Last Updated: 1 year ago
Get ready for some endearing cat names that start with C!
Naming a new furry member of your family can be one of the toughest things when you get a kitten.
It needs to be a name that can stick with him or her throughout their lifetime and have some sort of meaning to it. If you like the letter “C”, then we have a treat for you.
What words or people come to mind when you think of the letter “C”? For us, it’s caring, carefree, calm, crying, and, strangely, cloudy. We can’t forget the word “cat” as well!
We took inspiration from all over the world for these ideas! Movie characters, funny food names, even geography!
Below are some of the best and cutest names we could find beginning with this letter.
Cat Names that Start with C For Males

- Cabbage Patch
- Cabernet – For the wine connoisseurs.
- Cable – He’s a Marvel character.
- Cadbury – Delicious chocolate brand.
- Cache– Another Marvel character.
- Caduceus
- Catfish – It’s funny!
- Caesar – The ruler of ancient Rome.
- Cairo – For the capital of Egypt, where cats are revered.
- Calvin
- Calzone – If you love cute and funny food names for cats.
- Captain – For the commander of the house.
- Carrot – Also for the rust-colored cats.
- Cash – We could always use more cash, and in turn, you can always use more of your cat.
- Casper – Cute for a white cat
- Castiel – Believed to be a variant of Cassiel, he might be the angel who presides over Thursdays.
- Castor– Like Castor and Pollux.
- Catsby – How cute is this? Maybe even add “The Great” before the name as a nod to the famous novel.
- Cedric
- Chai – A nice ingredient.
- Chandler – It’s like “chandelier” but not really, a sweet nod to Friends.
- Chaos – If you feel like that’s all your cat gives you.
- Charizard – For Pokemon fans.
- Checkers – If your cat has special patterns.
- Cheddar – Yummy cheese. Great for cats with a yellowish-orange tinge.
- Cheetah – Great for Bengal cats, why not name your little boy after their larger counterpart?
- Cheeto – One of the perfect names for calico kittens
- Chief
- Chester
- Chewie – Short for Chewbacca.
- Chili – For the cats with an extra bit of spice!
- Chip – For some reason, we think cats with cute markings on their noses would suit this name.
- Chowder
- Chutney – Another food name
- Chubbs – This is adorable for the rounder cats.
- Chunky Monkey – Another adorable one for rotund kitties!
- Clifford – Sure it’s a dog’s name, but it’s still cute!
- Cloud – We put this here because we thought of it in the intro, and it’s great for Ragdolls or Persians.
- Cobra
- Comet – If you are looking for a more celestial name.
- Copper – Named for the color of copper.
- Cornelius – We always figured some cat with this name would be extra wise.
- Cory
- Cow – For the black and white piebald cats.
- Crow
- Cozy – Cats always look so cozy and make you feel cozy too!
- Crookshanks – If you like, have read, or seen Harry Potter, you will know this is the name of Hermione’s big orange cat.
- Crowley – Kind of a creepy name if you find the occult fascinating.
- Cuddle – Because that’s all you like to do with your feline.
- Cypress
We have covered all the bases with these boy names, from physical attributes to names after some classic movies and TV shows. We’re sure you were entertained by that list.
Cat Names that Start with C For Females

- Calla Lily – A beautiful white flower.
- Callie – For calico cats.
- Cady– For your Mean Girl
- Calamari – One of the funnier Japanese food names for female cats.
- Calista
- Calypso – A Greek nymph.
- Candy – The sweetest kittens.
- Caramel – A great ingredient you might like in your morning coffee, with a dose of your cat.
- Carly
- Carmen – For Carmen Sandiego the detective. Your cat can always seem to solve the mystery of how to fit in a box.
- Casablanca
- Cashmere – The oh so soft and oh so luxurious material used to make sweaters. Not that your cat will be made into a sweater in a Cruella De Vil (which is another C name) situation.
- Cassiopeia – A vain queen in Greek mythology who claimed she had unrivaled beauty.
- Catalina
- Catzilla – If you feel like no other name is as crazy as your cat.
- Cayley
- Celia
- Celestia – Like celestial, perfect for astronomy lovers.
- Champagne – For the fancy cats who like to party.
- Chandra – Meaning “moonlight”
- Chanel – Speaking of Chanel, it also begins with a “C”.
- Charm – For the cat who is your lucky charm.
- Charlotte
- Cheesecake
- Cherish – Which is what you will do forever with your cat.
- Cheshire – The cat in Alice in Wonderland, and we’re pretty sure it’s the name of a villain in comic books.
- Chickadee
- Chickpea
- Chimera – It’s a bit creepy, but could be good for a cat with dual personalities.
- Chinook – A warm wind.
- Chloe
- Chowda or Chowder
- Christmas – A joyous season, and even more fitting if that’s when you got your cat!
- Cinderella – For the kind and gentle cats, not for the evil Lucifer cat who is in the legendary Disney cartoon.
- Cinnamon – A cool name if you got your cat in the fall, and she is a deep auburn color.
- Circe – A great supernatural Greek name for kitties.
- Clarabell – Just because it’s a cow’s name doesn’t mean it’s not cute!
- Clarissa
- Clawdia
- Cleopatra – The beautiful Egyptian queen with striking eye makeup.
- Clementine
- Clover – Your cat can bring you good luck this way!
- CoCo – Name for cocoa or for Coco Chanel.
- Cordelia- For Buffy & Angel fans!
- Coral – Perfect for orange kitties.
- Coraline – for Neil Gaiman fans
- Comstock – It was one of Angela’s cats in The Office
- Cookie – You can add “monster” behind it if you’d like.
- Cotton
- Cupcake – For the sweet cats that are small in stature.
For girls, it was easy to find names to match their exterior beauty. We even found some really graceful names like Calla Lily and Cashmere.
Our very favorite names from each list would be Catsby and Calla Lily.
The world of cat names starting with “C” offers a delightful range of options for feline companions.
From charming and classic to creative and clever, these names perfectly capture the essence of our beloved cats.
Finding the ideal “C” name for your cat is a meaningful way to celebrate their individuality and build a stronger connection with your furry friend.
Let your imagination run wild and discover the purrfect “C” name that perfectly reflects your cat’s unique personality.

I had no idea you could come up with a list of 100 cat names that start with c, but omg you did it! How fun and clever. I don’t know if I could choose just one of these cat names that start with c, they’re allll soo cute!
I always like Charlie if I had a cat or a dog. Sucha cute name!
Love all of these, we usually pick movie themed names.
There are so many great names here. I always love seeing the ideas you have for naming.
So many unique and interesting names for cats! I love so many of them.
These are some great names. I see a few on here that I really love. If I ever get another cat, I think I’ll name it with a C as a see one I really love.
So many cute names to pick from. I love Copper and Cashmere.
There are so many great names on this list! I love Cabbage Patch and Cash the best!
These are definitely cute names and I would love to give a name of Casper or Checker for my new cats. Thank you for giving these lists.
There are so many cute names here! I love the name Clover.
There are a lot of really cute names on this list. One of the hardest parts of having a pet is coming up with a name every one in the family can agree on.
These are such beautiful cat names! I love them all.