Last Updated: 1 year ago
Looking for some amazing tortoiseshell cat names?
Tortoiseshell cats are incredibly beautiful, with coats as stunning and unique as their personalities.
They come in various colors like ginger, black, grey, cream, and more, all with distinct patterns.
They deserve a name as stunning as theirs, and that’s exactly what I have for you below.
Let’s start with our favorite names for tortoiseshell cats!
Tortoiseshell Cat Names For Red and Orange Males

Did you know that male torties are extremely rare?
So if your male tortoiseshell cat is a boy, he is definitely unique and deserves a special name.
Red and orange male torties are gorgeous pets that must have cool names that match their distinct-looking patterns.
So here is a list of elegant names for tortoiseshell cats that are red and orange males that you and your pet will both love.
- Addie
- Adrick
- Alani
- Andrew
- Aslan
- Auburn
- Blaze
- Bond
- Bram
- Brandy
- Buddy
- Carlo
- Carlos
- Carrot
- Charlie
- Cheetah
- Cherro
- Cherry
- Cobalt
- Cooper
- Corneille
- Dave
- Davis
- Diablo
- Domino
- Duke
- Fire
- Fluffy
- Francis
- Freckles
- Furby
- Gabriel
- Garfield
- Gatsby
- George
- Ginger
- Goldie
- Goldwin
- Gorgie
- Harvest
- Henry
- Honey
- Horus
- Hyde
- Jackson
- Jarvis
- Johny
- Jollie
- Joy
- Kenway
- King
- Lapis
- Lava
- Leo
- Lion
- Loki
- Marble
- Marco
- Micky
- Milos
- Mufasa
- Nebit
- Nemo
- Noah
- Oggie
- Olive
- Oliver
- Orange
- Ozi
- Pancake
- Paolo
- Paprika
- Pebbles
- Peter
- Pluto
- Prince
- Pumpkin
- Rajah
- Reddy
- Redtail
- Richie
- Robin
- Rockwell
- Romeo
- Rosa
- Rusty
- Saffron
- Sahara
- Sandy
- Sandy Claws
- Scotch
- Sepia
- Shero
- Sheru
- Simba
- Skylar
- Speckles
- Spice
- Sunny
- Sunset
- Tan
- Tango
- Timom
- Toffee
- Topaz
- Tortie
- Vicky
- William
Tortoiseshell Cat Names For Red and Orange Females

Your kitty, with a gorgeous and unique coat pattern, has the ability to make heads turn wherever she walks.
Why not give her a name that matches her attitude—whether she is sweet, quirky, or diva-like?
We have put together a list of tortoiseshell cat names for females that may be perfect for your feline friend.
Take a look at the list and find the name that suits the girl the best!
- Abby
- Alice
- Alison
- Amber
- Amelia
- Amelia
- Anastasia
- Apricat
- Apricot
- Archie
- Ariel
- Atehna
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Azizi
- Bambi
- Bette
- Blossom
- Bubble
- Buttercup
- Calie
- Cardi
- Cassie
- Cheesecake
- Cherry
- Chole
- Cindrella
- Cinnamon
- Cleopatra
- Coral
- Daffodil
- Doremi
- Eloise
- Elsi
- Emma
- Eve
- Fauna
- Fifi
- Flora
- Gigi
- Gina
- Ginny
- Giselle
- Gracie
- Hannah
- Isabel
- Isis
- Jackquiline
- Jane
- Jasmine
- Jennifer
- Julian
- Juliana
- Julie
- Julie
- Juliet
- Julius
- Kiki
- Kitty
- Kylie
- Lola
- Lola
- Loli
- Lorette
- Lotion
- Luna
- Mabel
- Madonna
- Marry
- May
- Meow
- Mily
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Misty
- Molly
- Mumsie
- Nala
- Niki
- Nora
- Pansy
- Peach
- Penny
- Polly
- Princess
- Puffy
- Red
- Remy
- Rose
- Rosie
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Rumi
- Sabrina
- Sasha
- Scarlet
- Seirra
- Shebba
- Sherry
- Sophie
- Stella
- Sunflower
- Tinkerbell
- Victoria
- Yasmine
- Zoey
Tortoiseshell Cat Names For Brown and Black Males

Black cats are not necessarily jet black in shade, like Harry Potter’s messy hair.
They may have grey or chocolate fur.
No matter what shade of black or brown your feline friend may be, he is out of the ordinary and absolutely amazing, and you must find the right name for your furry friend.
Here’s a list of tortoiseshell cat names for black and brown males:
- Amun
- Ash
- Atlas
- Baloo
- Beanie
- Beans
- Benny
- Black
- Blackie
- Blackjack
- Bob
- Brownie
- Bruno
- Butter
- Butterball
- Cadbury
- Caramel
- Casper
- Chestnut
- Chip
- Chocolate
- Coal
- Cola
- Cosmo
- Dubhan
- Dusty
- Ebony
- Eclairs
- Felix
- Frankie
- Freddy
- Gerry
- Grey
- Harper
- Hazel
- Herman
- Jack
- Jakey
- Jasper
- Jax
- Jerry
- Jewel
- Jiggles
- Jim Jum
- Jimmy
- Judy
- Katty Purry
- Latte
- Louie
- Louise
- Luci
- Lucifer
- Marcellin
- Max
- Meowsie
- Milo
- Mocha
- Monkey
- Mousse
- Mud Pie
- Muddy
- Muffin
- Nachos
- Nutty
- Ollie
- Opal
- Oreo
- Paul
- Paulie
- Peanut
- Pepsi
- Phillip
- Picasso
- Pixel
- Pudding
- Pumba
- Rambo
- Raven
- Ray
- Reese
- Robi
- Rocky
- Rolo
- Saturn
- Shadow
- Simon
- Smoky
- Smudge
- Stardust
- Stewart
- Sundae
- Taco
- Taffy
- Terry
- Tiggy
- Tim
- Timmy
- Toby
- Tom
- Travis
- Truffles
- Turtle
- Velvet
- Walnut
- Whisky
- Wolfie
- Yeti
- Zorro
Tortoiseshell Cat Names For Brown and Black Females

We are not done yet because we also have a list of cute names for your gorgeous furry friend with a brown and black fur pattern.
Your tortoiseshell kitty is a beautiful child, and you must take time and consider various elegant names to find the right choice.
So take a look at our list to choose a name that’s ideal for your pretty furry girl.
- Aisha
- Almond
- Angel
- Angelina
- Anna
- Annabel
- Annie
- Achild,
- Bahia
- Bella
- Beth
- Betsy
- Bianca
- Binx
- Biscuit
- Bonnie
- Brunette
- Cami
- Camille
- Carla
- Celina
- Charlotte
- Cider
- Clare
- Cleo
- Coco
- Cookie
- Creamy Paw
- Cruella
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Darcy
- Diana
- Dipsy
- Dolly
- Donut
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Elsa
- Emily
- Eva
- Felicia
- Forest
- Foxy
- Fudgy
- Gabriella
- Hailey
- Harvey
- Helen
- Helena
- Iris
- Isla
- Jamie
- Jellybean
- Jenna
- Jenni
- Jenniefurr
- Jessie
- Jiya
- Katty
- Kendal
- Kim
- Kimmie
- Kit Kat
- Laila
- Lily
- Lisa
- Loila
- Lucy
- Maple
- Meghan
- Mia
- Mila
- Misha
- Moosy
- Muffin
- Munchkin
- Myla
- Mystique
- Nia
- Nina
- Norah
- Nutella
- Olivia
- Onyx
- Peanut
- Pepper
- Petra
- Pixie
- Renne
- Rune
- Sabina
- Sabrina
- Shelly
- Stormy
- Taffy
- Tasha
- Tessa
- Toastie
- Trixie
- Twinkie
- Twinkle
- Twixy
- Violet
- Vivien
- Zendya
Final Words
If you are a cat lover, there are many options for you to choose names for tortoiseshell cats.
You can check out the films, cartoons, and mythologies of different countries.
For example, to pick Japanese cat names, you can look into animated shows from Kiki’s Delivery Service to Pokemon.
You can go for Harry Potter cat names. From flower names to badass cat names – you have many amazing options!
What are your favorite tortoiseshell cat names? Please share your pick below!