do I Tell If I Have a Mixed Maine Coon?

main coon kittens playing

So, you think your Munchkin cat or domestic cat is part Maine Coon? How can you confirm your suspicions?

1. Ask the Breeder

One of the easiest ways to confirm your cat’s pedigree is to ask the breeder.

They can provide papers proving the cat’s ancestry and tell you if your cat has Maine Coon’s genes.

2. Do a DNA Test

If you have a rescue cat or an adopted one from the shelter, a DNA test is the only reliable way to confirm the cat’s breed. 

Feline DNA kits are easy to use and available for purchase online. All you have to do is swab your cat’s cheek and send the sample for analysis.

Unfortunately, the best cat DNA tests aren’t cheap, but they can tell you a lot about your cat’s ancestry and disease predisposition.

3. Check for Maine Coon Physical Traits

If your cats have typical Maine Coon physical traits, they are likely part Maine Coon. Look for the following features:

  • Lion-like mane around the neck
  • A rectangular, muscular body
  • Expressive, oval-shaped green or gold eyes 
  • Two-layered long-haired coat 
  • Tufty ears with Lynx tips, huge paws, and wide-set eyes
  • A magnificent bushy tail, resembling a raccoon’s tail
  • Extra toes. The polydactyl gene is very common in Maine Coons.  

However, keep in mind that these physical characteristics are present in other breeds as well. That’s why genetic testing is the only way to be 100% sure. 

4. Consider Your Cat’s Size and Weight

In general, Maine Coon mixes will be larger and heavier than most domestic cat breeds. So, cats over 10 pounds in weight might have some Maine Coon genes in them. 

However, Maine Coon kittens grow slowly. Most Maine Coons don’t reach their adult weight and size until they’re over 3–4 years of age. 

5. Consider Behavior Traits

Behavior isn’t the most reliable way to determine breed. Still, Maine Coons have some unique traits that can be helpful:

  • Loves playing in the water
  • Highly trainable and intelligent  
  • Chirps and trills instead of meowing 
  • I am not a big fan of climbing 


How Much Does a Maine Coon Kitten Cost? 

In general, Maine Coon kittens are expensive, so you can expect to pay from $1200 to $2000, depending on the kitten’s gender, coat color, and ancestry. Shady breeders sell Maine Coon kittens for less, but you risk getting a silk cat with heart problems or other inherited conditions. 

Can a Maine Coon be Mixed?

Yes, a Maine Coon can be mixed, and it can have many of the common physical and behavioral traits of purebred Maine Coons. However, most Maine Coon mixes aren’t as large as purebreds. But even a half Maine Coon can grow to impressive sizes, especially if you breed it with another large cat, such as Ragdolls

How Do I Know If I Have a Maine Coon?

The only way to confirm your cat’s breed is to do a DNA test. But if your cat has typical Maine Coon characteristics and is larger than the average domestic cat, the chances are good it’s part Maine Coon. 

How Big Will a Maine Coon Mix Get?

The size of a Maine Coon mix depends on how big the second parent is. For example, a Maine Coon Munchkin cat won’t ever get as big as purebred Maine Coons because Munchkins are very small. But if you breed a Maine Coon with another large breed, the Maine Coon mix can be as large or larger than purebreds. 

What Kind of Cat Has an M on Their Forehead?

All tabby cats have an “M” on their forehead, including the tabby Maine Coon. The ‘M” trait is related to coat color, not breed.


If you are looking for a Maine Coon Munchkin mix kitten, be sure to do your research.

Ensure the person you are adopting a kitten from has appropriately assessed the health of each kitten to ensure it is genetically sound.

Keep in mind that some Maine Coon kittens stay small before they hit a growth spurt, so it’s easy for some unprofessional to sell them as a Maine Coon Munchkin cat.

Do you have a Maine Coon cat, a Munchkin, or a Maine Coon munchkin cat? Drop us a line in the comments section. We’d love to hear your experiences!

Maine Coon Munchkin Cat breed mix