Last Updated: 1 year ago

Are you curious about Lilac Point Siamese cats and if they live up to the breed’s mystic reputation?

Siamese cats are still one of the most popular breeds, so it’s no wonder you want to learn more about the Siamese kittens with lilac points.

Fortunately, I’m here to talk about everything you need to know about these Lilac color-pointed cats.

Just keep reading.

Lilac Point Siamese Cat Breed History

Lilac Point Siamese kitten

Thanks to their unique color-point markings and intelligent minds, Siamese cats are such a popular breed that they are easily recognizable. 

But what is a Lilac Point Siamese? 

Lilac Siamese cats aren’t a separate breed but one of the possible color point variations of the Siamese breed—a diluted color of Chocolate point Siamese cats.

So, let’s learn a bit more about them and where they come from.

Siamese cats originate from Thailand (former Siam). Their color-pointed coat results from a natural mutation that produces contrasting marks on the mask, ears, paws, and tails.

And while cats were common in their home country, it wasn’t until the late 19th century that the breed took part in the Crystal Palace Cat Show in London. 

Initially, Siamese cats had only seal points—the classic Siamese cat with dark brownish points. But soon, other color-pointed versions were introduced.

Interestingly, Lilac Siamese cats weren’t as popular or sought-after as they’re today.

Breeders regarded them as a washed-down version of the blue point Siamese or a poor-quality variation of the Chocolate Siamese. And only in 1955 did these unique cats gain recognition in the United States. 

Nowadays, the Cat Fancier’s Organization recognizes only four color points: seal, blue, chocolate, and lilac.

However, the International Cat Organization recognizes various coat colors and patterns, including tabby points, red points, cream points, and smoke points.

Breeders have also used Siamese cats to create other breeds, such as the Balinese, Burmese, and Tonkinese. All these Siamese cat different breeds share common physical traits. 

Physical Characteristics

Lilac Point Siamese cat breed

Lilac point Siamese cats are medium-sized with muscular bodies, wedge-shaped heads, large pointed ears, and almond-shaped eyes.

The overall impression is of a graceful cat with slim legs, a long tail, and a well-proportioned and balanced body. The coat is short, glossy, and has a fine texture when petting your Lilac Siamese.

The lilac color is the lightest of all the possible Siamese variations, giving these Siamese cats a unique appearance. Interestingly, two lilac cats don’t always look alike because their coats have lilac shades. 

Since Lilac is a diluted form of chocolate, it’s easy for inexperienced cat owners and breeders to confuse Lilac with Chocolate-pointed Siamese cats.

You’ll learn more about how to recognize Lilac-point Siamese in a bit.


As I already said, all color-point Siamese cats are medium in size with a muscular yet lean body. But how big does a Lilac Siamese cat get?

In general, Siamese cats weigh between 6 and 12 pounds, with a height of 8 to 10 inches and a length of 15 to 20 inches without the tail. Males are more prominent than females.

Their size makes these beautiful felines suitable companions for apartments or houses. And Siamese cats are slow to mature, growing up to their adult size when they’re at least one year old.

Interestingly, a Siamese cat holds the Guinness World Record for the largest litter in the world – 19 kittens! So, even though they aren’t the largest cat breed, your Lilac Siamese can give you quite the surprise.

How to Recognize Them

Looking at all Siamese cat colors and patterns, it’s natural to wonder how to recognize Lilac from blue and chocolate points. 

According to the CFA’s breed standard, Lilac Siamese cats should have a glacial white body with frosty greyish-pink points. The nose leather and paws have a pink undertone, while the eyes are a vivid blue. 

On the other hand, blue points have a bluish-white body with deep blue-grey points and white shading on the chest/stomach. The color is darker than Lilac, which is why the two types look so alike. 

Siamese cats have ivory bodies with milk-chocolate points, cinnamon pink nose leather/paws, and blue eyes. So, they’re a bit easier to recognize. 

While all Siamese cats have vivid blue eyes, most cat breeders describe the Lilac Siamese’s eyes as china blue, a bit softer than the usual electric blue.

Always choose a reputable breeder to ensure you have suitable color-pointed Siamese cats.

Average Lifespan

In general, Siamese cats are a healthy breed, no matter their coat color. You can expect Lilac-pointed cats to live 15 years and more with a proper diet and regular vet visits.

Interestingly, a Siamese cat also has a place among the longest-living cats. The cat Scooter lived for 30 years!

Lilac Point Siamese Cat Personality And Temperament

Lilac Point Siamese

Adopting a cat should never be a light decision, especially when discussing such a long-living breed as Siamese.

So, let’s talk about the Siamese cat temperament so you can decide if a Lilac-point Siamese cat will be a suitable addition to your family and lifestyle.


Have you ever watched Disney’s Lady and the Tramp? You may remember a pair of singing Siamese cats that loved to wreak havoc and bully the poor Lady. 

This old animation captures perfectly some sides of the Siamese cat’s personality – a loud cat that lets you know its opinion about everyone and everything. And it loves mischief. 

The Siamese is highly affectionate, social, and friendly. It likes to be the center of attention and act like a spoiled diva when it doesn’t get its way.

Unlike other cat breeds, Siamese cats often bond with a single person and can be highly protective. People often describe them as jealous, but that’s a misunderstanding.

What people consider jealousy is the Siamese way to show affection and demand its owner’s attention and devotion. And Lilac Siamese cats can be even clingier.

Some owners also talk about their Siamese cats as dog-like because this breed loves to play fetch and is highly intelligent. And as this owner says in the video, they’re adorable.

However, Siamese cats don’t like to be alone at home for hours without company. They do better in pairs and keep each other mentally and physically stimulated. 


A Lilac Siamese cat is the right choice for you and your family if you: 

  • Don’t mind a cat that doesn’t understand personal space and keeps you company no matter what you’re doing.
  • Like having someone to talk to and don’t mind a cat that will sing you its song all day long. 
  • Want an intelligent cat that will learn tricks like opening doors and turning on/off lamps.
  • Can provide plenty of interactive toys to keep your Siamese cat happy and thriving. 

Siamese cats are fun to have around, but you should know about a couple of perks of their temperament that could make life with a Siamese a bit difficult:

  • Lilac Siamese cats are real Chatty Cathys, and their meow is very obnoxious, especially when they want something. That could be a problem if you have thin walls and neighbors.
  • Without proper mental and physical stimulation, Siamese cats can be destructive. You’ll never know what mess your cat will make in your absence. 
  • Siamese cats are one of the most intelligent breeds, so they get bored quickly and can be stubborn when you train them. 
  • Since Siamese cats attract strongly to their human owner, they can be prone to separation anxiety

Lilac Point Siamese Cats Health and Care

Lilac Point Siamese cat

If you’re considering getting Lilac pointed cat breeds, you should be familiar with their health issues, grooming, and diet to ensure your Siamese cat thrives. 

Health Issues

As a whole, Siamese cats are a healthy breed. However, they’re predisposed to a few medical conditions, such as:

  • Congenital heart defects. It’s a common heart problem in Siamese and British cats.
  • Asthma. 
  • Amyloidosis. It’s a condition in which amyloid proteins are deposited in tissues and organs instead of cells.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy.

Moreover, Siamese cats are prone to obesity. And as vets from PetMd explain, “Feline obesity is a prevalent disease, occurring in up to 63% of cats in developed countries.”

Being obese is bad for cats because it puts extra stress on their joints and organs. It can lead to diabetes, hormonal problems, a weak immune system, and heart disease. 


Lilac Siamese cats don’t need much grooming. Their short coat requires weekly brushing to keep it smooth and luxurious.

You should also brush your Siamese kitty’s teeth regularly to prevent gum disease, another widespread health problem in domestic cats.

As for bathing, Siamese cats are clean animals, so they need an occasional bath every few months. 


Siamese cats need high-quality cat food with named meat as the first ingredient and plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Some Siamese cats have sensitive stomachs, so you should avoid brands with artificial ingredients and a high carbohydrate ratio. 

Siamese kitties also need high-quality wet food to thrive and develop their bones and immune system. 

Lilac Point Siamese Cats Cost

Lilac Point Siamese breed kitten

Since lilac-point Siamese cats are rare, it’s not as easy to find one to adopt or buy. But it’s not impossible.

How Do You Get a Lilac Point Siamese?

You’ve got several options if you want to get a Lilac Siamese kitten:

  • A shelter. It’s not uncommon to find purebred cats in shelters, even rare color-pointed Siamese cats. 
  • A Siamese rescue organization, like the Siamese Cat Rescue Centre and Southern California Siamese Rescue
  • A reputable breeder, such as Windrunner Pets. Or find a breeder that specializes only in Siamese kittens and ask if they have kittens with this specific color. 

Lilac Point Siamese Cats And Kitten Price

So, how much does a lilac-point Siamese cat cost? Generally, if you purchase from a reputable breeder,  $600 to $1000 is the usual lilac point Siamese price.  

Adult purebred lilac Siamese cat may cost more than a kitten, especially if it has a championship status or noticeable features. 

Adopting a Siamese kitten or an adult Siamese cat lilac point from a rescue organization is cheaper, so you may pay less than $100. 

Are Lilac Point Siamese Cats Rare?

Of the officially recognized Siamese color-pointed colors, Lilac is one of the rarest. That’s because the coat color is the result of a recessive gene. As such, the two parents have to carry the gene. 

Chocolate-point Siamese cats are also rare, while blue-point and seal-point are the more common. 

Interestingly, Siamese kittens are born white because it’s far too warm in their mother’s womb for the color points to develop.

The typical “points” of Siamese and Burmese cats result from a temperature-sensitive form of albinism, in which eumelanin pigment develops only in the cooler extremities, such as ears, paws, and tail.

Color points start to appear when the kitten is about a week old, but it can take a while for the color points to emerge. 

Usually, breeders can guess the cat’s color by its nose, leather, and paws, but it’s not always 100% accurate. 


Lilac-point Siamese kittens are very playful and like to be the center of attention as much as adult Siamese. 

They make great companions for children and people who appreciate their graceful nature, intelligence, and affectionate temperament.

What do you think about lilac point Siamese cats? Which lilac point cat breeds are your favorites? Share your thoughts in the comment section.


Lilac Point Siamese Cat licking his mouth